CE203LFall2022 PLO Attainment (SECTION-B)

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Attainment of PLOs

Semester: Fall, 2022

Course Code: CE203L Course Title: Mechanics of Solids Section: B

Resource Person: Syed Muneeb Haider Email: muneeb.haider@umt.edu.pk

S.# Participant Id q Attainment of PLOs (%) Code Sem

PLOs► 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 F2021132037 66 75 75 71 CE203L F2022
2 F2021132038 64 100 100 97 CE203L F2022
3 F2021132039 53 75 75 73 CE203L F2022
4 F2021132040 69 75 75 78 CE203L F2022
5 F2021132048 52 50 50 52 CE203L F2022
6 F2021132049 62 95 95 94 CE203L F2022
7 F2021132053 84 100 95 96 CE203L F2022
8 F2021132055 73 95 95 98 CE203L F2022
9 F2021132064 63 70 75 71 CE203L F2022
10 F2021132065 57 95 95 88 CE203L F2022
11 F2021132046 67 55 55 53 CE203L F2022

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