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a reasonable cost," by reconstituting the nation's Proposition 13 in California.

This climate is
anemic network of state and local health planning marked by concern for a balanced budget and re-
agencies. duced social spending, a desire to turn back the
Now, four years later, that network is largely
in place. Yet in those few years since its inception,
the political and economic environment has
changed dramatically, placing new demands on The cost of health care is expected
the nation's health planning effort that it is to reach $1 trillion by the year
ill-designed to meet. Foremost among these is
the pressure to control spiralling health care
2000, consuming over 12 percent
costs-now the dominant theme of federal health of the Gross National Product. Mean-
policy. while, hospital cost control legisla-
The following article chronicles those growing tion is sitting stalled in Congress for
cost control pressures, examines the ways in which the second year in a row
the nation's health planning network has been,
in part intentionally, ill-equipped for this respons-
ibility, and discusses its likely impact on the future
shape of health planning. regulatory role of government, and a penchant,
A Legislative Preview unfortunately missing in more expansive times,
to examine carefully the effectiveness of tax-sup-
Congress offered a preview of mounting cost ported programs. The result is intense pressure
control, anti-regulatory and special interest forces on existing health agencies, particularly regul-
when the original authorization for PL93-641 atory ones, to show their effectiveness, and there
expired last year. The attempt to renew this can be no doubt in this case about the definition
authorization and to strengthen the law resulted of effectiveness: it is cost control. Evidences of
in a legislative standoff. Congress finally passed this pressure abound:
a one-year continuing resolution to maintain Early last year the Administration abruptly
PL93-641 and fund it as before, postponing until announced plans to abolish the Professional Stand-
this year resolution of the conflict among these ards Review Organization (PSRO) program be-
contending forces. cause it had proven ineffective in regulating costs.
The most powerful of these forces is the pres- This, in spite of the fact that PSROs were osten-
sure to control rising health care costs. National sibly created to assure the quality and approp-
health expenditures have risen inexorably, reach- riateness of health care services, not to control
ing a total of $163 billion last year, or $737 per costs. Following expressions of shock, the Admini-
capita. A recent HEW study predicts that the stration retreated to the position that PSROs
tab will reach $1 trillion by the year 2000, con- must, for the coming year, demonstrate cost
suming over 12 percent of the GNP. The largest savings at least equivalent to their program costs.
and most rapidly rising portion of these are Then, in the fall, HEW Secretary Joseph Cali-
hospital costs, fueled by the generous reimburse- fano summarily fired Robert Derzon, head of
ment policies of Medicare and Medicaid which HEW's Health Care Financing Administration
now pay over half of all the nation's hospital (HCFA), for proceeding too slowly with Medi-
costs. care-Medicaid reform.
The pressure to control these costs is intense, HEW's cost control concerns were further mani-
stemming not only from internal budget impera- fest by the issuance in August of the National
tives, but from such external sources as business Standards for Health Planning, a major policy e-
and labor as well. Meanwhile, hospital cost control dict to the nation's health planning agencies. These
legislation-centerpiece of Carter health care pol- standards, which address the minimum size, utili-
icy-is sitting stalled in Congress for the second zation and need for health facilities, are intended
year in a row. to constitute the basis upon which to begin shrink-
Growing cost control pressures coincide, more- ing the health system. HSAs must now apply these
over, * with an increasingly conservative political
2 climate ushered in by the passage last year of Continued on Page 34

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