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unskilled housekeeping workers.

The hospital saves money by us-

Vital Signs ing the less expensive supplies and
equipment produced by Service-
Master, and by getting the em-
ployees to work more efficiently.
ServiceMaster is growing ra-
pidly, and currently has opera-
tions in 742 hospitals which ge-
nerated revenues of $275 mil-
lion in 1978-triple the level of
HOLIER THAN five years ago. But, according
THOU. . .AND to the February 19th Business
MORE PROFITABLE: Week, what sets ServiceMaster
apart from its rivals is not so
CLEANING UP ON much its growth as its explicit-
HOSPITAL HOUSE- ly religious orientation. Its cor-
KEEPING porate goals are "to honor God
in all we do, to help people de-
The heads of this organization velop, to pursue* excellence, to
provide individual instruction to grow profitably." In a strange
hospital housekeepers on the most place, perhaps, but nevertheless
efficient cleaning methods. They an explicit statement of the ca-
work side by side with the clean- pitalist variant of "people be-
ing staff, where topics such as the fore profits" credo.
hospital's latest advances in open- It should be noted that Bu-
heart surgery are discussed-and siness Week quoted no workers
all during work time. Said Peter in their story so the correlation
K. Read, director of operations at between promise and perfor-
St. Luke's Hospital in Cleveland, mance is not clear. But it defi-
"Before, these people looked at nitely appears that ServiceMas-
their work as the dirtiest job in ter is trying to do something
the hospital. Now they talk about right. According to Alexander
how their work relates to the Bale, Jr., vice-president for de-
patient." velopment, "Our willingness to
The organization responsible roll up our sleeves and be part
for these innovations is not a pro- of the process communicates
gressive union, not a radical health to people that they are import-
collective, not even a company ant and there is value (in their
where a liberal personnel manager jobs)." This non-eltist ap-
is interested in humanizing menial proach-superficial though it
labor. It is ServiceMaster Indus- may be-probably looks a lot
tries Inc., a thoroughly capitalist better to many workers 'than
company that is making a bundle the attitudes typically display-
helping hospitals cut their house- ed by their hospital bosses. But
keeping costs. Going against the it may backfire when-and if-
trend of many management con- hospital employees begin ask-
sultant firms that contract to run ing why profits are necessary at
entire hospitals, the Chicago-based all.
ServiceMaster specializes in house-
keeping. Its supervisors and in- Source: Business Week, 2/
structors manage the hospital's 19/79.

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