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itself successful and four similar centers were o- to respond to the emergency due to internal con-

pened the following year. flicts over lines of authority, Commissioner

In 1917, District Health Officers were ap-
pointed on a full-time basis and, in 1918, three
more health districts were planned for Brook-
lyn (3). However, growing opposition from the New York City
New York Academy of Medicine and other medi- Department o! Health Firsts
cal societies halted further progress and by 1918
the newly-created District Health Administration
• School nursing service with routine exami-
within the Department had already vanished.
nation of children (1902-1905).
The health center movement was catching on • Employment of public health nurses by
nationally, however. C.E.A. Winslow noted in the Health Department (1902).
1919 that "the most striking and typical de- • Well baby clinic, associated with the dis-
velopment of the public health movement of the pensing of free milk (1908).
present day is the health center." A 1919 Red • Laboratory for making serologic tests for
Cross survey revealed 72 health centers in 49 syphilis and fixation tests for gonorrhea
American communities, with 33 more planned, (1912).
most under public control. By 1930, a White • Venereal disease clinics (1913).
House conference had obtained data from 1,511
• Bureau of Health Education (1914).
major and minor health centers in the United
• Dental clinics in public schools but under
States (4).
control of Health Department (1921).
In 1929, a plan for the consolidation of district • Nutrition education service (1932).
administration was developed under Health Com-
• Cardiac consultation clinics (1948).
missioner Shirley W. Wynne. The plan proposed
30 districts throughout the City, each with a
health center serving as headquarters for both
the field activities of the Department and private Mustard made them "responsible for all local-
health and welfare agencies. Impressed, Mayor ized activities of DOH in their districts. . . .which
James J. Walker appropriated money the fol- heretofore were directed by the respective bureaus
lowing year for the implementation of this plan. in central office, and [gave them the] authority
Although this funding was later withdrawn be- to make any necessary decisions and allocations
cause of the Depression, a persistent Commissioner of personnel." This gave the district health of-
Wynne managed to procure funds to establish sev- ficers the strongest authority that they ever had,
en centers in the City's worst "sore spots." In and went a long way toward allowing them to
1934, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia endorsed the gain control over activites within the districts
district health program, declaring, "We are going during the following decade (3).
to have other health centers all over the city be- The early 1960s witnessed a shift toward a
cause the people have a right to be healthy." new standard of comprehensive care, and the
In spite of such support, the seven function- Department, with the help of federal funding,
ing districts found themselves continuously em- set up new programs for geriatrics, pediatrics and
broiled in conflict. Within the Department con- generalized medical care in the districts. Prenatal
flict existed between the Department's special- and tuberculosis clinics were expanded and were
ized services, centrally-based in Bureaus, and the affiliated with hospitals. Twenty Child Health
more general, community-based District services. Stations, which functioned as satellites of the Dis-
External attacks were also frequent as the District trict Centers, were converted and upgraded to
services seemed to represent the most clearcut Pediatric Treatment Centers (providing both sick-
challenge to those in private medical practice. and well-child services). Nationally, the War on
Thus, while the district health system continued Poverty witnessed legislation creating OEO Neigh-
to grow, its progress was constantly stymied by borhood Health Centers (NHCs), and seven such
these built-in conflicts. NHCs were soon created in New York City.
Following a 1947 blizzard, in which the dis- The Model Cities and Comprehensive Health
trict health officers were impaired in their ability Planning programs also facilitated community 9

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