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Direct Service Cutbacks: 1974-1978

Child Health Stations Eye Clinics

Child Health Stations provide such free preven- Department of Health Eye Clinics primarily pro-
tive services as new-born infant care; well-child vide screening for eye pathology and correc-
evaluation; growth and evaluation assessment; tion of vision problems, usually refractive er-
child health assurance programs (CHAP); im- rors. The program is for children only. There is
munizations; screening for treatable disorders; little follow-up as patients are referred to lo-
parent counseling and education; and women, cal practitioners. The clinics are staffed by De-
infant, and children (WIC) supplemental feeding partment optometrists and opthamologists (8).
programs. 22 Child Health Stations which have Between 1974 and 1978, 12 of an original
been upgraded to Pediatric Treatment Centers 22 Eye Clinics were closed, a 55% reduction.
also provide primary medical care for sick chil- Annual hours for physicians and public health
dren up to age twelve (8). assistants have also been reduced by 50%, as
During the period between July 1, 1974 and have both volume of service and costs ($206,000
July 1, 1976, 20 of the original 78 Child Health in 1973-74 to $104,843 in 1976-77). The com-
Stations and Pediatric Treatment Centers were plete closure of all DOH Eye Clinics has been pro-
closed, a 26% drop. Between FY 73-74 and FY posed and considered at various times since the
76-77, there has been approximately an 8% re- onset of the fiscal crisis.
duction in visits to Child Health Stations. In Social Hygiene Clinics
the same period, there has been a 10% reduc- DOH operated Venereal Disease Clinics
tion in physician hours, a 13% reduction in public throughout the city, providing free care for screen-
health nursing hours and an 18% drop in public ing, contact investigation and case finding. The
health assistant hours. program involves intake, laboratory, physician
Dental Services diagnosis and treatment (8).
Dental services which had included examina- Between FY 73-74 and FY 76-77, two clinics
tion, treatment, prevention and education, have were closed, physician hours were cut by 20%,
been cut significantly since 1974. At that time, public health assistants' hours were cut by 25%
there were 27 clinics situated in Health Centers and public health nurses' hours were cut by
and 164 in schools. In 1978, there were only 12%. However, total patient visits increased by
18 Health Center clinics and 105 school clinics 3% during this period.
remaining, about a 33% drop in both instances. Public Health, Social Work,
Between FY 74-75 and FY 76-77, direct clinic Nutrition and Education
expenditures were reduced by 45%. Dental ser- Since 1974 these three programs have been
vices suffered a 47% reduction in annual dentist virtually eliminated. Only a small core of these
hours, a 56% reduction in annual dental hygienist health professionals is still retained in the Central
hours and a 46% drop in annual dental assistant Office of District Health Services to lend support
hours. to the few remaining district programs. Nutrition
Chest Clinics counseling to low income and disadvantaged
The Department of Health operates Chest mothers and the elderly has been drastically
Clinics in both its own District Health Centers curtailed as have such health education activi-
and in municipal hospitals. Health Center Clinics ties as consumer education, participation in health
provide screening exams, x-rays, sputum induc- planning and health consumer advisory commit-
tion, case finding and treatment for patients with tees, school health education programs, hos-
tuberculosis and associated diseases (8). Between pital staff and patients' education programs, ma-
1974 and 1978, the number of Chest Clinics in ternal and child health and family planning pro-
District Services have been cut by 35%, from 27 grams. By 1975, there were no social workers
in 1974 to 17 in 1978. left at decentralized service facilities, and referrals

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