PG 0015

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free services was a major contributing factor to time Pediatric Treatment Centers, while closing

the City's virtual bankruptcy. many others. Isolated Chest Clinics were closed
This philosophical position was reinforced by and chest-tuberculosis clinics, which primarily
the belief that District Health Services contained
a great deal of "fat." According to Deputy Com-
missioner Mustalish, there was a lot of "excess
personnel, second rate people, inappropriate Decisions to cut services and/or
activity and ineffectual programs. Many of the
cuts were long overdue." He felt that the budget
spending were, at times, 'very pain-
cuts were good overall decisions, giving the De- ful' for those involved. However, it
partment an opportunity to clean house and to would be a mistake to assume that
bring the District Services system up to date. those who played key policy-
This point of view breaks sharply with the making roles during the fiscal crisis
traditional model of public health services deliv- were simply following orders. Some
ery. Since 1974, instead of delivery based on brought an ideology opposed to
need, the DOH has moved toward delivery based
on demand. The shift is from a service to a mar-
public sector services into office
ket model. The criteria for reducing services was with them
not declining community need, but utilization
statistics and short-run measures of efficiency.
No doubt, this change of focus from what Dean served drug addicts, alcoholics and the aged,
Wegman remembers as "everything that might were transferred into hospital settings. Two part-
affect a citizen's health," to what Drs. Bellin and time VD clinics were closed and the rest upgraded
Imperato call a "lifeboat mentality," was partly to full-time operations.
a consequence of the fiscal crisis. Some cuts were The DOH officials used several rationales to
laudable efforts to weed out actual fat from Dis- justify reductions. Eye Clinics, sickle cell screen-
trict Services programs. Health officers who were ing, lead poisoning case finding and school health
second rate and ineffectual, according to Dr. Mus- examinations were cut back because they lacked
talish, were dropped or forced into retirement. follow-up; Immunization Clinics (for adults and
Physicians who were being paid salaries without travelers), CHAP (Child Health Assurance Pro-
ever working, including one earning $25,000 an- gram) in day care centers, and school health
nually as director of a tropical disease clinic who because they duplicated services; and dental care
had not had a case in years, were dropped as well. because, in Dr. Bellip's words, "Nobody ever died
DOH planners also considered the master plan of bad teeth and bad gums. I had to weigh that
for District Health Services, drawn up in the against diphtheria innoculations. I didn't have
1930s, as hopelessly dated. Demographic shifts money for both."
had left Health Centers in areas that did not The Commissioners' choices were not easy.
need them, because other providers were avail- In a recent interview, Dr. Bellin noted, "It was a
able. The Lower East Side Health Center's lo- very painful time to be Commissioner. These cuts
cation on "hospital row," distant from the slums, had to be made. None of us enjoyed it."
was cited as one reason for closing it. (Some While City officials continued to cut back the
agencies that formerly occupied the DOH build- personal health services of DOH, the Department's
ings as part of their "in kind contributions to regulatory and monitoring functions were coming
federal and state programs were able to take over under attack from another quarter. Beginning
the facilities following the removal of DOH in the late 1960s the New York State Health De-
programs and personnel.) partment began usurping many City DOH func-
Scattered categorical programs often competed tions and asserting increasing control over the ci-
with programs offering more comprehensive ty's health activities. The regulation of the Medic-
medical care. In the case of well-baby clinics, aid and Ghetto Medicine programs; inspection of
for example, their declining registration (without hospitals, nursing homes and supermarkets; and
a comparable reduction in services) was used to certain environmental activities eventually passed
justify upgrading a few into comprehensive, full- into State hands.

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