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Writing Task 2 (Agree or Disagree Essay)

Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the modern era, eating habits play an important role in people’s lives. There is a belief that
everyone should eliminate meat from their meal on a daily basis in order to improve their well-
being. I partly agree with this opinion.
There are a variety of reasons why becoming vegetarian is beneficial. Firstly, vegetables contain
various kinks of nutrition which are playing a crucial role in health protection and reducing the
high risk of illnesses. For instance, being low in fat and no cholesterol, tomatoes could keep
people safe from heart disease, high blood pressure or obesity. Secondly, eating vegetables
provides a large number of calories which are converted to our energy for working all day long.
For example, cereal, which is one of the most popular types of breakfast meal, is a great source
of Vitamins and if people use it in the morning, they can obviously have a hard-working day in
the highest performance.
However, it is difficult for people to switch to a vegetarian diet because of the lack of necessary
knowledge about the origin of food as well as the amount of protein needed in a day. If
vegetarians' daily meals are not balanced, calories might be not enough to meet their energy
requirements. This will create a feeling of fatigue or anger and as a result, they cannot do
anything energetically. In addition, vegan often spend more time than meat eaters because
there are not many choices for them to choose when eating in a restaurant . Therefore, they
have to cook their own meals at home, which is waste of time and money.
To conclude, although a vegetarian diets help to strengthen people’s health and get rid of some
potential diseases, it is undeniable that meat still plays a vital role in our daily life in terms of
providing rich sources of nutrients.
Writing Task 1:
The line graph illustrates the comparison of the three types of crimes in New Port city center
between 2003 and 2012. Overall, the criminal cases fluctuated over the 10-year period, the
number of burglary and car theft incidents were way higher than robbery.
At the first glance, burglary showed a drastic increase from nearly 3400 in 2003 to more than
3700 in 2004, however, it plummeted and touched the lowest point of 1400 in 2008. The figure
slightly rose to 1500 in 2009, and it then remained unchanged to the end of given period.
The number of car theft cases experienced a steady level of incidents from 2003 to 2004. The
data dramatically declined to 2000 in 2006, it then went up and down from 2006 to 2012.
In contrast, robbery reached its peak in 2005, which was 900 cases and decreased to 500 in
2008. In the following two years, the number of incidences rose to 700 and continued to stay at
this level till 2012.

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