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The Undersigned certify that She has read here by recommended for the acceptance by the
Centre for Foreign Relations a Field Work Report title : Julius Nyerere International
Convention Centre, in partial of the requirement of for the Diploma in International Relation
and Diplomacy.


MR. Lenny Majigo Mwijarubi

(CFR Supervisor)

Date: ………………………….


First and foremost I would like to thank God For given me the power to believe in myself and
pursue my dreams. I could never have done this without the faith I have in you, the Almighty.

I am heartily thankful to my family especially My Brother , Dad and Mom for the continuous
support they have given me through my time in field training; I could not have done it without
them. Second, I would like to thank my field supervisor, Faraja Sull , whose encourage, guidance
and support from initial to the final level enabled me to develop an understanding International
Relations works.

I also owe my deepest gratitude to my colleagues’ fellow students whom we interned together at
JNCC without forgotten my external supervisor Lenny Majigo Mwijarubi and all staff members
of JNICC for their cooperation they gave me during field time.


These study of the Field work practice at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre
helped to apply the theory which I learnt in the classroom to really working situation .These
report consist the description of the CFR, Importance and Objective of it, Secondly Description
of the agency (JNICC), problems , challenges as well as conclusion and recommendation.


CFR Center For Foreign Relation

AICC Arusha International Convention Center

JNICC Julius Nyerere International Convention Center

VIP Very Important Person

MFAIC Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And International Cooperation


List Of Abriviations……………..……………………………..………………………….……...iv
Table Of Contents…………………………………..………………………….………..………...v


1.1. Description of the center...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Importance of the field work.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives of the field work.......................................................................................................2

2.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE AGENCY................................................................................................2

2.1 Agency Background……………………………………………………..……………………7
2.2 Organization structure of the agence.........................................................................................3
2.2.1 Mission...................................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Vision......................................................................................................................................4
2.3Main Stakeholder........................................................................................................................4

3.0 TASKS PERFORMENED DURING THE FIELD...........................................................................4

3.1 Summery of the Task Done…………………………………………………………………...9
3.2 First case/Task...........................................................................................................................5
3.3 Second case/ Task......................................................................................................................5

4.0 PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES ENCOUNTED................................................................5

4.1 Problems....................................................................................................................................5
4.2 Challenge...................................................................................................................................6

5.0. STUDENTS OBSERVATION...........................................................................................................7

6.0 CONCLUTION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................9
6.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................................9
6.2 Recommendations......................................................................................................................9

7.0 REFERENCE.........................................................................................................................11


1.1 Description of the Center

The Mozambique – Tanzania Center for Foreign Relations (CFR) is one of the higher leaning
institution in Tanzania .The Centre was established in 1978 following an agreement between the
government of the Republic of Mozambique and United Republic of Tanzania. The Centre
enjoys a diplomatic status incorporated in Immunities and Privilege ACT No. 5 (1986) .

These incorporation conferred the Centre with the status of Diplomatic Institution , a stutus
which the Center continues to enjoy to date.

The centre was originally designed to train Foreign Services offers of the Ministries of Foreign
Affair of the two countries in the field of the International Relations And Diplomacy.

However , The expansion of foreign police constituency and the demand for each country raise
out of global change enabled the centre to admit students from other ministries , government
institutions, the private sector as well as from other counties .To meet the above changes,
Languages and Communication Skills and Strategic studies.

International Relation is an Important b discipline offered in other higher learning institutions.

However, the center combines the study of international Relations And Diplomacy into one
meaningful training programme. Moreover, the centre offers a comprehensive progrmme for
the low and medium level government and private sector personnel dealing with International
Relations and Diplomacy.

1.2 Importance of the Field Work

The field work its very important on apply the knowledge of International Relations and
Diplomacy in the really working place . interaction with different people such as profession
diplomats , ministers and other Government official also increase the knowledge and competence
in the labor market.

1.3 Enrich students’ theoretical and practical understandings through firsthand
 To gain knowledge and skills in each duties and responsibilities assigned
 It provides an opportunity to students to learn by observing, participating and doing and it
allows for contextualized and integrated learning based on direct interaction with ground
 It also enhances and prepares skills of fieldwork, research, documentation, presentation and
 To enhance and strengthen linkages between Institute of Accountancy and various
 To enhance student’s skills, knowledge, work abilities, attitude towards his/her area of
specialization, develops habits of rigorous thinking and gets exposed to managerial


2.1 Agency Background

The Julies Nyerere International conversation center (JNICC) , A part of the arusha international
conversation center (AICC) is purpose built conversation centre in Dar -salaam city a major
gateway to the world renowned”, southern tourist circuit” , coastal tourist circuit” and Zanzibar
in Tanzania with sophisticated audio – video , communication and information
technology .JNICC can accommodate 10- 100w delegates. Reference from JNICC Annual
Report Books 2014/2015.

It was Chines who design and built the multi- million dollar following a formal request made by
Tanzania during on of the official visit by President Jakaya Kikwete to the East county which
has assisted Tanzania in a number of mega project since the 1960s.Deus Kulwa, the convention
center Manager explain how it all started: Our Chinese friends asked the President what their
country would do to Tanzania these time around ? “ Our President Kikwete emphatically said his
priority was to have a modern conference centre in Dar salaam ‘ That set in motion processes
that led to the realization of a convention centre which is aimed to tap the potential of major
conferences that the institution based in Dar salaam organize each year.

2.2 Organization structure of the Agency











Figure 1: Source: AICC Investments Prospectors 2014 – 2020

2.2.1 Mission
To promote and provide quality business tourism services to national and International clienteles
for enhanced national, social and economic development

2.2.2 Vision
To be model and enable of business tourism.

2.3Main Stakeholder
 Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC).
 Ministry of Foreign Affair, East Africa, Regional and International Co- operation.
 Government of Tanzania
 Private Company
 Hotels and Tourism Sector
 Embassies
 Supplies and Individuals


3.1 Summary of the Tasks Done

As the task of JNICC based on offering National and International event therefore even my
work done at the centre always was based on preparing the halls or Conference rooms according
to the concerned event seating arrangement. Also, I played the role as Protocol officer in the
different events by welcoming delegates and directing them to the conference rooms and other
places like rooms for breakfast and lunch. Most of the time in I remained in my office and
prepared proforma and tax invoices and sometimes sent them to the record management office . I
also, sent the letters of balance payment from different ministries like Ministry of Foreign and
International Co-operation (MFAIC).

In a few days I played the role as receptionist of the centre. But they main task did during Field
Work Practice was based on three main thing which are:

- Receiving of the guest in Selous Hall for the Conference of Bakwata , Kongomano la Madawa
ya Kulevya. Also played the of protocol officer , Also I was arranging the Chair in Ruha and
direct the Guest in Ruaha Hall for the Conference of Tanzania and South Africa.

-To prepare the proforma and tax invoices payment, field scanned it, sent the letter of balance
payment of the client to their office accordingly, also played the role of protocol officer and as

JNICC had of events, but I analyzed the few which attended by United Republic of Tanzania
leaders and others were attended by leaders from outside the country.

3.2 First Task

The event took place on the 5th July, 2017 which by the President of Tanzania Honorable: Dr
John Pombe Magufuli and Honorable Jakob Zuma, name of the event was (TANZANIA AND
SOUTH AFRICA CONFERRENCE). Classroom knowledge was applied practically by handling
and received him and other delegates with the cooperate of the officer of defenses and security of
the leaders at the VIP room for breaks later on, at the conference hall for speech and launching it.
The played role was protocol officer.

Also I received guests at the reception surveyed the building further.

3.3 Second case/ Task

I remained at the office for preparing the performers and tax invoices of the clients’ payment
with assisted by the conference officers and other staff members. Also, scanned of those
invoices, photocopied it as well as field. Lastly I printed the signage which direct the conference
room or hall of the meeting of that day. Also I was Arranging the seat in Mafia room for the
conference of Tan trades. Not only that but also Many activities performed concern on receiving
of guest


4.1 Problems

During the whole period of the field work practical at JNICC. The problems and challenges which
happened ware :

Coordination failure, Some tasks were not organized by the member staff as we were receiving
order from different sides one can say after that you are being blamed by the conference officers as to
why did that.

4.2 Challenge

Challenge of Transport and Meal Allowance, This is the big challenge which I was faced
in the Organization at that period of my trainee, in the organization there is know any meal and
most of the students who do trainee he or she has got hard time because of not enough money.

Insufficient of office furniture, some of furniture’s were not enough which lead to
shortage of chairs as a result you find someday when all employees arrive at office you have to
rotate around the office due to lack of seats.

Some of task we were not allowed to perform, Because our trainer fears poor condition of
work performed, as result so each and everything we were doing under the supervision.

Long working hours , During the time of practical , we are required to remain up to
late hours without paid any bonus just for transport.

The field worker has learned and observed physically all protocol issues are handled to various
levels of delegated, starting from the normal delegates to the very impotent person (VIP) .

Hence, there was linkage of the class work prior to the field work practice.

Also, the unity and good cooperation of the staff on making sure the mission and the vision of
the Agency be succeeded.

Also The following are the many relationship between what I learned in class and what I
was done during field work as follow;

Office practice and responsibility, Events are the occurrences that occur in the
organization with different purposes like educating the community or providing social help as a
part of Corporate Social Responsibility. At the field place, this takes place to undertake
exhibitions on launching the services to the newly geographical destinations

Clear Communication Skills, This including handling of the information in the Corporation
to ensure the information are saved and secured and can be obtained when needed.

In the market place, this has been fulfilled through having potential system to control and secure
information of the customers in order to serve them efficiently.


Analytical and problem solving skills, This skill has been learned in the Corporation that
aimed at combating the encountered problems and solving them to make the good atmosphere.
With this skill, it enables me to be in position and aware on combating some problems when
encountered in the work place

Decision making skills, With this acquired skills, it makes the power on making the
decisions that are potential and worthy towards to the Organization. The decision making
capability has enabling the running of the corporate business especially in strategic decision and

Stress Management skills, Whether job stress or personal ones, generally are the
interference forces that can disturb the individual’s working personality. On having the Stress
Management Skills, it leads the way to drive out the stress and ensuring smooth running of the
individual and Organization at large.


6.1 Conclusion

Generally, I enjoyed working with this firm and I managed to meet my expectations. New things

which I learn help me to broaden my International relation knowledge while the problems I faced

were solved. Therefore practical training session is essential and should be carried on for

students to be competent in what they have been taught theoretically.

During the practical training there were some of challenges faces the students as a part of

fulfilling their studies, the major challenges arises during the practical training that could not be

escape as in any of the organization carrying its business.

6.2 Recommendations

Recommendations to the centre of foreign Relation (CFR)

-To increase time of conducting the field at list eight months in order to ger more experience.

-To help the students by providing the finance support during the field period in order to
minimize different cost incurred during field training period.

-To improve a good relationship between both sectors, College and the institute or organizations
in order to get field easily.

-Lastly, l recommend that the Institute under various departments should create a toll free help
line for the students on field or even design a website basically for the field purposes so that in
long ran they can easily share challenges freely while in the field.

Recommendations to the Agency
All staff should around in the office on time because there are some staff always was coming
late in the office not only that but also all staff should available in the office at any time to
provide services .

Also the Agency should organize and pay bonus to students during the Field practical even
Transport cost and meals allowance .

Also they should be fixed time for field works to do the field practically .


CFR.2016 Retrieved on the 9 th August , from the World Wide Web. http//=www.cfr.co.tz

JNICC .2016 Reading on the Background of retrieved on the 10 th August 2016, from the world
wide web .http//=www.jnicc.co.tz

JNICC.2016 Reading on the mission and vision of Julius Nyerere International convention
Center, retrieved on the 15 th August. From the Word Wide Web http//=www.jnicc.co.tz


From Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre where we did our filed (JNICC) , from 25 th
April 2017. We receive warmly welcome by our supervisor Mrs.Faraja Sulli, the protocol and
public relations officer (PPRO) then took us to JNICC manager Mr. Deus kulwa . where we get
brief information about the agency works and show us the certificate of qualified to have been
status of International conversation , He also gave us warmly welcome and advised on working
hard and corporation among us ( field students) and JNICC Staff for Success once he finished
that gives the chance to ask any question about the agency, later on our field supervisor took us
around to see different halls and roms uses for meeting which had different capacity and names
of our endowed national parks and mounts like MT.Kilimanjaro, Mikumi, Selous and so on.

Within these two weeks we perform different activities as follows:

Receive the clients who came for booking of the conference halls or rooms. Also assist in the
meeting room for any issue raised (USHERS), welcoming delegates, arrange the seating style as
per clients request like U-shape, class room, theatre and half moon shape.

I also experienced many things as follows:

How to organize and prepare the conference/meeting, also prepare proforma invoice and tax
invoice, division of the duties on different working place lastly but not least share of the data
during working hours in the office(Good communication).

Name: Maida Mohamed Masoud



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