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1.“Skin is a protective barrier of the body.” Give two examples to justify this statement.
2. Rearrange the table related to the role of body fluids in defense suitably

3. Identify the relationship between the words and fill in the blanks
a) Heartbeat: Stethoscope
Blood pressure: _________________
b) White blood cells:5000-10000/ml of blood
Platelets: _________________
4. Complete the illustration on the role of white blood cells

5. Different processes involved in the inflammatory response are given below. Arrange them properly
in the form of a flow chart
• White blood cells reach the wound site through the walls of the capillaries.
• Chemicals are produced • Neutrophils and monocytes engulf and destroy germs.
• Germs enter through wounds
• Blood capillaries dilate.
6. Observe the illustration and answer the questions
a) Identify the process mentioned in the illustration
b) Name the blood cell to involve in this process
c) What is the role of lysosomes in this process?
7. “ Fever is a defense mechanism, but heavy fever is dangerous to health “ Analyse the statement and
form inferences.
8. Find out the odd one and write the reasons
1. a) Lignin b) keratin c) suberin d) cutin
2. a) BCG b) O.P.V c) M.R.I d) M.M.R
9. Complete the flow chart regarding the clotting of blood.

10. Some facts regarding lymphocytes are given below. Tabulate them by giving proper headings
•Neutralise the toxin of the antigens.
•Destroy the cells affected by the virus.
•Destroy the bacteria by disintegrating their cell membrane.
•Destroy cancer cells.
•Destroy the pathogens by stimulating other white blood cells.
11. Correct and rewrite, if there is a mistake in the underlined portion of the statement
a) The defense mechanism that identifies the structure of each antigen and destroys it specifically is
called specific defense.
b) Monocytes in lymph destroy the disease-causing bacteria in lymph nodes and spleen.
c) Lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow are called T lymphocytes
12. Some of the processes related to defense are given below. Choose the process related to a specific
• Phagocytosis
• Inflammatory response
• Production of antibodies
• Clotting of blood
13. One of the opinions which arouse during a discussion on vaccines is stated below. Analyze it and
answer the questions. “ It is the pathogens that are injected during vaccination. Doesn’t the entry of
pathogens into the body increases the chance to cause disease”?
a) Do you agree with the statement? Write your opinion.
b) What are the different components of pathogens that become part of vaccine?
14. Choose the correct pair from the following:
BCG --- Rabies
MMR --- Mumps
T T -- Smallpox
OPV --- Polio
15. ‘This is the treatment method that has emerged from India and is in harmony with nature
a) Which treatment method is mentioned above? Write its importance
b) Write the name of two other treatment methods prevalent in India.
16 Write two slogans to encourage people to receive the vaccine
17. Modern diagnostic tools and their uses are given below. Make them into suitable pairs
eg: Ultra Sound Scanner — to understand the structure of internal organs using ultrasonic sound waves.

18. Rewrite if there is a mistake in the underlined portions

• Sammuel Haniman paved the way for modern medicine
• Gregor Mendel first discovered antibiotics.
• Edward Jenner started the immunization process.
19. Complete the table related to specializations in modern medicine
20. Analyse the newspaper report and answer the questions:

a) How does increased usage of antibiotics affect the pathogens?

b) Write two examples of the side effects caused due to the regular use of antibiotics
21. Write four important ideas which focus on the importance of blood donation that can be included
in a science article.
22. Complete the table related to blood groups suitably

23 Analyse the statement given below and answer the questions ‘Even though I can donate blood to
almost everyone I cannot donate blood to people with negative blood group.”
a) Identify the blood group of the above-mentioned individual.
b) Name the antigens and antibodies which is related to the blood group, present in the individual’s
c) What scientific explanation will you give for the above statement?
24. Complete the illustration related to defence in plants :
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
1. According to Mendel, the character of the first-generation plant is:
a) Any one of the traits of the parents.
b) Traits of both parents.
c) Trait of the female parent.
d) Trait of the male parent.
2. When a tall pea plant is crossed with a dwarf pea plant, in the first generation;
a) Only tallness is observed.
b) Only dwarfness is observed.
c) Medium height was observed by mixing the tall and dwarf traits.
d) Tallness was hidden.
3. The factors responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits described by Mendel are:
a) Chromosomes
b) DNA
c) Genes
d) Alleles
4. A nitrogen base of the DNA molecule is attached to
a) To the ribose sugar
b) To the deoxyribose sugar
c) To the nucleotide
d) To the phosphate molecule
5. Choose the correct statement related to human chromosomes:
a) There are 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes in human beings.
b) There are two types of somatic chromosomes in human beings.
c) The genetic makeup of female is 22+XX.
d) The genetic makeup of females is 22+YY.
6. The hybridization experiment between a tall pea plant with a dwarf pea plant is illustrated below.

a) Identify the factors for the contrasting traits in the male and female parents. Identify the factors in
their gametes.
b) What are the dominant and recessive traits in this experiment?
c) Write the factors for the traits in the F1 generation.
7. When the second generation is raised by self-pollinating the first generation plant is produced as a
result of the hybridization between tall and dwarf plants;
a) Which characters appear in the second generation? Write the ratio of these characters.
b) Give the reason for the appearance of the recessive trait in the second generation, which is hidden in
the first generation
8. When a tall round seeded plant is crossed with a dwarf wrinkled seeded one, the F1 generation plant
TtRr is formed.
a) What are the factors in the gametes produced from the parental plants?
b) Identify the factors which took part in the self-pollination of the first generation.
c) What are the characters produced in the first generation?
d) Give the characters that are newly appeared in the second generation
9. Given below is the illustration of a nucleotide.

a) Which molecule is indicated as ‘X’?

b) Which molecule is indicated as ‘Y’?
c) Identify the molecule indicated as ‘Z’. Name the molecule to which it is attached.
d) Identify the types of molecules indicated as ‘X’. Name them.
10. Analyse the following illustration and answer the questions.

a) Identify the nitrogen base that pairs with the nitrogen base given the nucleotide.
b) Name the nitrogen bases found in RNA.
c) Illustrate the complementary nucleotide.
11. RNA molecule differs from DNA.
a) Write the differences in the sugar molecules of RNA and DNA.
b) What molecules are similar in both of them?
c) Write the differences in the number of strands in both of them
d) Identify the similarities and differences in the nitrogen bases present in them.
12. Activities in the synthesis of proteins are given below. Arrange them in the correct order.
a) tRNA conveys different amino acids in ribosomes.
b) The specific DNA parts produce mRNA molecules.
c) Due to the action of genes, enzymes responsible for the characters are activated.
d) Amino acids are combined according to the instructions in mRNA.
e) mRNA reaches the ribosome.
f) mRNA reaches outside the nucleus.
13. Complete the following table suitably.

14. Answer the questions given below.

a) Total number of chromosomes in humans -....................
b) Two types of chromosomes in humans -.........................
c) Number of somatic chromosomes in humans -...................
d) Number of somatic chromosomes in sperm -.......................
e) Human sex-determining chromosomes -...............................
f) Number of somatic chromosomes in a female genetic makeup -...................
g) The sex chromosomes in the ovum -......................
h) The sex chromosomes in the sperm -......................
i) Number of somatic chromosomes in the human body -......................
j) Male genetic makeup- ....................
15. Analyse the following illustration and answer the given questions.

a) During the initial phase of meiosis, chromosomes pair. What is the next activity?
b) How does it cause the expression of new characters in offsprings?
16. Write the major fact behind the appearance of variations in the next generation as a result of
17. Mutations play a major part in bringing about changes that can be transmitted over generations.
a) Give the reasons for mutations?
b) How do mutations bring about changes in offsprings?
18. The sex chromosomes in the males determine whether the child is male or female.
a) Write the sex-determining chromosomes in females.
b) Write the sex-determining chromosomes in males.
c) Prepare an illustration showing the sex determination in human beings.
19. Analyse the illustration related to skin color and answer the following questions.

a) Identify tpigment-proteinein mentioned here.

b) Give the reason for the rise or fall in the production of this protein?
c) Is skin colour a means to distinguish between humans? What is your opinion?
1. Understand the word pair relationship and fill in the blanks
a) Arrangement of nucleotides: DNA profiling
Identifying the location of a gene in the DNA: ...........................
c) Restriction endonuclease: Genetic scissors.
...................................: Genetic glue
d) Somatotropin: Growth hormone
e) Interferon: ...........................................
2 Discovery of enzymes that can be used to cut and join genes is the basis of genetic engineering.
a) Name the enzyme used to cut genes.
b) Name the enzyme used to join genes.
3.The protein developed by genetic engineering, which used against viral diseases is called
4. Correct the wrong statements
a) Non functional genes are called vectors
b) The complete genetic material present in an organism is called its genome
c) The technology of identifying the position of a gene in the DNA is called as genetherapy
5.Arrange the following properly in the form of a flow chart.
a) New gene is ligated with the isolated DNA of the bacteria.
b) Ligated gene is inserted in the target cell
c) Isolates the DNA of the bacteria.
6.Observe the illustration and answer the questions
a) Name the enzymes used for processes A and B
b) Does the succeeding generations of the bacterium with the ligated gene have the ability to produce
insulin? Why?
7.What is the role of the factors given below in genetic engineering
a) plasmid
b) Restriction endonuclease
8. Choose the correct pair from those given below:

9. Complete the table suitably

10. Observe the illustration related to genetic engineering and answer the questions

a) Complete the illustration adding the succeeding steps

b) Write the other two scopes of genetic engineering
11 ‘Genes that are responsible for diseases are removed and normal functional genes are inserted in their
a) Name the technology which makes the above statement possible?
b) What is the role of the Human Genome Project in the advancement of such technology?
12 Analyse the news report and answer the questions

The culprit was identified by the genetic analysis

of the blood stain collected from the crime spot

a) Which scientific testing method is mentioned in the news report?

b) What is the scientific basis of this technology
13. ‘One of the future promises of genetic engineering is pharm animals.’ How are Pharm animals
14. ‘Lost child found after years, Identified through DNA testing
a) Name the technology mentioned in the above statement.
b) What is the basis of this technology?
c) Write two scopes of this technology?
15. “Genetic engineering is advantageous as well as disadvantageous to mankind” The subject of
debate in a science class is mentioned above. Write any four points which can be included in the
debate (two points which support and two points which oppose the topic)
1. An argument related to a theory on the origin of life is given in the box.Analyze it and answer the
Life originated in some other planet in the universe, accidentally reached the earth
a) Identify the theory.
b) Which evidence support this theory?
2. The main concepts of Chemical evolution theory is given in the form of an illustration. Complete
the illustration
3.Illustration of the Urey-Miller experiment is given below. Analyze the illustration and answer the

a) Identify the substances labelled as A, B, and C

b) This experiment gave acceptance to which theory of evolution ?
c) What was the inference arrived at based on the experiment.
4. Identify the theory of evolution based on the hint given below
chemical substances in seawater — Primitive cell
5. Complete the table on main stages of origin of life

6. A major theory which explains the history of evolution is given in the form of a flow chart.Analyse
it and answer the questions:
a) Name the scientist who proposed this theory
b) Which concept is explained through this theory
c) What is the importance of this theory?
d) Did the scientific world accept this theory. Why?
7. Complete the illustration related to the theory of natural selection

8. ‘The diversity of finches in the Galapagos Islands led to the formulation of the scientific idea
regarding evolution ‘Give a suitable explanation to the above statement based on Darwinism.
9. Choose the name of the scientists from the box which matches with each of the statements given

Robert Malthus, Stanley Miller, Charles Darwin,

Oparin, Hugo de Vries, Harold Urey, Haldane

a) Proposed Mutation theory

b) Scarcity of food led to diseases, starvation, and struggle for existence.
c) Proponents of Chemical evolution theory.
d) Recreated the atmosphere of primitive earth in the laboratory.
e) Authored the book ‘Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.’
10. Write two facts that support, what extent fossils are helpful in explaining the history of evolution.
11. ‘Neo Darwinism Provides right idea about the origin of new species’. Justify this statement
12. ‘Radiations are used to change the genetic trait of crops‘ Given above is the excerpt from a science
article. Which theory of evolution of species is applied here?
13. Observe the illustration and answer the questions

a) What is the reason for the difference in the external appearance of the forelimbs of these organisms
b) what are the possible conclusions regarding evolution which can be arrived at based on their
c) What is the evidence which leads to support evolution?
14. Analyse the illustration and answer the questions

a) Which evidence of evolution is given by the illustration

b) Does the study of homologous organs provide similar evidence How?
15. Explain with the help of an example how molecular biology becomes evidence with respect to the
evolution of new species.
16. Name of some organisms in the evolutionary tree is given in the box. Observe it and answer the
questions given below
Chimpanzee, Gibbon, Monkey, Man, Gorilla,
a) Write them in the order of evolution.
b) Classify these organisms and mention the criteria adopted for classification.
17. What are the biological changes which helped human beings to emerge in their present form?
18. Write the characteristic features of the ancestors of modern man, Ardipithecus ramidus and Homo
19. ‘Human beings have become a threat to the existence of other organisms.’ Validate your opinion
on the basis of suitable evidences
20. ‘Human life is possible on earth only with the preservation of diverse ecosystems. ‘Give a
scientific explanation to this statement.

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