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1. Hello, how are you?

1. Hallo, apa kabar dengan anda?

2. How long have you been teaching here?

2. Sudah berapa lama mengajar disini?

3. How does it feel to be a teacher?

3. Bagaimana rasanya menjadi guru ?

4. How early you can become a teacher?

4.Bagaimana awal anda bisa menjadi guru?

5. What are the extra curricular activities at school?

5.Apa saja kegiatan ekstra kurikulum disekolah?

6. What about student discipline here?

6.Bagaimana dengan kedisiplinan siswa disini?

7. What is the problem that often occurs in this school?

7.Apa masalah yang sering terjadi disekolah ini

8. How to deal with naughty students?

8. Bagaimana cara mengatasi siswa yang nakal?

9. What do you think about the P5 program?

9. Apa pendapat anda tentang program P5?

10. What is motivation for 9th grade students?

10. Apa motivasi untuk siswa kelas 9?

1. Hallo, apa kabar dengan anda?

1. Hello, how are you?

2. Bagaimana cara belajar yang Efektif menurut anda?

2. What is an effective way of learning according to you?

3. Bagaimana cara mengatur waktu yang baik antara belajar dan aktivitas lainnya?
3. How to manage good time between study and other activities?

4. Bagaimana awal anda bisa menjadi guru?

4. How did you first become a teacher?
5. Apa saja kegiatan ekstra kulikuler di sekolah ini?
5. What are the extra curricular activities at this school?

6. Bagaimana kedisiplinan siswa dan guru di sekolah ini?

6. How is the discipline of students and teachers in this school?

7. Apa motivasi untuk siswa kelas 9?

7. What is the motivation for grade 9 students?

8. Hambatan apa yang pernah dialami selama anda mengajar?

8. What obstacles have you experienced while teaching?

9. Apakah ada hal yang berkesan selama anda berada di sekolah ini?
9. Did anything impress you while you were at this school?

10. Apa pendapat anda tentang program P5?

10. What do you think about the P5 program?

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