Elements of Text

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English ~ Grade 8 Objectives Atthe end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 75% level of proficiency shall be able to: a) Distinguish the elements of a short story 1b) Discuss the importance af'contentment, simplicity, and honesty Subject Matter ‘Topic: Elements of a Short Story Listening Text: “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant References: English for a Better Work! IIT Emerica G. Magsajo- Sarno, Ph.D., Esther L. Baraceros, Ph.D., Pilar R. Yu Pages 308-316 Today's High School Readers, Book One by Benoza Reyes htip://www.shmoop.com/monkeys-paw/titerary-de vices. html ‘Materials: Cartolina, power point presentation, pictures, necklace, box. Skills: Listening: Remembering facts and sequence of the story Reading: Analyzing a vocabulary word using comtext lies Speuking: Discussing of teas, pronouncing words and names correctly Writing: Describing a concept or entity ‘Values: Cooperation, setfcconfidence, collaboration, vahiing the life at present, honesty, ‘contentment I, Procedures: Teacher's Activity Siudents® Activity a. Preliminaries i Prayer i, Greeting the class i. Checking of Attendance iv. Passing of Assignments b, Developmental Activities i, Pre-listening Activity a. Motivation Before we start our interesting lesson for today, 1 want the class to be divided into 3 groups. | will give each group an envelope that eontais ‘puzde pieces to be arranged and afterwards, you are ‘going 10 post it on the board. Kindly assign a representative from each group to give an ides about the image formed out if the puzzle pieces. There are ‘only 3 minutes for you to do the activity. 1s that clear? Yes, Ma"am. ‘The students group themseWves into three. Treacher dsinbutes the envelopes) May the representatives of ech group come in front and say'something about the picture formed by your group? Based on the given pictures, what do you think is Let ‘our lesson for today? «Posting of objectives us have first the vocabulary terms that we will ‘be encountering on our listening. text b. Unlocking of Difficulties Identify (he meaning ofthe underlined term from Before we move on to the story, given choices below. She detested her neighbor forheing so mean. Mathikle dashed outside seen in her shabby coat woid being, He was the one wh catapulted his friend tocourt that girl They decided to take a jaunt for they are too exhausted, thea was soaghast to find out that her best friend was dead, Pushed Hated Beautiful ‘Wom out Break Shooked Now, let's havea short story by entitled “The Necklace”. I will mtroduce yout the author first ‘whose named is Guy de Maupassant. Guy de Maupassant (Henri René Albert) © 5 August 1850 ~ 6 July 1893 © one of the fathers of the modertt short story © Pen Names: Guy de Valmont, Joseph Pruniet Occupations Novetst, writer, poct Nationality: French in going to Present to you the guide questions that you will answer at the end of the story. (Students do the activity) (Students express their ideas about the pictures) ‘Answers vary Hated Worn out Pushed Break Shocked ‘Guide Ques tions: LWhy did the invitation displease Madame Loisel? 2.Why did Mme, Loisel borrow a neckkice from Mime. Foreister? 3..What efforts were made to find Mme. Forestier’s neckbce? 4, Describe in your own words how the Loisels life changed after they had paid forthe new necklace? 5. What was Mine, Foreister’s reaction when the neckluee was returned? Here are the characters thatmake upthe story “The Necklace,” © Mathilde Loise! © Monsieur Loisel + Madame Jeame Forestier ‘You will be the one to identify their roles and ‘contributions after you listened to the:story, I'l be needing 3 volunteers here in front and they will aet as the 3 characters of the story. ‘Are yoti now réady to Bsten to the story as you watch the great performance of your Theme Do you have any questions or clarifications before Loisels searched forit until they found a jewellery shop but the cost of the new necklace was very expensive. They had a lot of debis and worked so hard to replace the lost necklace. ‘The life of the coupke became miserable and there were lots of sufferings they experienced in repheing the necklace When the neckkice Was retumed to her without knowledge that it was not the original necklace, she acted just normally. But when Mathilde: told her the truth, she was so shacked about the story revealed by her. ‘Yes, Ma'am, Expected answers: > People that make up the story; could abso be in a form of things, anima, ete > The pce or time of action > What happens in a story > Creates drama in the story > Take plice within the minds of the characters F Take plice between individuals. or between individuals and the workl extemal to individuals v Central idea in a werk proceeding to our activity? 4-Application For you to apply whut you have leamed, k's have amactivity regarding the story “The Neeklace.”” ‘To understand the story better, we are going t0 dissect the story employing the elements we have keamed awhile ago. Ihave here a box that contains: blank strips of papers and some that have an element ‘of a short story written in i. Some of your -clissmates will give the characters, setting, plot, ‘conflict, and theme. But there's a nvist, Youwan't ‘only tell us the answer but there task that you must do before or during you answer the question, Is my instrection clear? Characters: Choose 2 of your chssmates. The three ‘of you should act as the characters in the story Setting: Answer the question alone, You can do it! Plot: Choose 2 of your elassmates, Act out the introduction, climax, and ending ‘Conliet: Answer it as if you are really in conflict. ‘Theme; Express your answer by moans of a coharade 5.Gene alization ‘What lesson have you learned from the story? None, Ma'am, Yes, Ma'am, (Charaeters: Mathilde Loisel, Monsieur Loisel, ‘Madam Jeanne Forestier Setting: Paris; 19” cemury Plot: Introduction: Mathilde had nothing to wear to the party. Climax: She had lost the diamond necklace fent by Mme, Forestier. Ending: Mme. Forestier revealed that the necklace wasa fake. Confliet: faternal Confiiet Mathilde had a greatdesire to be rich. She was not contented with her life and always ‘craved something that she could not have. ‘Theme: Contentment, Honesty, Simplicity © if she were only contented even with the fie blessings she had. she woukl have not suffered that much IE Miathilde possessed honesty to Mime.Forestier, she would not have lived a miserable fie © Simplicity. is based how grateful you are with your life: andits blessings, ! What are the S elements of a short story? ‘Correet! Do you have any questions regarding. our topic? 6.Evaluation For your quiz this time, you will read another short story entitled “Monkey's Paw" by: W.WW. Jacobs. | will read the frst paragraph, and afterwards, cach ‘group will read the following paragraphs. Afiet reading the story, you will answer the ‘questions | have provided and write your answers in ‘one fourth sheet of paper. MONKEY'S PAW (A Summary) By: W.W. Jacobs, 1902 ‘On adark, stormy night in England, Mr. ancl Mrs White and their adil son Herbert are inside enjoying a cozy evening around the fir, Soon, Sergeant-Major Morris arrives at their house sand throws-the monkey's paw into the fire but White quickly retrieves it. Morris wams White, but White, thinking, about what he eoukd use the paw for, ignores him. Mr, White wishes for £200 to be used.as the final payment on his house. After making the wish, his ‘son Herbert killed by machinery al the fuctory Where he works, and the couple gets compensation ‘of £200, ‘Ten days after the fmeral, Mrs, White, almost mid with grief, asks hee husband to use the paw to wish Herbertback to fe. Reluctantly, he does so. Shortly afterwards there & a knock at the door. Mrs. White fumbles at the locks in an attempt to open the door Mr. White knows, however, that he eannot allow their revived son in, as his appearance will be too ‘hideous. Mr, White was required to identify: the body, which had bectmutilated by the accident. It has now lain buried for more than a week. While Mrs. White tries ta open the daor, Mr, White makes his third wish, and the knocking stops. Mrs, White copes the door to find no one there, ‘Weave learned that al of us should Be honest at all imes and must lve a simple life to be happy. The five elements of a short story are the characters, setting, theme, plot, and conflict, None, Ma‘am. CHARACTERS |. Who are the characters a the story? a. W.W Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. White, Herbert, and Set. Morris Mr. an Mrs. White, Herbert, Sgt Morris: Sel. Morris, Monkey's Paw, Herbert SETTING 2. Where did the story take place? a. USA b. Mexico England 3. When dll the story bappen? a Bright, sunny day b. Dark, stormy night ©. Rainy afternoon PLor 4. Which of the following was the introduction of the story’? a. Sgt. Morris arrived and threw the monkey's paw into the fire but Mr. White retrieved it. bo Mr. White wishes for £200 to be used as the final payment on his house, ©. Herbert is killed by machinery. a, There was a knock on the door bat Mrs, White found no one. b. Set Morris had a bad experionce with the monkey's paw and threw it away. ©. Herbertdied and the employers gave the Whites £200 the exact amount Mr, White wished for, 6. Which of the folowing was the ending of the story? a, Sgt. Morris died for throwing the monkey's paw. b. There was a knock on the door as Mr. White rade his wish, but foxund no oe Mrs. White fumbles 2t the foeks inant attempt to open the door. ‘CONFLICT 7. What was the conflict of the story? a. Internal Conflict b. External Conflict c. None of the above ‘THEME 8 What was the: theme or main idea of the story? 3. Death b. Love Danger ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 9. Major moral lesson of the story: a, He careful what you wish for, b, Greediness always keads people into danger. ¢, Aways follow the waming of an experienced person 10, The author of the Monkey's Paw a. Charles Dickens b. WW, Jacobs: ¢, Willam Shakespeare ‘Okay, Pass your papers sideward and then forward, 7. Assignment For your assignment, search for Freytag’s Pyramid and ity function. Write it in your notebook, “Are there any question? ‘Are you sure? I that i so, let us eal it a day and goodbye dlass. Answers: epnaneene werden r dow ss Nove, ma"an, Yes, mia’am, Goodbye, m"am. Thank you for teaching ust Prepared by: Maric Buena §, Bunsoy ‘Applicant

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