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This board is coming from STOCK and is NOT READY TO WORK:

- EEPROM with calibrations and settings is EMPTY
- FLASH EPROM probably programmed with an older software release, you
have to confirm. If software release is not the same of console CPU,
positioner wont work and gives error codes.

About EEPROM you have the possibility to recuperate EEPROM from original board
and fit it on new CPU. See picture here below.
Or you can make a RESTORE with a BACKUP file made with original CPU.

NOTE: Defective CPU must be returned WITH EEPROM or you

will be charged 300 Euro if missing
About FLASH EPROM you have to check loaded firmware release using
TELESERVICE software after having installed new CPU .
Refer to Service manual for details.

Anyway you have to :

- run Teleservice,
- click on PC to connect with CPU
- select “INFORMATION”,
- select “CHECKSUM” and verify that “HOST” firmaware version is the same of
“KEYBOARD” firmaware version. (select "DISCONNECT" when you finish).
If different you have to upgrade your HOST CPU (25S1) otherwise it wont work. You
should find this file with POSITIONER’s documentation: there should be a CD ROM
with Positioner software.
You will find 2 files, ona named SO.LO one named TS.LO.
The file for cabinet CPU is SO.LO. The other one is console firmware (TS.LO)
Call your OLC in case you need assistance.

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