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Kathlen Mae E.

Testimonial for Dymphna Rose Montil

As her classmate, I got to know Dymphna Rosno

January 20, 2023
Grade 12-Vivacious
As her classmate, I have known Dymphna Rose Montil as a hard

working and goal-driven student. She is a student of focus and determination.

When we are given school projects, she is focused on getting the task done

quickly and efficiently that always impresses the teachers. Her diligence and

student ethics makes her an outstanding student and an asset to our school.

Miss Montil is currently finishing the first semester of Senior High

School under the GAS strand. She is an honor student in the last grading and

still continues to strive as a top student in the class. Her competence shows in

her excellent school performance. She is commended for her timeliness and

amiable personality. She delivers her school projects on time and cooperates

well with her classmates. She also makes sure to exert effort wisely when

given loads of school work.

I admire her ability to adapt well in different kinds of situations, as well

as dealing with various people. She knows when to express her opinions in a

discussion and when to listen. Her great interpersonal skills also makes her

an adept advisor. A week ago, I was lucky enough to be able to ask her

opinion when I had a problem. She was keen on listening throughout the

whole conversation and when we were done, I was confident with myself that

I could handle the situation.

Another thing worth noting is her dependability. She is known among

her friend group and our classroom as someone we could rely on. Even with
her helpful nature, she knows how to make boundaries for herself. A self-

aware person, she knows the best way to help oneself is to say no

sometimes. It is a characteristic necessary for a capable person in school and

even in a workplace.

Lastly, she is a woman of focus and sheer will. No matter how hard and

tiring a school project is, she is always determined to finish it on schedule.

Despite the countless distractions and piling workload, she doesn’t waver

from the pressure. Instead she diverts her energy into doing the tasks one

step at a time, until it is done. Her commitment to timeliness is something that

I always admire, and it's what got her through the hardest times in school.

She has a great hard working personality, reliable nature, and

admirable interpersonal skills that I can truly attest for. These are the

characteristics that make Dymphna Rose Montil an outstanding student and

worth considering for the admission to your school.

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