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The Nature of Staffing specifications for each job or position in the company, the

following are its essential parts:

Staffing [Human Resource Management] A. ) Job title or position - this describes the exact name
- It involves acquiring and developing human resources that of the job like Human Resource Manager, Production Manager,
will carry out and perform the various activities of the etc
organization B. ) Reporting Relationships - this includes the job
- it includes human resource planning, recruitment, selection, title for the position’s immediate supervisor. And also includes
induction and orientation, training and development, the subordinates under the employee’s supervision.
performance appraisal, employment decision, and separations. C. Job classification - in large companies job titles
- It is a managerial functions by which a manager attracts, have different job classes or levels. Classification provides the
maintains and develops the company’s human resources or rank of the job in comparison to the overall importance of other
workforce so that they can perform their tasks efficiently and jobs.
effectively. D. General Description of the job - This portion
-It is a continuous process Provides a description of the job and an overview of its duties
and responsibilities.
Effective human resource management helps the company E. Specific Duties and Responsibilities - this describes
achieve its goals and maximize productivity since managers are the functions of the job in details.
able to select quality employees. F. Job Specification - it provides the minimum
qualifications for a particular job such as educational
The Human Resource Department (HRD) is tasked with background, experience, skills, and personal qualities.
implementing human resource management in the company.
The HRD is also responsible for ensuring that the company II. Recruitment
complies with the workplace safety standards and labor and - refers to attracting qualified persons to apply for vacant
employment laws. positions in the company so that those who are best suited to
serve the company may be selected
The Eight Steps Staffing Process
Sources of Applicants
1. Human Resource Planning A. Internal Applicants - they are company employees who are
2. Recruitment considered for promotion to higher positions. Incurs lesser
3. Selection
4. Induction and Orientation III. Selection
5. Training and Development - refers to the act of choosing from those that are available the
6. Performance Appraisal individuals most likely to succeed on the job.
7. Employment Decision - the purpose of selection is to evaluate each candidate and to
8. Separation pick the most suited for the position available

I. Human Resource Planning Ways of Determining Qualifications of a Job Candidate:

- ensuring that in consideration of the organization's plans, the 1. Application Blanks - it provides information about the
right number and the right kind of people at the right time are persons characteristics such as age, marital status, address,
available and capable of effectively and efficiently performing education, etc.
assigned tasks. 2. References - are those written by previous employees, c0-
- critical component in determining the organization’s workers, teachers, club officers, etc.; there statement may
manpower complement or the number of people that are provide some vital information on the character of the
currently employed in the organization. applicant.
3. Interview - information may be gathered in an interview by
The process involved in the HRP are the following: asking a series of relevant questions to the job candidate.
1. Environmental Scanning 4. Testing - this involves an evaluation of the future behaviour
It is crucial for a manager to find out the factors currently or performance of an individual.
affecting the labor market because this can affect the
company’s recruitment. Types of Test
2. Forecasting and estimating the firm’s manpower * Psychological Test - is an objective, standard measure of a
complement sample behaviour, it is classified into: aptitude test, IQ Test,
Forecasting is done to identify the demand for and supply of personality test.
employees while considering the manpower requirement, the * Physical Test - a type of test given to assess the physical
internal supply of employees, and possible external sources of health of an applicant.
3. Gap analysis IV. Induction and Orientation
This is done to determine if there is a gap or difference between Induction - a process takes place to welcome newcomer to the
demand and supply in human resources. If there is a shortage of organization to make them ready for their job.
workers, the firm may opt to allow or encourage overtime work Orientation - socialization process, which involves
or hire temporary or contractual workers. assimilation of new joiner into the organization, to rehabilitate
them at the new workplace and provide with basic information
Job Description - a written summary of duties, about the company.
responsibilities, reporting relationships, and the job
V. Training and Development - firms with flat rates do not consider skills and seniority
These are two distinct processes in employee as factors for giving compensation. Companies pay their
development: employees same amount regardless of rank.
* Training - refers to learning that it provided in order to 3. Compensation through incentives
improve their skill and performance on the present job. - these are payments based on output. Common examples
* Development - the enhancement of the competencies of are the following:
employees by giving them opportunities for greater a. Merit pay - is given in recognition of outstanding
responsibilities as well as challenging tasks that will help them performance and based on the results of a performance
achieve their total growth. evaluation.
b. Piece-rate pay - is given to employees who are paid
Various Training Techniques and Programs a fixed rate per product produced.
c. Commission - is a compensation based on an
1. Lecture - the oldest and most popular method of teaching achieved sales quota.
where the trainer or speaker gives a speech explaining a topic d. Group incentives - is given to a team that has
or concept. achieved a particular sales or production target.
2. Demonstration Method - showing how something is works 4. Special Payments
or how to perform a task. - additional compensation given in special cases. It
3. Computer-based Training - utilizes computer programs to includes the following:
teach knowledge and skills, and does not requires face-to-face a) Overtime pay - this covers work done beyond the
interaction with a trainer. normal schedule of 8 hours a day, and is given on top of
4. Programmed Instruction - a form of computer-based the basic salary.
training that uses an instructional program that employs a * 25% of the hourly rate in excess of eight hours
variety of content such as text, graphics and multimedia. performed on ordinary working days.
5. Virtual Reality Method - a method that allows the *30% of the hourly rate in excess of eight hours
participants to experience a 3D environment. performed on a scheduled rest day, special day, and a
6. Case Study Method - a method that presents a particular regular holiday.
situation and trainees discuss and decide on a solution to an b) Holiday pay - This is payment for unworked regular
organizational problem highlighted in the case. holiday based on the employee’s daily rate.
7. Role-playing Method - presents actual work situations for * paid 100% of his/her daily rate, provided that
analysis and participants are asked to act out specific roles. he/she was present or on leave with pay on the work day
8. Teambuilding - a training program that utilizes activities before the holiday.
that encourage employees to work in a groups. * paid 200% of his/her daily rate if he/she works on a
Compensation and Wages c) Premium pay - This is payment given to employees
who work during rest days and special holiday.
Compensation - any tangible equivalent or reward for services * additional of atleast 30% of the basic daily rate for
rendered or for the performance of a task performed in the worked performed during these days.
organization. *additional pay of 50% of the basic daily pay if
Direct Compensation - monetary in nature given in the worked on special day and rest day.
form of: salaries, wages, commissions, etc. d) Night shift differential payment - an additional 10%
Indirect Compensation - given in the form of services of basic rate for each hour of worked performed between
and non-monetary benefits such as hospitalization, summer 10:00PM to 6:00AM.
outings, vacation leaves, etc. e) Severance or Separation pay - the duty of the firm to
provide separation pay to employees who are terminated
Minimum Wage Law - is set to protect manual laborers from with authorized caused. An authorized cause maybe one of
being taken advantage and abuse of the company. the following:
Salary - refers to compensation given to professionals on a 1. Retrenchment
monthly or semi-monthly basis. 2. Closure of the firm
Wages - refers to compensation given on a weekly or daily 3. Illness that may affect his or her performance or is
basis. highly contagious
- equivalent to half of a month’s pay for every year of
Common Modes of Payment service.
1. Payment for time-worked f) Retirement - An employee who is 60 or 65 years old
shall receive on-half month salary for every year of
a) Across the board increase - pay adjustments
provided to all employees with the same rate service provided that he/she rendered five years of
continuous service to the company.
regardless of rank.
b) Merit increase - salary or wage increase given to g) Thirteenth Month Pay - All employees are entitled to
thirteenth month pay provided that they have worked for
employees on the basis of performance.
c) COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) - a monetary at least one month in a calendar year.
allowance given to employees to help them cope
with the prevailing conditions of the economy related Employee Benefits
to the standard of living and increasing prices due to - are divided into two main groups:
* government-mandated benefits are those required by law
* voluntary benefits are those that are voluntarily given by
2. Flat rates the company.
VI. Performance Appraisal
The following are the government-mandated benefits: Performance appraisal refers to the process where employee
1. Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service performance is documented and evaluated. This is also known
Insurance System (GSIS) benefits - All income earners and as performance review or performance evaluation. An
workers, particularly employees working in private firms, are appraisal determines whether employee performance is
required to give monthly contributions to the Social Security effective and conforms to company Standards and expectations.
System. Government employees avail of benefits from the
Government Service Insurance System or GSIS. The following are the purposes of performance
2. Employees' compensation (EC) program - This is given to appraisal:
private and government employees in case of work-related 1. Needs assessment - Performance evaluation provides
injury, disability, sickness, or death. relevant information about the specific training needs of
3. Pag-ibig (Home Development Mutual Fund) benefits - employees.
Employees also contribute to Pag-ibig, which is the 2. Employee movements - It helps management decide who
government-established housing finance program. will be promoted by providing proof of meritorious
4. Philhealth (Philippine Health Insurance Corporation) performance.
benefits - This is a government-established health insurance 3. Basis for merit increase - Performance appraisal gives
program that gives members and their dependents financial strong proof for merit increases.
assistance for hospitalization 4. Legal concerns - If there are questions regarding certain
6. Maternity leave - This is given to all female SSS members decisions like termination, the appraisal becomes the basis for
whether married or unmarried. The maternity leave period is justifying such action. The results of appraisal is also used to
105 days for female workers with an option to extend for an address issues on rewards, layoff, and employee transfer.
additional thirty (30) days without pay, an additional fifteen 5. Development - A series of performance appraisals tracks the
(15) days for solo mothers. growth of employees. The appraisals serve as evidence for
7. Paternity leave - This is granted to all married male identifying career paths and determining personnel
employees working in private firms, for the first four deliveries development.
of the male employee's lawful wife. Paternity leave can last up 6. Channel of communication - Appraisal provides good
to seven days after the wife's delivery venue for discussion regarding performance and other issues
between an employee and his or her immediate supervisor.
The following are examples of voluntary benefits: 7. Source of motivation - Performance evaluation is one of the
1. Vacation leaves - The number of vacation days given to best ways to keep employees motivated. It is one way to boost
employees varies from one company to another. Companies employee morale and in courage them to make a good
may grant a vacation leave consisting of five (5), ten (10) or impression and give an outstanding performance in their job.
fifteen (15) days.
2. Sick leaves - Companies provide more than the allowed Performance Appraisal Methods
number of days for the service incentive leave as sick leaves. Performance appraisal is done through objective or
Sick leaves are convertible to cash at the end of the vear. judgmental methods.
3. Emergency leaves - Some companies provide emergency * Objective methods include measures of actual output
leaves of three days or more for reasons not applicable to sick and performance test. Ex: include volume of sales or number of
and vacation leaves orders processed.
4. Summer outings - Companies may organize exclusive - Performance test - this test evaluates an employee
summer outings for their employees and bring them to resorts using a set of standardized conditions.
or beaches. * Judgmental methods include ranking and rating
5. Sportsfest - Companies organize sportsfests where their techniques.
employees engage in sports -Ranking technique - employers are compared to
6. Rice subsidy - Regular employees are provided one sack of other employees. Drawbacks to this technique method where
rice per month. employees are compared to other employees. Ranking also does
7. Meal subsidy - Employees are given meal stubs with not provide sufficient information for feedback as evaluate
corresponding values that can be spear in the cafeteria. The focus on the general performance of employees
food expenses are later deducted from the employee's bill. -The rating technique is an appraisal method that
8. Shuttle service - Employees who live in locations that are compares an employee to a fixed standard. A rating scale is
far from the office or plant are provided transportation services used to measure the characteristics of an employee, as well as
where shuttle buses pick them up at designated points and bring his or her job performance.
them to the company premises.
9. Hospitalization - Apart from health benefits provided by the
VII. Employee Movements
SSS, Philhealth, and the ernployee compensation program,
An organization can move its employees either vertically or
there are companies that extend hospitalization benefits to
employees and their dependents.
* Vertical movement entails the movement of an employee
11. Bonuses - Aside from the 13th month pay, some companies
from a lower position to a higher one.
also give 14th month up to 17th month pay to their employees.
* Horizontal movement involves the transfer of an employee
14. Christmas parties and packages - Christmas benefits are
to another department or position with similar responsibilities
extended to employees in the form of Christmas parties that
or status.
include exchange gifts, raffles, and gift basket giveaways
 Promotion is a movement to a higher level or position.
15. Cash bonuses - Companies provide cash bonuses to
 The usual criterion promotion is a combination of
employees at the end of the
tenure and meritorious performance. Tenure refers to
the number of years in Service of an employee while Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining
meritorious performance refers to an excellent or Employees have the option to form labor unions, also known as
outstanding performance of an employee. labor organizations, for the purpose of collective bargaining or
 Demotion is a movement to a lower level or position. A mutual aid, interest, cooperation and protection.
common reason for an employee's demotion is
inefficiency or poor performance. Labor unions in the Philippines are classified as either public
 Transfer is a movement to another position but with the sector unions or private sector unions.
same level or scope of responsibility. It can also mean a * Public sector unions or government employees unions
transfer to another branch or location but the employee are organized by employees of government agencies.
still occupies the same tasks. * Private sector unions are those whose members are
employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural enterprises,
VIII. Separation including non-profit or charitable organizations, and medical,
- or an employee's departure from the organization. religious, and educational institutions.
It may take the following forms:
1. Resignation - This is an employee's voluntary decision Collective bargaining refers to the process by which the labor
to leave the organization. The usual reasons for employee union negotiates a labor contract with management. This labor
resignation is to look for better opportunities in other contract or collective bargaining agreement contains
companies and avail of higher salaries and benefits. agreements on compensation, benefits, duties of employees and
2. Separation with authorized cause - More commonly management, work hours, job security, promotion, layoffs,
known as layoff, this is the company's decision to terminate vacation and rest periods, and the grievance procedure should
employees due to business reasons. One of the more common there be violations to the labor contract.
reasons is redundancy, wherein the introduction of a new
technology will duplicate some of the existing functions of Employee Code of Conduct
certain jobs. The code of conduct defines the acceptable behavior of
3. Separation with just cause - This occurs when an employees within the workplace. The code of conduct is
employee is terminated due to theft, fraud, and other serious considered a legal agreement between the company and the
offenses. In this case the employee does not receive any employee that he or she will observe ethical workplace conduct
severance pay from the company. Apart from being terminated at all times. Codes of conduct vary from one industry to
from the company, an employee who was found to have another, but some of its essential contents are as follows:
committed grave offenses may also be subjected to legal 1. Prohibition of illegal activities such as gambling, smoking,
sanctions. or drinking
4. Retirement - This refers to the end of a worker's 2. Prohibition of discrimination against gender, race, religion,
employment with the company due to old age, illness, or and civil status
infirmity. There is no prescribed age for retirement, although 3. Sexual harassment
many companies set the normal retirement age for employees at 4. Confidentiality and disclosure of confidential information
60 years old. 5. Dress code and appearance
6. Punctuality (tardiness and absences)
Employee Relations 7. Procedures for sick leaves and emergency leaves
Effective employee relations management is an essential 8. Sanctions for violations of the code of conduct
component that contributes to the success of a company. The
following elements are considered in establishing and General Steps in the Disciplinary Process through HRD
maintaining good employee relations. Disciplinary actions are taken to address misconduct in the
1. Drive for commitment - When a company fosters good workplace or any type of violations against company rules.
relationship between management and employees, the latter is
more likely to become loval and committed to the organization. Due Process
It is very important to always win employees over and gain Any disciplinary issue involving employee violations of the
their loyalty to the organization. code of conduct must go through due process. This ensures that
2. Harmonization of terms and conditions of employment - the disciplinary process is conducted in a fair and impartial
Management should ensure that employees are provided good manner with due regard for the rights of the employee. Due
work conditions and benefits as stated in their employment process ensures a fair and impartial hearing on employee's
contracts. In doing so, the general satisfaction of employees is violations or a management decision which threatens an
assured as well as their continued motivation to do well in their employee's tenure or status of employment.
3 Emphasis on mutuality - Management must be inclusive
and employees must feel that managers are also a part of the
work team. )
4. Policies and practices for communication - Clear and
honest communication between employees and management is
a vital component of labor relations that will ensure continuous
and harmonious relationship among members of the company.

Good communication is key in resolving conflict between

employees and management. The company must ensure that
there is constant dialogue between employees and management.
- leaders should give equal treatment and due recognition
Chapter 6 Leading to their members..
Chapter Summary Essential Ideas * 2. Transformational - it emphasizes the concept of change
 Leading is a management function that involves the and believes that leaders are tasked to provide direction and
inspiring and influencing of people in the organization to implement changes through performance and attainment of
achieve a common goal. goals.
 Successful leadership begins by focusing on the - transformational leadership wherein the leader
psychological well-being of both the employer/leader and transforms the followers,
the employee/subordinate. * 3. Charismatic
* 4 Visionary,
The Big Five Personality Traits that ensure success/efficiency * 5. Team Leadership
in the workplace are: * 6. Servant Leadership
* extra version, * agreeableness, * conscientiousness, *
emotional stability, and * openness to experience  Communication is the interpersonal exchange of
information and understanding among organization
 Motivation refers to psychological processes that arouse members.
and direct goal-directed behavior.  Communication may be verbal, non-verbal, formal, and
Theories of Motivation  Communication direction and flow may be vertical
Early theories of motivation revolved around the idea that (upward or downward), horizontal, lateral. and diagonal
motivation is brought the employees desire to fulfill their  Barriers to communication filtering, emotions felt by
needs. receiver, information overload, defensiveness, language
1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory refers to used, and national culture.
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization
needs.  Organizational change is any alteration of people
Other Theories related to need satisfaction are: structure or technology in organizations trough by external
* McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y - two approaches of or internal forces which they encounter.
leadership in the workplace: To manage resistance to organizational change, the
- Theory X assumes workers inherently dislike work and following are needed: a) education of employees
avoid it as much as possible. regarding the reasons and importance of change; b)
- Theory Y assumes workers take initiative participation of members in decision-making related to
* Herzberg's Two Factor Theory - states that employee bringing about change; c) facilitation and support to
satisfaction is defined by two important factors: minimize fear of change; by manipulation of information
- motivators fsactors - include the nature of job itself, to avoid damaging information; e) selection of people who
recognition, personal growth, etc. are open to change, to help disseminate beneficial effects
- hygiene factors - include rules and policies, salaries and of change, and by f) coercion or the use of force to make
benefits, relationship among coworkers, work condition, etc. people accept change.

* McClelland's Three Needs Theory - the theory defines  Organizational culture is a shared set of beliefs, values,
three motivators which are learned and shaped by a person’s norms, standards of behavior and expectations that
life experience influence the interaction of organization members in order
- learned needs are achievement, affiliation, and power to achieve their mission, vision, goals, and objectives.
* Alderfer's ERG Theory - three major types of needs: ERG
(existence, relatedness, growth):
- existence - comprised of physiological and safety needs
- relatedness- combines love and belongingness
- growth needs - include self- esteem and self actualization

Modem Theories of Motivation are:

- Goal-setting Theory
- Reinforcement Theory,
- Job Design Theory,
- Equity Theory
- Expectancy Theory

Early leadership theories include the following:

* Trait Theory which is based on a leader's personal
characteristics and
* Behavioral Theory which focuses on the leader's conduct,
and demeanor as a leader

Modern leadership views include the following theories:

* 1. Transactional - considers the relationship between
followers and leaders as key to achieving goals.
1. Organizational productivity is the amount of goods or
services produced (output) divided by the input or materials
needed to produce the said output.
2. Organizational effectiveness is a measure of the
organizational goals' suitability to organizational needs and
Chapter 7 Controlling
how well these goals are being attained.
Chapter Summary/Essential Ideas:
3. Ranking in industry is a commonly used way to measure
organizational performance; being ranked high, middle or low
The Nature of Controlling
indicates the company's performance in comparison with
* Controlling is a management function that ensures the work
performance of the organization's members are in-line with the
organization's values and standards.
Control Methods and Systems
* Control techniques are basically the same for controlling
Control methods are techniques used for measuring an
financial resources, office management, quality of service, and
organization's financial stability, efficiency, effectiveness,
quality of goods, among others.
production output, and organization members' attitudes and
* The control process involves establishing standards,
measuring and reporting actual performance and comparing it
with standards, and taking action.
Control techniques are either quantitative or non-quantitative.
- Quantitative control methods include chart, budget,
The Link Between Planning and Controlling
and audits.
There is a link between planning and controlling.
- Non-quantitative control methods include inspections,
* Planning determines the organization's goods or performance
direct supervision on the spot checking, performance
evaluation, and counseling.
* Controlling makes sure that all organization members are
working towards a common direction or towards the previously
Other control methods: feed forward control, concurrent
set goals and plans of the organization.
control, feedback control, employee discipline, and project
management control
Accounting or Financial Control
Financial controls are important tools that determine whether
Management control accounting and finance makes use of a
the company is on track toward achieving financial goals.
balance sheet, income statements, and cash flow statement to
Financial ratios are one control methods utilized in financial
analyze and examine financial statements in order to determine
control. The following are the common financial ratios:
the company's financial soundness and viability; it also uses
* liquidity ratio - measures the company’s ability to meet its
financial ratios to determine the company's stability, whether it
current debt obligation
is strong or weak and about to declare bankruptcy.
* leverage ratio - assesses the organization’s use of debt to
finance its assets and meet the interest payments on debts.
Management control marketing makes use of projected sales or
* activity ratio - measures the efficiency of the company in
forecasts; statistical models and econometric modeling to
using its assets to meet various financial obligations and
achieve growth targets surveys to assess product demands, and
convert its various accounts to cash
historical con and data and actual consumption of their
* profitability ratio - measure efficiency of the company in
generating profits
Strategies control is a systematic monitoring of control points
in strategic plans that leads to the changing of the organization's
The Main Types of Financial Statements
strategies based on assessments.
1. Balance Sheet - is a financial statement showing the
organization's financial condition; it presents the financial
Types of Benchmarking
balances of a particular period and follows an accounting
Benchmarking is an approach and process of measuring a
entry A = L + C or total asset is equivalent to the aggregate
company's services and practices against recognized leaders in
summation of liabilities and capital or owner's equity
industry to identify areas for improvement.
2. The Income Statement- is also known as the Profit and
a) strategic benchmarking compares various strategies
Loss Statement, and Revenue and Expenses Statement
and identifies the key strategic elements of success;
3. The Cash Flow Statement - summarizes the inflows and
b) operational benchmarking compares relative costs or
outflows of cash during the given period.
possibilities for product differentiation; and
c) management benchmarking focuses on support
functions such as market planning and information systems,
Financial Statements, to be useful in doing financial forecast,
logistics, and human resource management, among others.
must contain the following minimum items: sales or gross
revenues, net income, gross profit, income from continuing
discontinuous operations, usual income statement items, tax
Budgets are plans that monitor control and make use of the
provisions, material changes in financial positions.
resource of the firm on its operation based on its objectives or
The usual measures of organizational performance control
* Fixed budget allocates a fixed amount of resources for the
are organizational productivity, organizational effectiveness,
specific purpose, while a flexible budget allows allocation of
and rankings in industry.
resources to change depending on firm's activities.
Budget-making improvement involves: a) collaboration and b) Improvement of productivity and competitive
communication with organization administrators and selected advantage; and
members; b) practicing flexibility to adapt to organization's c) Managing sequence of activities and information
needs; c) relating budget to company goals; d) coordinating along the whole course of the value chain
budget with all company departments for them to make full use 4. Financial management is the management and custody of
of the budget allocations given to their respective units; e) the organization's funds, seeing to it that funds are effectively
using computer softwares when needed to facilitate accurate utilized in order to provide for all the needs of the various
computations and proper dissemination of information related operating units of the organization.
to the budget.
Financial management functions of management includes:
a. taking charge of the company's financial policies and
Other quantitative control methods:
1. Budgets - an expression in financial terms of a plan for strategies, investments, capital structures and dividend
meeting the organization's policies
goals for a specific period. It is an instrument of planning, b. financial management and control; and
management, and control. c. financial planning
2 Audit -- an independent review and appraisal of accounting, Financial management facilitates the choice of investments,
financial, and other non-tactical operations. The audit measures financial policies, and operating mechanism of the
and evaluates the effectiveness of management controls and organization to effectively achieve its goals and objectives.
provides an independent audit of programs, activities, systems
and procedures. 5. Information and Communication Technology Management
(ICTM) is the management of information and communication
technology that collects, organizes and distributes data for the
organization's decision-making functions. ICTM functions
Chapter 8: Introduction to the Different Functional Areas A. Developing the organization's hardware, software, and
of Management other computing and communicating technologies,
B. Developing the organization's management information
Chapter Summary:
system tailored to the needs of the firm's units; and
C. Encouraging e-commerce through Internet use
Functional Areas of Management
1. Human Resource Management (HRM)
2. Marketing Management The widespread use of ICTM has brought the emergence of a
3. Operations Management Knowledge-based economy due to easy access to information
4. Financial Management at low costs through the Internet.
5. Information and Communication Technology Management 20. Knowledge society are composed of individuals or groups
of people who have acquired much information and
1. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of understanding of things due to experience, practical ability, and
attracting, training, developing, and maintaining an excellent easy access to information through the internet.
HRM functions of management include the following:
a. conducting job analyses:
b. planning labor need and recruitment;
c. selecting candidates for the job;
d. orienting and training new employees;
c. managing compensation or pay:
f providing incentives performance;
g. Evaluating employees' performance,
h. communicating;
i. developing employees;
j building employees' commitment:
k. providing good working conditions; and
1. handling grievances and industrial relations.

2. Marketing management is the process of managerial

planning and carrying out the conception, pricing, promotion,
and distribution of ideas, goods and services to bring exchanges
that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
3. Operations management is the study of how goods and
services are produced in organizations
5. Operations management functions of management must
a) Overseeing the transformation process that changes
resources into finished goods and services

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