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Grade Level Grade 11
(4A’S) Teacher Learning Area COMMUNICATION
Teaching Date
Quarter 2nd
& Time

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards Recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of
speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.
B. Performance Standards Demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of
speech situations.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Competencies/Objectives a. identify different types of speech styles;
b. distinguish what type of speech style is used in different
situations; and
c. share insights on why speech styles should vary according to
given situations through oral recitation.

II. Content / Topic Lesson 12 Types of Speech Style

III. Learning Resources Time Allotment: 2 HOURS
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Oral Communication in Context (Ramona S. Flores) pages 49-52
Module (Arellano University SHS Department)
4. Additional Material from
Resources (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation, Activity sheets

IV. Teaching Procedure
A. Daily Routine Greetings, Prayer, Checking of attendance

B. Introduction/Simple Review Directions: The students should be able to enumerate the types of
or Recall speech context and types of interpersonal communication through the
following questions.

1. What are the 2 types of speech context? How do they differ?

2. What are the types of interpersonal communication? Give one
and explain.


Known personalities to be imitated by the students:

1. Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
2. Mimiyuh
3. Mike Enriquez
4. Mayor Isko Moreno
5. Their English Teacher

D. Development of the Lesson (The teacher will connect the lesson to the previous activity by asking a
Teaching Strategies
Cooperative learning, Socratic method, Inductive method
a. ACTIVITY The teacher will ask a question about the previous activity to the


What did you notice in the activity? In what way do the speakers or
known personalities differ from each other when they speak?
b. ANALYSIS The teacher will collect the answers of the students and will relate it to
the main topic which is speech styles.

The teacher and the students will have a discussion about the following.

Speech Styles
The way a person communicates using appropriate language for a
particular situation or occasion.

Five Types of Speech Styles

1. Intimate Speech Style – use private vocabulary and shared meaning

due to long relationships.

2. Casual Speech Style (Informal) - used among friends and

acquaintances. It is a speech style that allows ellipsis, slang, and

3. Consultative Speech Style- style use for people who do not have
shared experiences or meaning.

4. Formal Speech Style – use for imparting a knowledge; well organized

and correct in grammar or diction.

5. Frozen Speech Style – style whose quality is static, ritualistic, and

may even be archaic.

The teacher and the students will summarize the lesson through the
c. Abstraction following questions:

1. What is speech style? Enumerate its types.

2. What speech style is the easiest to use? The most difficult to
use? Why?
3. Why do we need to vary our ways of speaking according to
situation and people around you?

Directions: Identify what type of speech style is used in each statement

below. Write your answer on the space provided. (1 pt each.)
ASSESSMENT 1. Supraventricular tachycardia or abnormal rapid heart rate is
what you are experiencing whenever you do heavy chores.
2. I further solemnly swear, that all times and all places, I will
adhere closely to the ethical standards of professionals.
3. The inclimate climatic conditions obliged Manila City Mayor
Francisco “Isko” Domagoso to suspend government works and
4. I saw you at the party last time with your friends near the gazebo
and laughing as if there were no bukas.
5. It is a special pleasure to acknowledge the presence of our
school president. Please give him a round of applause.
6. Upon recommendation of the academic council, has conferred
this diploma to Juan Dela Cruz who has completed the studies
and fulfilled the degree Master in Culinary Arts.
7. My dear, I think it’s time to change the password in our joint
8. Ok boomer!
9. Sir, what do you think will be the best color for that banner? Our
clients are also asking to change the sizes of the pictures and
enlarge some letters.
10. Ikr. Don’t tell me things that I already know.

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