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F) Open Specifications

● Open specification is when an architect does not name a specific supplier or product
and allows for substitutions to be made by the contractor.
● It does not limit competition, but rather is dictated by a set of standards that more
than one manufacturer can meet, allowing for many alternatives to be submitted for
● Performance specifications are often considered to be open.
● An open specification gives the physical and chemical properties of the material , the
tests it must comply with or the results expected and such other information.
● But it never gives a specific item of equipment or a trade name or a proprietary
commodity .
● The open specifications are generally used for public works and a true open
specifications is one which lays down minimum standards and which can be easily
fulfilled by several manufacturers within permissible limits.

Advantages of Open Specifications :

● Basic materials :
They are suitable for basic materials such as cement , steel , sand , etc because the
standards of such materials can easily be laid down without regard to the
manufacturers .
● True Competition :
They provide an atmosphere of a true competitive market in which the new products
have equal chance to compete with the old and well advertised products. It may also
result into a lower cost to owner.

Disadvantages of the open specifications :

● Checking and testing :

The checking and testing for each material or product mentioned in these
specifications may prove to be time consuming.
● Control over the quality :
It is feared that if they are not properly drafted , it may result into losing a firm control
over the quality of products.

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