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Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama


Thigpen, LK, Green, JM, and O’Neal, EK. Hydration profile and ehydration of ;3–4% body mass impairs anaer-
sweat loss perception of male and female division II basketball obic performance and is likely exacerbated later
players during practice. J Strength Cond Res 28(12): 3425– in exercise where repeated high-intensity effort
3431, 2014—Hydration affects multiple aspects of basketball per- bouts are required such as in basketball (11).
formance, but few investigations have examined the hydration pro- Dehydration also results in slower response time and deci-
sion making for basketball players (3) and degrades basket-
files of collegiate basketball players. We examined multiday
ball shooting and sport-specific movement drills (4,9).
prepractice hydration status of 11 male and 11 female NCAA
Training and competition during a collegiate basketball sea-
(National Collegiate Athletic Association) Division II basketball play-
son is intense, and the short time between practices and
ers’ sweat losses, fluid intake, and how accurately players esti-
games makes proper rehydration imperative to optimizing
mated their sweat losses. Urine-specific gravity (USG) was performance.
spontaneously assessed before 2 practices. Sweat losses and There is lack of information examining the day-to-day
fluid intakes were measured during a conditioning practice (CP) hydration status of male vs. female collegiate basketball
and sport-specific practice (SP). After practices, players filled players during rigorous training periods. However, evidence
1,030 ml practice bottles to estimate their sweat losses. Urine- from other collegiate sports and higher-level basketball
specific gravity between practices exhibited a moderate correlation players suggest regular hypohydration and possibly a differ-
(r = 0.54; p = 0.012) and were consistently high (17% of samples ence between genders may exist. The National Athletic
= USG .1.030) with no difference in mean USG between men Trainers’ Association (8) promotes that athletes should
(1.026 6 0.004) and women (1.022 6 0.008). Athletes’ estima- attempt to exhibit urine-specific gravity (USG) less than
tions of their sweat loss volumes between CP and the longer SP 1.020 before practice or competition. Armstrong et al. (1)
were strongly correlated (r = 0.88; p , 0.001). Estimation error
found male collegiate tennis players displayed consistently
higher prematch USG levels (1.027 6 0.005 for both days 2
was high (absolute error for both practices = 71 6 52%) and error
and 3 of a 3-day tournament) compared with women com-
direction varied greatly within men. Women consistently underesti-
peting in the same environment (USG day 2 = 1.021 6
mated sweat losses by 63 6 28% and 65 6 20% during CP and
0.008; day 3 = 1.017 6 0.010). Volpe et al. (22) also reported
SP. Sweat losses during SP equaled 2,471 6 495 ml and 1,910 similar high USG levels (.1.020 = 66%) and greater levels of
6 441 ml for men and women, respectively, but high practice fluid hypohydration in men than women (47% of men and
intake limited body mass losses to 1.1 6 0.6% by the end of 28% of women = USG . 1.020) when collecting spontane-
practice. It is plausible that hypohydration is related to poor con- ous prepractice USG levels of athletes across 14 different
ceptualization of sweat losses. Simulating the methodology of this sports (basketball not included). This gender-related trend
study could help identify chronically hypohydrated athletes and be is also exhibited in professional basketball players. Osterberg
used to educate on between-practice fluid needs. et al. (16) reported that 52% of male National Basketball
Association (NBA) players had pregame USG levels greater
KEY WORDS urine-specific gravity, collegiate athletes, than 1.020, and Hamouti et al. (10) found all 11 male
dehydration, gender national level European basketball players had USG levels
greater than 1.020 before a morning practice. In contrast,
Brandenburg and Gaetz (6) reported pregame USG levels
Address correspondence to Eric K. O’Neal, of 1.005 6 0.002 and 1.010 6 0.005 before games held on
28(12)/3425–3431 consecutive days for elite female basketball players.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research One possible explanation for such high rates of hypohy-
Ó 2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association dration for athletes, particularly men, reporting to practice or

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3425

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Hydration in Basketball

games and matches may be that some athletes vastly thickness measurements (Lange Caliper, Cambridge, MD,
underestimate the amount of sweat they lose during practice USA) at 3-sites (men: chest, abdomen, thigh; women: tricep,
resulting in a false sense that their rehydration efforts have suprailiac, thigh) (18). Age, height, weight, and body fat were
been effective. Runners have been shown to consistently 21 6 1 years, 188 6 9 cm, 85.4 6 7.6 kg, 8.7 6 2.4% for men
underestimate their sweat losses by ;50% whether reporting and 19 6 1 year, 175 6 8 cm, 75.3 6 10.1 kg, 14.2 6 6.4%
sweat loss estimates on pen and paper (17) or quantifying women, respectively. All procedures were approved by the
sweat loss estimations by filling paper race cups with water local institutional review board, and subjects provided writ-
(15). Sweat rates vary greatly between athletes, but losses in ten consent before data collection.
excess of 2 L$h21 are not uncommon in basketball in pro-
fessional male basketball players (16). Athletes will typically Procedures
void a third or more of their postexercise fluid intake (23), Investigators collected data for a CP during late September
meaning heavy sweaters must consume vast amounts of fluid to early October that was completed before in-season SPs
that may potentially exceed inherent thirst drive to regain were allowed. Data for the SP were collected during mid-to-
fluid losses. late October and included individual and team drills.
If athletes could conceptualize the volume of sweat loss Description of each practice duration and activities com-
they incur and were informed of how much fluid would be pleted, heart rate, and environment are displayed in Table 1,
needed to return to a state of euhydration, more effective in addition to a description of each practice activities. A
between-practice rehydration might be possible. The au- description of activities during CP and SP are listed in Table
thors are unaware of any investigation that has examined 1. All efforts were made to minimize investigators’ influence
how accurately nonendurance athletes perceive their indi- on normal practice routines. Team coaches were informed of
vidual sweat losses during practice. Therefore, the purpose of the procedures that would take place and practice dates to
this study was to determine how accurately collegiate men conduct testing were established. Practice dates were chosen
and women basketball players estimate their sweat losses. in coordination with each team’s head coach to ensure that
Additionally, spontaneous prepractice hydration status each practice would be rigorous in nature (i.e., not on days in
(USG) and practice fluid consumption were assessed. We which walkthroughs would be taking place).
hypothesized that the majority of athletes would report to Participants provided a urine sample before the start of the
practice hypohydrated and underestimate sweat losses, but selected practice as they arrived for morning CP or for
that men would report more hypohydrated and underesti- afternoon SP. Prepractice USG was measured in duplicate by
mate sweat losses to a greater extent than women. 2 investigators using a manual refractometer (Master-URC/
NM; Atago, Tokyo, Japan). Investigators instructed coaches
METHODS to refrain from informing athletes of the dates testing would
take place so that spontaneous prepractice USG levels could
Experimental Approach to the Problem
be assessed without participant bias. The majority of samples
A descriptive examination of natural prepractice hydration
were collected during CP and SP. However, some athletes
status of collegiate basketball players was assessed using
were unable to urinate during the short period after they
USG from collections of spontaneous voids before off-
arrived to the gym and before practice began for one of the
season, morning conditioning practices (CPs) and preseason,
CP or SP practices. Investigators made unannounced visits
afternoon official sport-specific practices (SP). Fluid intake,
to assess USG before practices shortly after the CP or SP
practice sweat losses, and estimations of sweat losses were
practice for players who were unable to provide a sample.
also quantified, and comparisons of dependent variables
One female player was unable to provide any urine samples.
were made within participants between practices and
All urine voids after the initial weigh-in were collected and
between genders when applicable.
measured to use in calculating sweat loss. Prepractice body
Subjects mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg on a digital scale
Male (n = 11) and female (n = 11) NCAA (National Colle- (BWB-800; Tanita Digital Scale, Tokyo, Japan) with partic-
giate Athletic Association) Division II college basketball ipants wearing minimal clothing (undergarments and bas-
players (age range = 18–22 years) volunteered to participate ketball shorts). After weight assessment, participants
in this study. Participants were approached before an early changed into their standardized practice clothing (different
preseason practice and advised of the experimental proce- set of clothing than worn during weight measurement) and
dures and associated risks. All players completed a written were fitted with a heart rate monitor (Team2; Polar Electro
informed consent form, physical activity readiness question- Oy, Kempele, Finland) that measured heart rate continu-
naire, and health status questionnaire before data collection. ously in 5-second increments.
Each player had passed a physician administered physical Investigators filled, weighed, and labeled one 1,030 ml
before the athletic competition year. Player height was deter- practice sport bottle with water for each player before each
mined using a stadiometer (Detecto, Webb City, MO, USA), practice. Practice bottles were matched to athletes, and
and body fat percentage was estimated using skinfold investigators monitored the sport bottles to ensure that
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TABLE 1. Description of CP and SP.*


Men Women Men Women

Start time, hours 0605 0600 1330 1700

Duration, min 45 95 170 170
Heart rate, b$min21 159 6 7 144 6 8 135 6 14 153 6 11
WBGT, 8C 20.0 6 0.0 20.4 6 0.7 17.2 6 0.4 18.5 6 0.9
Dry temperature, 8C 22.5 6 0.1 23.9 6 1.0 19.6 6 2.5 23.7 6 0.8
Practice activities DWU (15), DWU (15), RT (30), SDDP/SPR (15), 4v4 HC DWU (10), AD (30), SDDP
(duration in min) SPR/SR (30) SPR/SR/AD (50) (30), SDDP/SPR (10), (15), 5v5 HC (20), SDDP
5v5 HC (20), SDDP (10), (25), 3v3 FC (10), 5v5 FC
4v4 HC (20), 5v5 FC (20), SDDP (10), 5v5 FC
(30), SDDP/SPR (30), (20), SDDP (20)
RT (20)

*CP = conditioning practice; DWU = dynamic warm-up drills; RT = resistance training; SPR = sprints; SR = shuttle running; AD = agility
drills; SDDP = shooting, dribbling, defensive; or passing drills; HC = half-court; FC = full court; WBGT = wet bulb globe temperature.

athletes only drank out of their bottle and did not spit out practices and games and two, 3 L pitchers of water in
any fluids. During practice, the bottles were kept on ice in a privacy room. Participants were given the instructions,
a cooler and made continually available to the athletes as “Please estimate the volume of sweat you believe you lost
dictated by the practice conditions. Wet bulb globe temper- during today’s practice by filling the sports bottles with
ature (TH-8 Temperature Monitor; Physitemp Inc., Clifton, water from the pitchers. You may use as many bottles as
NJ, USA) was recorded at court level every 10 minutes desired. One bottle is equal to 1.03 liters or approximately
throughout each practice session and a log was kept 35 fluid ounces of water.” After the participants finished their
describing the drills and activities during each practice. estimations, the sport bottles were weighed to the nearest
After practice, players showered, dried off, and changed 2 g. Participants were allowed to change their estimate, if
back into the same set of minimal dry clothing they wore desired, after seeing the mass of the filled bottles. Investiga-
during the initial weight assessment so postpractice body tors instructed participants to not share their sweat loss esti-
weight could be determined for use in sweat loss calcu- mation with teammates.
lations. Postpractice bottle mass was measured to the nearest
2 g (KD-200; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan) to determine fluid Statistical Analyses
consumption. After weight assessment, players were pre- Independent and paired samples t-tests were used to analyze
sented with a set of three 1.030 ml sports bottles identical to differences between genders or within subjects. Pearson
the bottles they were accustomed to drinking from during r was used to examine correlation between variables
associated with sweat losses,
estimations, and USG. Data
are presented as mean 6 SD.
Statistical significance was con-
TABLE 2. Prepractice USG.*
sidered as p # 0.05.
Level of dehydration† cases (%)
Mean 6 SD #1.020 1.021–1.030 .1.030
Prepractice Urine-
Women (n = 10)z 1.022 6 0.008 5 (25) 11 (55) 4 (20) Specific Gravity
Men (n = 11) 1.026 6 0.004 4 (18) 15 (68) 3 (14) Few athletes exhibited preprac-
Total (n = 21) 1.024 6 0.007 9 (21) 26 (62) 7 (17)
tice USG levels #1.020, and
*USG = urine-specific gravity. there were no differences
†Classifications based on NATA (14) guidelines; minimal = #1.020; significant = 1.021– between genders for mean
1.030; serious = .1.030.
zOne female player was unable to provide a prepractice USG sample. USG (Table 2). Urine-specific
gravity is also displayed by
NATA classifications in Table 2.

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3427

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Hydration in Basketball

in duration and activities make comparing CP data difficult

as the men’s practice was much shorter but of higher inten-
sity (almost all sprinting and shuttle drills). Predictably, total
sweat losses were greater during the SP than CP for both
groups (Table 3). Sweat rate was greater during the CP than
SP for men but not women between CP and SP because of
the difference in nature of activities between practice types
(Table 3). No player, male or female, lost 2% or greater body
mass from sweating during CP, but 5 men and 1 woman lost
more than 3% body mass during the SP. During SP, total
percentage body mass lost was not significant (p = 0.10)
between genders (Table 3).
Fluid Intake
Both men and women averaged replacing over half of sweat
losses in each practice condition (Table 3). Fluid intake dur-
Figure 1. Scatterplot depicting first and second urine-specific gravity ing CP was significantly different (p = 0.04) between men
measurements collected (r = 0.54; p = 0.012). Markers with no fill and women and neared significance (p = 0.054) during SP
represent men (n = 11). Markers with fill represent women (n = 10). (Table 3). When fluid intake was included, men experienced
a loss of 0.52 6 0.27% during CP and 1.12 6 0.60% during
SP. Women lost 0.47 6 0.46% (CP) and 1.06 6 0.54% (SP).
The USG between practices displayed a moderate correlation
Sweat Loss Estimations
(Figure 1; r = 0.54; p = 0.012) when data for both genders were
Men vastly overestimated sweat losses during CP and
combined suggesting consistent rehydration behavior with
underestimated sweat losses by ;30% during SP (Table 3).
many individuals displaying repeated levels of prepractice hypo-
Sweat loss estimation accuracy differed between genders for
hydration or hyperhydration. When the 2 USG samples were
CP and approached significance for SP (p = 0.07; Table 3).
analyzed by gender, a strong correlation was found for women
Female players showed striking consistencies and greater
(r = 0.72; p = 0.02), but there was no relationship (r = 0.21; p =
underestimation than men in both practices with only 1
0.54) between samples for men. However, this is likely because
player overestimating during CP and no players overestimat-
of the small sample size and minimal distribution range of very
ing sweat losses during the SP. A strong (r = 0.87; p , 0.001)
high USG scores for men, whereas there were 2 female athletes
relationship was discovered between the adjustments in total
with consistently low USG levels (Table 2 and Figure 1).
sweat loss estimations between practice types confirming
Sweat Losses players’ had consistent judgments on sweat losses (Figure 2).
Sweat loss expressed in total, rate per hour, and percentage Despite similarities in sweat loss estimation accuracy, there
of body mass in addition to fluid intake and sweat loss was no relationship between mean USG and CP estimation
estimate data are displayed in Table 3. Both SP lasted 170 mi- accuracy (r = 0.22; p = 0.34) and SP estimation accuracy
nutes and were very similar in activities, but the differences (r = 0.20; p = 0.39).

TABLE 3. Sweat losses and fluid intake for CP and SP (n = 22; mean 6 SD).*

Sweat loss Fluid intake Sweat loss estimation

Total, ml Rate, ml$h21 % body mass Total, ml % sweat loss Total, ml % sweat loss

CP 969 6 250† 1263 6 326†z 1.1 6 0.3†z 523 6 250†z 54 6 22 1316 6 847* 142 6 102†z
SP 2471 6 495* 872 6 175* 2.9 6 0.6 1535 6 571 62 6 19 1740 6 1200* 71 6 57
CP 1112 6 271† 702 6 171 1.5 6 0.3† 744 6 230† 71 6 25† 394 6 242† 37 6 28
SP 1910 6 441 674 6 156 2.5 6 0.4 1101 6 411 58 6 19 632 6 284 35 6 20

*CP = conditioning practice; SP = sport-specific practice.

†Significantly different (p # 0.05) from SP within gender.
zSignificantly different (p # 0.05) from women within the same practice context (i.e., CP or SP).

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Osterberg et al. (16). Together, these findings are important

as they indicate that hydration behavior is repeatable for
many individuals and that multiple spontaneous USG eval-
uations may be used to direct coaches or athletic trainers’
attention to athletes that are habitually hypohydrated.
Gender differences in hydration status as assessed by USG
have often demonstrated that female athletes and exercisers
will begin training more well hydrated than men (20–22).
Brandenburg and Gaetz (6) reported repeated, unusually low
USG levels in elite professional female basketball players before
competitions. Based on these observations, we incorrectly
hypothesized similar findings in our sample, as there were
no differences between genders in USG (Table 2). Although
female USG means were 0.004 less than their male counter-
parts, the small sample size was greatly skewed by 1 female
outlier with very low and repeated USG levels (Figure 1).
Figure 2. Within-subject sweat loss estimations between practices (r = Brandenburg and Gaetz (6) did not report the pregame nutri-
0.87; p , 0.001). Markers with no fill represent men (n = 11). Markers tional activities for their athletes, but it is probable that an
with fill represent women (n = 11). evening meal was provided and that ample opportunities to
consume fluids were available as is typical for most compet-
itions at this level. It is also possible that light or no practice
occurred the day before competition as USG increased by
DISCUSSION 0.005 before the second game that took place the day after
Three key outcomes were drawn from the current sample of the first game offering plenty of opportunity to rehydrate with-
collegiate basketball players. The first is that the majority of out large fluid losses through sweating. In contrast, the athletes
our male and female collegiate basketball players did not in the current study were responsible for feeding themselves
arrive to practice in a euhydrated state, with 2 of 3 players in and had completed a practice or conditioning session the day
this study exhibiting USG levels of more than 1.020 for both before each sample collection.
practices. The second finding is that although sweat losses The vast difference in precompetition USG levels for elite
varied greatly between and within genders, the majority of male (16) and female (6) basketball players is puzzling. A
basketball players did not accumulate greater than 1–2% simple explanation for these discrepancies may be the inher-
prepractice body mass loss because of ample fluid intake ent differences in disproportionality higher sweat losses of
during practice. The most novel outcome of this study was men than women, which are not likely paralleled by similar
that basketball players sampled, particularly women, had increases in thirst (5). Although sweat losses were substantial
very poor conceptualization of actual sweat losses. for both men and women, the higher rates for men may have
With the exception of 1 male and 2 female players, all created a rehydration obstacle that could not be overcome
other athletes had mean USG levels greater than 1.020 with with simply drinking according to thirst within the short
17% of all samples exceeding 1.030 (Table 2). These results time between practices (Table 3) as no men but 2 women
support the findings of Osterberg et al. (16) who found pre- displayed repeated USG levels of #1.015 (Figure 2).
game USG levels to exceed 1.020 in more than half of pro- We propose that the perception of sweat loss could also be
fessional American male basketball players during 2 separate a critical factor in effective rehydration efforts. Hydration
games and Hamouti et al. (10) who reported 100% of is likely not considered to be as important of a factor to
professional European male basketball players (n = 11) performance and safety by athletes, coaches, or athletic
exceeded USG levels of 1.020 before practices. Current trainers in basketball as it is in other sports that compete in
NATA guidelines (8) demarcate USG levels greater than hotter outdoor environments such a long distance running
1.020 as representation of dehydration. Armstrong et al. and cycling or American football. Nichols et al. (14) reported
(2) have suggested this indicator may be slightly too conser- that 63% of collegiate athletes knew that weighing them-
vative, particularly for first morning voids. However, even selves before and after exercise was beneficial, but only
when using a higher USG level as an indicator of hypohy- 18% actually incorporated this technique. Without knowl-
dration such as 1.025, a striking number of players did not edge of sweat loss volume, athletes most likely simply drink
report to practice in a state of euhydration as displayed by based on thirst or are guessing at how much fluid restoration
the high concentration of scores in the upper right quadrant is required, which is key to ensuring a proper hydration
of Figure 1. The CP and SP USG were moderately corre- strategy (13).
lated (r = 0.54; p = 0.012) and exhibited a similar relationship With the exception of the men’s CP, the results of sweat
(r = 0.61) for between game USG levels reported by loss estimation in this study reinforce Passe et al. (17) and

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3429

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Hydration in Basketball

O’Neal et al. (15) who found the majority of runners under- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
estimate sweat losses. Although examination of mean differ- Current results indicate that the majority of both male and
ences for sweat loss estimation accurately depicts sweat loss female collegiate basketball players report to practice in
perception of our female athletes (i.e., consistent vast under- a state of hypohydration and have poor ability to estimate
estimation), results for our male participants are distorted sweat losses. After completion of this study, each player was
without consideration for individual responses. During CP, presented with their individual results for USG, sweat losses
6 men overestimated sweat losses substantially, whereas 5 and estimations, and the investigators gave a tutorial on how
underestimated to nearly as great of an extent. These char- to calculate sweat losses. Sweat losses were presented to the
acteristics did not carry over to the SP where only 1 indi- athletes in terms of their practice sport bottles, and 500 ml
vidual vastly overestimated sweat losses. Previous and 2 L commercial water bottles. It is our belief that
investigators have suggested that runners focus on visible increased awareness on how to track sweat losses and
sweat losses and neglect to consider sweat losses they do particularly providing a physical volume of fluid for the
not see (i.e., evaporated sweat) (15). Even during extremely athlete to view is instrumental in increasing athletes’ con-
humid and hot environments, less than 25% of sweat losses ceptualizations of hydration needs. Temporarily incorporat-
will remain on the skin or in clothing, and under this sce- ing the methodology used in this study could be a useful tool
nario sweat rate may be a much greater consideration by the for athletic trainers as chronically dehydrated athletes can
athlete than total sweat loss (15). We feel this scenario is easily be identified. Additionally, these evaluations can be
manifested for the men’s CP and SP practices in which the used to provide encouragement to individuals who are ade-
intensity (HR increased by 25 b$min21) and sweat rate quately rehydrating between practices to continue their cur-
(increase of ;30%) for CP were much greater than SP. rent practices.
Although this rationale does not explain the vast underesti-
mations by some men during CP, it is strengthened in the
fact that players tended to over or under predict with con- REFERENCES
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VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3431

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