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My unforgettable experience this midyear break is the day when I went at school and practice for

upcoming event which is the foundation. I was so excited to learn the new dance choreographies,
although it’s tiring but I can still find it enjoyable

As my coach taught us how to be discipline by saying “I cannot make you better by telling corrections.
Only you can improve upon your dancing by applying the correction”.

And I cannot forget the time when my co dancers we’re eating dinner, lunch ,breakfast and laughing
together. Those simple bonds was unforgettable moments for me

And also I cannot forget this experience because

Dance has also been a great stress reliever I have had through my entire life. It has taught me so much
and has shaped who I am as person.

Dance is like therapy to me, and after a long day of work or other classes, it feels comforting to have my
dance practice as an outlet to express myself and exert my energy into something positive and also
dancing helps me to gain my confident

Through dance have taught me many lessons that have contributed to who I am today. I’m sure that
they will continue to guide me into the future and be a part of my everyday life.

And also I can’t forget what my coach said “When you’re really struggling with a dance, you can’t just
give up. You have to just keep trying, and eventually you will get it.”

You knows how rewarding It feels when you finally able to nail a particular step or dance that you has
been working hard on.

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