Les Choristes: Lesson Plans

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Les choristes

Lesson Plans

Level: French 2/PA French 2/French 3

Georgia State Standards of Learning:

 MLI.INT1D: Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in listening and reading
 MLII.INT1A: Indentify main ideas and essential details when reading and listening
 MLII.INT1B: Interpret culturally authentic materials and information
 MLII.P1A: Relate main ideas and essential details from level-appropriate print or non-
print material
 MLII.CU1B: Identify patterns of behavior typically associated with cultures, such as
eating and shopping customs, leisure activities, and celebration of national holidays
 MLII.CCC5B: Illustrate how the target language and culture(s) studied are evident in
and through media, entertainment, and technology

 Upon viewing the film, the students will be able to identify main events of the plot.
 Upon viewing the film, the students will be able to identify major characters and give
brief descriptions of each character.
 The students will know and be able to use basic French vocabulary to describe physical
characteristics and personality traits.
 The students will demonstrate correct adjective placement and adjective agreement in
brief written descriptions of key characters.
 The students will be able to summarize main events of the plot.
 The students will demonstrate correct use and placement of direct and indirect object
pronouns in their brief summaries of key events.

 Brief introduction of the film, with discussion of relevant characters and background
 Students will view the film Les choristes (in French with English subtitles)
 To demonstrate their comprehension of the main events of the story and key traits of the
significant characters, the students will complete the comprehension questions in Parts 1, 2,
and 3 of the attached packet. Discussion will take place once film has ended.
 As a culminating assessment for Unit 4, the students will also complete (after the viewing and
discussion of the film) one of the two options for Part 4 of the a packet: a lengthy composition
comparing and contrasting key characters, with an emphasis on using relevant adjective
vocabulary and adjective agreement; or a translation of the lyrics of a significant song from the
film, followed by a report on its relevance to the film’s overall theme.
Les choristes
Projet de film (65 points)
**This is your final project grade of the semester. Use it as a final opportunity to improve your grade,
and also use it as one of your study guides for your 18-weeks exam, as each topic covered in this
film will also appear on your final.**

Résumé de l'histoire (drame - 2004) :

En 1949, Clément Mathieu, professeur de musique sans emploi, est nommé « surveillant » dans un internat
de rééducation pour mineurs. Par la magie du chant, il va transformer la vie des enfants...

Le film a reçu 2 César (sur 8 nominations). Il a été nominé aux Golden Globe et aux Oscar en 2005.

Les personnages principaux :

Clement Monsieur Mondain
Morhange Pépinot
Matthieu Rachin

Partie 1 : Identification des personnages -- Vrai ou faux?

1. Le collège Fond de l’Etang est un collège mixte. vrai faux

2. L’histoire se passe aux Etats-Unis. vrai faux
3. Morhange devient compositeur et chef d’orchestre célèbre. vrai faux
4. Morhange est le plus jeune et le plus petit des enfants. vrai faux
5. Le nouveau prof s’appelle Clément Mathieu. vrai faux
6. Le directeur s’appelle Monsieur Chabert. vrai faux
7. Le gardien du collège s’appelle Le Père Maxence. vrai faux
8. L’élève le plus dangereux s’appelle Boniface. vrai faux
9. Mondain a le petit nom « tête d’ange ». vrai faux
10. Morhange est adopté par Clément Matthieu. vrai faux
11. Clément Matthieu tombe amoureux de la mère de Morhange. vrai faux
12. Pépinot cherche son père chaque samedi. vrai faux
Partie 2 : Discussion Questions - As you watch the film, be prepared to discuss the following questions.
You don’t need to write anything down.
1). What kind of child were you (or maybe are you still)? Calme? Difficile? Discipliné(e)? Indiscipliné(e)?
2). What kind of child are most of the students at Fond de l’Etang?
3). Explain M. Rachin’s policy of “Action – Reaction.”
4). Are the methods of M. Rachin and M. Clement effective to teach and to discipline the students? What
advice would you like to give to them?
5). Are rules respected by the students of Fond de l’Etang? Are they respected here at Gordon Central?
6). Why is Mondain expelled from the school? Is his expulsion a just punishment or an injust one? How
does he “get his revenge?”
7). What influence does Clement Mattieu have on the life of Pierre Morhange?
8). Explain the significance of the last line of dialog of the film. 

Partie 3: L'histoire du film (Final Exam Review - 26 points)

Complétez le paragraphe suivant en conjuguant les verbes au passé composé . Remember that some
verbs will use « avoir » as a helping verb, and some will use « être. »

Monsieur Clément (arriver) ___________________________ le 15 janvier 1949 à Fond de l'Étang.

Il (être) _____________________ embauché pour être surveillant mais dès le 30 janvier, il (décider)
_____________________ de tenter une expérience avec les enfants difficiles. Il (créer) _________________
une chorale et tous les enfants (participer) __________________________. Petit à petit, les enfants
(retrouver) ____________________ le calme et le sourire. La chorale (avoir) ____________________
beaucoup de succès et la comtesse (venir) _________________________ écouter les enfants. Tout le monde
(entendre) ___________________ la merveilleuse voix de Pierre Morhange. Mais le directeur de l'école,
jaloux, (renvoyer ; *fired) _____________________ M. Clément. Cependant (*however), la vie de deux
enfants (changer) profondément ______________________. Pierre Morhange (devenir)
_________________ un chef d'orchestre célèbre et Mathieu Clément (adopter)___________________

Partie 4: L'impératif. (Final Exam Review - 10 points)

The headmaster of the school, Monsieur Rachin, according to his principle of « Action, Reaction » gives
many orders to Monsieur Clement. Mettez ces phrases à l'impératif (ce sont ses ordres pour M. Clément –
Forme VOUS). Put the following phrases into commands using the « imperative » tense ; and since these
colleagues would speak to each other formally, use “vous” as your implied subject. (Aussi, pour des rappels
et des informations au sujet de l’impératif, regardez aux pages 24-25 et Appendix A, pg. R12).

Exemple : Accepter mes ordres sans discuter => « Acceptez mes ordres sans discuter ! »
     Être ponctuel = _____________________________________________________________
     Frapper les enfants si c'est nécessaire = _________________________________________
     Réagir (*react) immédiatement = ________________________________________________
     Être stricte = ____________________________________________________________________
     Terminer le chorale = _____________________________________________________________
Partie 5: Final writing assignment (20 points)
Write a character sketch (“une biography”) of one of the major characters from this film. Be as detailed in
your description as you can, but at minimum your sketch should include:
- basic bio: name, approximate age, and nationality (vocabulary from Unit 1; pgs 32-33)
- profession (vocabulary from Unit 1; pgs 36-37)
- family history: does this character have parents/siblings/spouses that we know of? (vocabulary from
Unit 1, pg 34)
- physical descriptions and personality traits: what does this character look like and how does s/he
behave? (Vocabulary from Unit 1, pgs 46-50).
- at least one thing that this character particularly likes or particularly doesn’t like (can you use any of the
vocabulary for hobbies and/or events from Units 2 and 4, on pgs 102 and 208?)
- any other relevant information. Is this character known for anything special or noteworthy (singing
well, singing poorly, being often punished, being the victim of bullying, being a liar, etc.)?
- Also, since this story took place more than 60 years ago, your character is likely “deceased” by now. For
that reason (and for the sake of practice), you should write as much of this biographie as possible in the
passé compose.

















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