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Received: 16 October 2020 Revised: 7 May 2021 Accepted: 9 May 2021

DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.15799


How does milk fat replacement influence cheese analogue

microstructure, rheology, and texture profile?

Valeria Giha María José Ordoñez Ruby Alejandra Villamil

Science Faculty, Pontificia Universidad

Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia Abstract: Over the past few years, the market for cheese substitutes has been
growing on account of the simple and cost-effective production of these cheese-
Ruby Alejandra Villamil, Science Faculty,
like products. It is well established that the functional properties of cheeses are
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá directly related to their composition. Therefore, the variation of fat in cheese sub-
110111, Colombia. stitutes certainly affects the characteristics of the cheeses. The purpose of this
review was to summarize the latest research on the effects of milk fat replace-
ment with vegetable oils on the rheological, textural, and microstructural prop-
erties of cheese analogues. The findings suggest that the primary effects of modi-
fying fat in cheese analogues are associated with an alteration in the interactions
among the components of the protein matrix, which varies because of milk fat
extraction. Overall, changes in the functional properties of analogous cheeses
will depend on the type of oil, the percentage of fat modification, and the type of
cheese produced.

cheese matrix, cheese microstructure, fat globule size, rheological behavior, texture parameters

1 INTRODUCTION One of the challenges of these analogues is to exhibit

similar functionality of the original cheese because an
Cheese analogues are products intended to replace tradi- alteration in the fat profile of the cheese may affect its phys-
tional cheeses, in which the fat and/or protein of the milk ical properties and stability (Awad et al., 2014; Ennis &
is replaced by nondairy alternatives (Fox et al., 2017). The Mulvihill, 2001; Ehsannia & Sanjabi, 2016; Kaminarides &
market for these cheese-like products has been growing Stachtiaris, 2000). Among the technological properties of
because they are profitable and easy to produce compared cheeses, rheological, textural, and microstructural charac-
to traditional cheeses (Transparency Market Research, teristics are fundamental to increase the versatility of the
2020). The formulation of cheese analogues has been pro- end use applications of the cheese analogues (Hennelly
moted to meet consumer demands (Ferrão et al., 2016). The et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2008; Mounsey & O’Riordan, 2001;
milk fat substitution with vegetable oils is a trend in the Montesinos-Herrero et al., 2006). Hence, the formulations
manufacture of cheese-like products (Bermúdez-Aguirre of cheese analogues always tend drastically to avoid modi-
& Barbosa-Cánovas, 2011; Calligaris et al., 2013; Hughes fications of the original technological characteristics of the
et al., 2012; Villamil et al., 2021) since it can improve cheese after replacing the milk fat with vegetable oil; there-
the fatty acid profile of the final cheese, contributing to fore, this will depend on the type of cheese and its charac-
a healthier ratio between saturated and unsaturated fats teristics, as well as the intended purpose of the end product
ratio (Achachlouei et al., 2013; Villamil et al., 2020). How- (Kapoor & Metzger, 2008).
ever, the increase of the nutritional quality implies the The concept of ‘‘rheological properties’’ for cheeses
incorporation of food sources that represent a high cost of refers to the capacity of cheese to maintain its inte-
the final product (Fox et al., 2017). grated structure (Fox et al., 2017). It is of considerable

2802 © 2021 Institute of Food Technologists

R J. Food Sci. 2021;86:2802–2815.

importance since it can affect the degree (or length) to different vital organs such as muscles, heart and liver,
of chewing, which may affect the product acceptability among others (Miciński et al., 2012). Also, it has been con-
(O’Callaghan & Guinee, 2004). Some studies have demon- ferred preventive properties against certain diseases such
strated that modification of fat can result in a signifi- as ulcerative colitis and cancer in addition to having anti-
cantly higher melting area (Totosaus et al., 2017). Addi- inflammatory and antibacterial effects (Tan et al., 2014). In
tionally, the incorporation of emulsified vegetable oils into spite of these properties, the use of unsaturated fats has
the matrix may affect the amount and distribution of fat shown to offer certain health advantages such as the pre-
droplets in the protein network, leading to changes in vention of oxidative modification of low-density lipopro-
the microstructure and textural behavior of the cheese tein (LDL) in the vascular endothelium (Aguilera et al.,
(Lobato-Calleros et al., 2002, 2003). One study reported 2001). It has been demonstrated that a higher intake of sat-
that fat modification resulted in a harder cheese with urated fatty acids can be reflected in a significant increase
decreased fracturability (Bermúdez-Aguirre & Barbosa- in LDL and total cholesterol compared to a diet rich in
Cánovas, 2011), which may contribute to diminished con- food sources of unsaturated fatty acids (Briggs et al., 2017).
sumer acceptability. Overall, fat is important for taste, In addition, by substituting milk fat for vegetable oils, the
appearance, and texture of foods, contributing to adjust- analogues are nearly cholesterol free (Bachmann, 2001).
ment of solids, impact of particle size, consistency, color, The substitution and/or fortification of cheeses with the
and proper balance of flavor characteristics (Lucca & Tep- incorporation of vegetable oils seems to be useful in the
per, 1994). As shown, different studies have revealed how prevention of different non-transmissible diseases while
the total or partial replacement of milk fat by vegetable oils representing a competitive advantage in the food indus-
can affect the physical properties of cheeses. For this rea- try. The substitution of milk fat or milk protein in an ana-
son, this work aims to assess how the rheological, textural, logue cheese is not the same as committing fraud or adul-
and microstructure properties of cheese analogues may be teration of the product since any change in the composi-
affected by the substitution of milk fat with vegetable oils. tion of the milk is reported on the packaging of the cheese
analogue or substitute. Milk is often subject of fraud in
order to obtain economic benefits such as adding water to
2 GENERAL VIEW OF CHEESE increase the volume of the milk and thus sell it at a higher
ANALOGUES price with a lower nutritional value (Handford et al., 2016).
In the case of some cheese analogues, milk components
Cheese analogues can be arbitrarily classified into three are often replaced by other products with the objective of
categories: cheese analogues, filled cheeses, and tofu- providing a nutritional benefit to consumers. However, as
based cheeses. They can also be classified based on the mentioned above, changing the matrix can lead to varia-
ingredients used in their formulation and manufactur- tions in the technological and instrumental characteristics
ing processes, as partially dairy or non-dairy, depend- of the cheese. In this paper, we discuss the different effects
ing on whether the fat and/or protein components are of modifying milk fat by vegetable oil on analogue cheeses.
derived from dairy or vegetable sources (Fox et al., 2017).
Cheese analogues are formulated and produced with spe-
cific nutritional and/or functional properties, according to 3 IMPORTANCE OF FAT
the market and consumer needs (Bachmann, 2001). The REPLACEMENT IN CHEESE ANALOGUES
main advantage of these cheese-like products is their versa-
tility, as these substitute products can be designed to meet Today, a wide variety of cheese (e.g., fresh cheese, matured
special dietary needs through changes in their formulation cheese, spreadable cheese, and processed cheese, among
(e.g., lactose free, low in calories, low in saturated fat and others) is used as ingredients for cooking and recipes. The
cholesterol and even vitamin and mineral enriched). technological properties of these cheeses will depend on
Cheese analogues are intended to replace traditional their end use application. For example, a cheese with excel-
cheeses; hence, they should not be nutritionally inferior lent melting ability and springiness is desirable for pizza
to cheese. Promoters of cheese-like products claim nutri- (Guinee, 2016); but on the contrary, for other food prepara-
tional advantages over genuine cheeses. Some researchers tions such as Palak paneer, a high degree of meltability may
have addressed the use of unsaturated fat in dairy cheese be undesirable. Each cheese variety has properties that
in order to improve the lipid profile of the cheeses (Living- depend on the manufacturing procedures, the treatment of
stone et al., 2012). However, there is a growing scientific the milk, and the manufacturing technique (Lamichhane
consensus in favor of milk fat due to its specific physio- et al., 2018). In addition, the cheese composition, such as
logical functions (Gómez-Cortés et al., 2018). The presence its dry matter, fat, protein, and calcium content, is a deter-
of medium- and short-chain fatty acids provides energy mining factor in its behavior (Mehta, 2018). Therefore, at

the moment of developing an analogue cheese by replac- As can be observed in Table 2, the findings showed that
ing milk fat with vegetable oil, one must be considering cheese analogues with milk fat substitution with vegetable
how the change in the composition of the traditional prod- oils have an increase in fat globule size (Abd El-Wahed &
uct can affect its technological properties and thus its final Hassanien, 2019; Cunha et al., 2010) and a decrease in the
use. number of globules present (Cunha et al., 2013; Lee et al.,
Fat is a fundamental component of cheese. Cheese ana- 2015; Leong et al., 2020) in a less uniform distribution (Abd
logues made with altered fat contents may be unsuitable El-Wahed & Hassanien, 2019; Cunha et al., 2010). In con-
in terms of overall quality (Rogers et al., 2010). Fat replace- trast, some studies have shown a decrease in the size of
ment can impact the ripening biochemistry, microstruc- the fat globules (Cunha et al., 2013; Leong et al., 2020).
ture and sensorial properties, due to the fatty acid com- Although there is limited information regarding pores in
position, mainly unsaturated fatty acids (Moatsou et al., cheese analogues, very few of the revised studies show data
2019). Additionally, the texture defects are the most com- related to this aspect. These studies showed that cheese
monly described in low-fat cheeses (Lobato-Calleros et al., analogues with partial or total milk fat substitution pre-
1997). Suitable vegetable oils are the main source of bioac- sented a higher number of pores in the cheese (Ramel &
tive lipids; hence, these oils have been incorporated at dif- Marangoni, 2018) and an increase in the size of the pores
ferent levels as substitutes for milk fat in a variety of cheese compared to traditional cheeses (Leong et al., 2020).
analogues (e.g., Table 1). Further, the microstructure, fol-
lowed by rheological properties and texture profile analysis
(TPA), is the primary variable to study. 3.1.1 Fat globules

Some studies have evaluated the effects of replacing milk

3.1 Microstructure fat with vegetable oils regarding fat globule size and dis-
tribution (Abd El-Wahed & Hassanien, 2019; Cunha et al.,
Cheese microstructure is a complex matter composed of 2010, 2013; Lee et al., 2015; Leong et al., 2020). Overall, fat
a protein matrix that entraps fat, water, minerals, and globules are mostly spherical and evenly distributed in the
bacterial colonies and their metabolites (Burdikova et al., protein matrix. The matrix is affected when fat is modified,
2015). Microstructure is a fundamental aspect in the devel- either by replacement or fortification. For example, some
opment of technological and textural properties of the cheese analogues have shown an increase in the diameter
cheeses (Everett & Auty, 2017) for which it is necessary to of their fat globules, which could affect the integrity of the
fully understand how the components of the cheese inter- curd (Everett & Olson, 2003). Among the selected studies,
act with each other (Mehta, 2018). as shown in Table 2, it was possible to observe changes
Cheese microstructure varies according to composi- related to this same aspect. In processed cheese spread
tional factors, coagulants (e.g., enzymes, lactic acid bacte- analogues with 50% or 100% substitution of milk fat with
ria or direct acidification), degree of ripening, and storage peanut cream, through direct oil inclusion, the number of
conditions (Mehta, 2018; Watkinson et al., 2001). For exam- fat globules increased, as well as their diameter, and they
ple, in acid coagulation cheese, fat globules are usually less were less evenly distributed (Abd El-Wahed & Hassanien,
coalesced compared to rennet curd cheese. For acid curd, 2019). Cunha et al. (2013) showed similar results with a
the food matrix is composed of casein (instead of calcium model of requeijão cremoso spreadable cheese analogue
phosphate paracasein), showing a lower melting degree with a 23% fat replacement through direct oil inclusion of
and a lower volume fraction of the casein particles due partially hydrogenated soybean fat or soybean oil, which
to the high moisturize and decreased casein concentration showed an increase in diameter as well. These character-
(Fox et al., 2017). On the other hand, rennet curd cheese has istics differ from traditional cheeses which generally show
a matrix composed of a hydrated calcium phosphate para- numerous small particles of fat dispersed in a uniform pro-
casein network that occludes the fat phase which occurs as tein network (Cunha et al., 2010). However, some studies
coalesced globules (Guinee, 2016). presented different results showing, instead, a decrease in
The evaluation of microstructure includes the assess- the size of the fat globules. Leong et al. (2020) showed that
ment of the fat globule size and distribution and the in two cheddar-like analogues with partial substitution of
type of crystals present in the casein network (Fox et al., milk fat with canola oil, very small fat droplets distributed
2017; Kapoor & Metzger, 2008). Different microscopic tech- in the matrix were observed. This result can be related
niques have been used for this purpose, being confocal to the oil inclusion method used since, in the aforemen-
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron tioned studies (Abd El-Wahed & Hassanien, 2019; Cunha
microscopy (SEM) the most frequently used (El-Bakry & et al., 2010, 2013), the researchers used direct oil inclusion,
Sheehan, 2014). whereas in this study, an emulsion made by ultrasound
TA B L E 1 Summary of studies assessing texture, rheology and/or microstructure of cheese analogues with substitution of milk fat by vegetable oils
Type of cheese Milk fat replacer Fat replacement Assessed parameters Reference
Cheddar cheese analogue Canola oil 100% Rheological properties and TPA (Leong et al., 2020)
Kashar cheese analogue Palm oil 0%, 50%, and 100% TPA (Kavak & Karabiyik,

Processed cheese spread Peanut cream 50% and 100% Microstructure and TPA (Abd El-Wahed &
analogues Hassanien, 2019)
Model processed cheese Canola oil 26% Microstructure, rheological (Ramel & Marangoni,
imitation product properties and TPA 2018)
Model processed cheese Sunflower oil 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and Microstructure and rheological (Lee et al., 2015)
analogue 40% properties
Model processed cheese Coconut fat and palm oil 99% Rheological properties and TPA (Hanáková et al., 2013)
Requeijão cremoso spreadable Partially hydrogenated soybean fat 23.2% Microstructure, rheological (Cunha et al., 2013)
cheese analogue and soybean oil properties, and TPA
Requeijão cremoso spreadable Hydrogenated vegetable fat 25% and 50% Microstructure and TPA (Cunha et al., 2010)
cheese analogue
Oaxaca type cheese analogue Soya bean oil 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% Rheological properties and TPA (Totosaus et al., 2017)
White Turkish cheese Corn oil 0%, 50%, 60%, 100%, TPA (Arslan et al., 2014)
analogue and
Kashar cheese analogue Palm oil 0% and 100% Microstructure, rheological (Dinkçi et al., 2011)
properties, and TPA
White Turkish cheese Interesterified fat (palm, palm 0%, 50%, 60%, 100%, TPA (Arslan et al., 2010)
analogue kernel, and soybean oil) and 100%
Abbreviation: TPA, texture profile analysis.

TA B L E 2 Results of microstructure of cheese analogues manufactured with different vegetable oils

Fat globule
Pores Number of Sphericity of Number of fat Fat globule uniform
diameter pores oil droplets Coalescence globules size distribution References
Increased – Increased Increased – Decreased – (Leong et al., 2020)
– – Decreased – Decreased Increased Decreased (Abd El-Wahed &
Hassanien, 2019)
– Increased – – – – – (Ramel &
Marangoni, 2018)
– – – No change – Decreased No change (Lee et al., 2015)
– – – – – Increased Increased (Cunha et al., 2013)
– – – – Decreased Increased Decreased (Cunha et al., 2010)
– – – – – Decreased Increased (Dinkçi et al., 2011)

was applied that could modify the size of the fat drops in ture are pore number, pore area, and pore diameter
the matrix thus making them smaller. The findings corre- (Impoco et al., 2011). As observed in Table 2, the reviewed
late with what was mentioned by Lobato-Caballeros et al. articles evaluated two parameters related to pores in the
(1997) where it was explained that the diameter of the fat microstructure of cheese analogues. A study conducted by
globules is related to the shear forces applied during the Ramel and Marangoni (2018) showed an increase in the
cheese analogue preparation and the fatty acid composi- number of pores after replacing 26% of the milk fat with
tion of the used oil. This explained how the elaboration of canola oil for a model processed cheese. The reduction
a previous emulsion by ultrasound decreased the diame- or complete removal of the fat from the milk increases
ter of the fat globules in comparison with the direct incor- the number of air spaces in the cheese matrix, which
poration. However, fat globules in a pasta filata Kashar represents the fat globules that were removed during the
cheese analogue with total replacement of milk fat with processing of the cheese analogues (Cunha et al., 2010).
palm oil with a direct oil inclusion method also presented Regarding the size of pores, Leong et al. (2020) reported
smaller and more uniform fat globules (Dinkçi et al., 2011). that pore diameters increased in a cheddar cheese ana-
Nevertheless, it must be highlighted that the homogeniza- logue with full-fat (100%) replacement with canola oil,
tion process performed after the direct inclusion (wherein compared to a traditional cheddar cheese. This result can
the milk was heated and homogenized at 55–60◦ C and 120 again be related to the space left by the milk fat glob-
bars) can again be related to the shear forces present at the ules when removed from the matrix. Lobato-Calleros et al.
time of production. (2007) show that the formation of numerous spaces in the
Furthermore, findings in a study presented by Lee et al. protein network was originally occupied by oil drops from
(2015) showed that the samples of a processed cheese the extracted milk fat and this occurrence allowed the for-
spread analogue with a lower percentage of fat (10%–20%) mation of a very porous and open protein structure of
had small and regular shaped fat globules scattered in the the cheese analogues (Ramel & Marangoni, 2018; Leong
protein matrix. In contrast, samples with a higher fat per- et al., 2020). Despite the importance of the microstruc-
centage (30%–40%) had very large fat globules (some of ture, findings are very limited and show variability because
them larger than 20 mm) interspersed with smaller ones. each article presented a different type of cheese which can
This may be related to the process of coalescence: a higher modify the characteristics of the microstructure as can be
percentage of fat led to a greater number of fat globules. seen in Table 2. As expected, the different types of cheese
Thus, the globules are more likely to coalesce and form show changes that correspond to variations in the protein
larger due to their proximity to each other. matrix. According to the results, for spreadable type ana-
logues the size of the fat globules tends to increase, while
in more solid analogues such as Cheddar, Kashar and pro-
3.1.2 Pore microstructure cessed cheeses, the size of the globules decreases.

A pore is a structural unit defined as an open space

between many protein links on the microstructure surface 3.2 Rheology
of cheeses (El-Bakry & Sheehan, 2014). These areas corre-
spond to regions where air holes are present (Ong et al., In food science, rheology is applied to evaluate the
2012). Some of the parameters related to pore microstruc- deformation and flow of food materials. Rheological

TA B L E 3 Results of rheology of cheese analogues manufactured with different vegetable oils

Spreadability Meltability point Elasticity Viscosity Flow behavior References
Decreased Decreased Increased Decreased – – (Leong et al., 2020)
– Decreased – – – – (Ramel & Marangoni,
– – – Decreased LF, Increased LF, No change (Lee et al., 2015)
increased HF decreased HF
– – – Increased CF, – – (Hanáková et al., 2013)
decreased PO
Decreased Decreased – – Increased No change (Cunha et al., 2013)
– – – Decreased A, no – – (Cunha et al., 2010)
change B
– Increased – – – – (Totosaus et al., 2017)
– Decreased – – – – (Dinkçi et al., 2011)
Notes: A. 25% milk fat replacement; B. 50% milk fat replacement.
Abbreviations: CF, coconut fat; HF, high frequencies; LF, low frequencies;; PO, palm oil treatment.

measurements are used to define the consistency of certain classified as ideal elastic solids, ideal viscous liquids, or vis-
products in terms of viscosity and springiness, attributes coelastic (Fox et al., 2017). Cheese is generally classified as a
that can determine the flow behavior of the material viscoelastic material because its stress–strain ratio exhibits
(Muthukumarappan & Swamy, 2017). In the case of the both solid and liquid behavior (Guinee, 2011).
meltability characterization, the Schreiber test is the test The rheological properties of cheese analogue can be
most applied (Kapoor & Metzger, 2008). For viscoelastic observed in the studies presented in Table 3, where the
properties, the most commonly utilized are the Arnott test, results show that major samples solidify at higher tempera-
Schreiber melt test, and Dynamic stress rheometry (DSR). tures than traditional cheeses (Cunha et al., 2013; Lee et al.,
The rheological properties of a product allow one to con- 2013). A cross-over of G′′ (viscous modulus) and G′ (elas-
trol its quality during processing as they are closely related tic modulus) can also be observed where the frequency
to the textural, sensorial, and microstructural attributes of decreased as fat concentration increased. This behavior
foods (Muliawan & Hatzikiriakos, 2007). The direct rela- had been previously observed (Guinee & O’Kennedy, 2009;
tionship of these technological properties lies in the fact Gliguem et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2011).
that the rheology and texture of cheese depends on its Regarding meltability, most studies show that when milk
structure and internal environment, such as its pH and fat is replaced by vegetable fat, there is a tendency to a
temperature (O’Callaghan & Guinee, 2004). Therefore, the decreased meltability (Cunha et al., 2013; Leong et al.,
study of the microstructure provides an approach to the 2020; Ramel & Marangoni, 2018). On the contrary, one of
rheological behaviors of cheeses since it represents the spa- the studies reported an increase in meltability after milk
tial distribution of the components (casein, minerals, fat, fat replacement (Totosaus et al., 2017). Considering the
moisture and dissolved solutes such as sucrose, lactic acid, results presented above, one must take into account how
soluble salts, and peptides) and the level of intra- and inter- the total or partial substitution of milk fat by vegetable
molecular attractions (Fox et al., 2017). oils can affect the rheological characteristics of cheeses to
Rheology represents the properties associated with mas- develop analogues that conserve traditional technological
tication that can influence the sensory perception of properties.
cheeses and its suitability for different consumers. There-
fore, changes in the rheological characteristics of a prod-
uct may affect consumers’ acceptance. These aspects of the 3.2.1 Viscoelastic properties
analogue cheeses alert the manufacturer to the needs of
the consumer since the desired rheological properties must Processed cheeses have viscoelastic properties that can be
be imitated in the analogues in order to be accepted in/by modified according to their composition, and especially by
the food industry (Guinee, 2011). The rheological charac- their fat content (Fox et al., 2017). In a study conducted
terization of cheeses is performed by subjecting the prod- by Lee et al. (2015), various models of processed cheese
ucts to stress so as to observe their deformation behavior. spreads with different concentrations of milk fat replace-
Depending on their deformation properties, they can be ment with sunflower oil (0%–40%), added through direct

incorporation, were produced. In this study, the viscoelas- size but also on the uniform distribution of the fat droplets.
tic properties were evaluated using a frequency sweep Since this uniform distribution decreased after the replace-
model, which is a widely used test as it allows one to deter- ment of milk fat, it allowed the presence of areas with
mine the viscoelastic properties of a sample as a function of protein interaction that favored the elasticity of the ana-
time. In this test, high frequencies are used to imitate fast logue cheese (Pereira et al., 2001). Moreover, in a study
motion on short time scales, while low frequencies simu- conducted by Hanáková et al. (2013), in analogous mod-
late slow motion on long time scales or at rest. This allows els of processed cheese with a 99% substitution of milk fat
the determination of G′′ and G as a function of frequency by coconut fat or palm oil, an increase in the G′′ modulus
(Janmey et al., 2007). Findings show that increasing fat was observed for all samples, with an increasing tempera-
concentrations develop a higher G′′ and lower G′ at low ture during cooling; the lowest G′ values were found in the
frequencies and lower G′′ with higher G′ at high frequen- products with palm oil. This could be related to the pres-
cies for all samples (Lee et al., 2015). This is related to the ence of fatty acids with lower melting points, mainly oleic
fact that protein interactions in the cheese matrix can be acid (Cunha et al., 2010).
modified after a heating process, leading to changes in vis-
cosity (Guinee & O’Kennedy, 2009; Lee & Anema, 2009;
Lee et al., 2013). The same behavior was present in another 3.2.2 Meltability
investigation (Cunha et al., 2013) where a requeijão cre-
moso cheese spread analogue was developed by replacing Cheese meltability is a very important functional prop-
23.3% of its milk fat with hydrogenated soybean fat or soy- erty for those cheeses that are used as an ingredient in
bean oil. The results showed that the type of oil signifi- heat treated meals, such as pizza, cheeseburgers, lasagna,
cantly influenced all the parameters studied. At the higher cheese sticks, and breads (Altan et al., 2005). Their melting
frequencies, a typical solid behavior could be observed capacity is determined by the composition of the cheese
because of inefficient breaking of intermolecular links of itself, its dry matter, its fat, protein, and calcium content.
protein over time, while at lower frequencies, the molec- The melting properties can vary among different types of
ular chains had more chance to undergo rearrangement cheeses, as they have different production methods and
and flow (Cunha et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2015). The rheolog- end-use applications (Fox et al., 2017). The reviewed stud-
ical behavior of the samples studied is potentially caused ies presented highly variable results. Most findings showed
by a high degree of emulsification that is characterized by a decrease in the melting capacity of the cheese analogues
a decrease in diameter and an increase in the number of fat with milk fat replacement. Furthermore, only one showed
globules, thereby producing a larger surface area and more an increase in the melting capacity of the cheese analogues
protein–protein bonds in the matrix (Guinee, 2007). This (Totosaus et al., 2017). It should be noted that all the stud-
is due to the nature of the emulsion of the oil in water in ies used a modified Schreiber fusion test to evaluate melta-
which the fat globules are covered with casein micelles and bility as a functional property, thus the variability of the
behave like pseudo proteins, incorporating themselves into results was not due to the type of study performed.
the structure of the protein matrix (Guinee, 2003; Michal- Overall, the authors described a decrease in the melta-
ski et al., 2002, 2004). These data are consistent with other bility that is attributed to different causes. One of them is
studies that show analogue samples solidify at higher tem- the incorporation of vegetable oil by means of an emul-
peratures (Guinee & O’Kennedy, 2009; Lee et al., 2013). sion whose composition includes protein as an emulsi-
Reports have shown that removing the fat from the casein fier. To carry out the substitution of milk fat with vegetal
matrix generates a larger paracasein network, thus causing oils, emulsions are used to avoid the separation phase. For
an increase in the viscosity of the cheese emulsion system example, in the study conducted by Leong et al. (2020),
(Urgu et al., 2019). It has also been observed that the size a double emulsion and a single emulsion were prepared
of the fat globules within the cheese matrix can determine using an ultrasound method to incorporate canola oil into
the elasticity of the cheese, being more elastic with smaller the milk matrix in order to replace milk fat. This method
fat globules (Michalski et al., 2004). In the study conducted allows preparing nanoemulsions that are characterized by
by Cunha et al. (2010), a significant decrease in the elastic- having fat globules of nanometric sizes which lead to a
ity of the analogue cheese with 25% replacement of milk greater stability. The emulsions prepared in the study were
fat by vegetable oil was observed, which can be related to composed of casein which could increase the interactions
the increase in the size of fat droplets, as shown in Table 3. among/within the protein network, thus decreasing the
However, when the replacement of milk fat by vegetable melting capacity of the cheese analogues. This possibility
oil was increased to 50%, the elasticity did not show signif- may be related to the function that fat globules have in
icant differences from the traditional cheese, which may the cheese matrix as described by different authors, where
indicate that this characteristic not only depends on the it is established that fat reduction allows a higher degree

of fusion between the casein chains during gel formation, nally developed to provide objective measurements of tex-
which affects the fusion capacity of the product by creating ture parameters. It was designed as a two-cycle compres-
rigid protein bonds (Fox et al., 2017; Gunasekaran & Ak, sion performed to simulate chewing (Nishinari et al., 2013).
2002). The fat globules present in the protein network of All textural parameters (e.g., hardness, springiness, adhe-
the cheese matrix act as fillers, which inhibit the binding of siveness, gumminess, chewiness, and cohesiveness) were
the casein chains, which then increases their fusion capac- evaluated among the different articles reviewed (Table 4)
ity (Gunasekaran & Ak, 2002). Accordingly, one of the fac- in which the most evaluated texture parameter was hard-
tors that may be associated with the decrease in meltabil- ness.
ity is the structure of the matrix. Likewise, the homoge- Low-fat cheeses generally have a harder texture than
nization of the vegetable oil after its inclusion can decrease full-fat cheeses because the absence of fat concentrates
the size of the fat droplets in the milk matrix of analogue the other components, generating rigid protein bonds that
cheeses resulting in a greater amount of protein interac- improve the physical strength of the cheese (Leong et al.,
tions and therefore a smaller meltability as was observed in 2020). Most studies reported an increase in hardness after
Cunha et al. (2013) whereby the vegetable oil was homoge- milk fat substitution for vegetable oils (Abd El-Wahed &
nized with a homogenizer-grinder after its direct inclusion. Hassanien, 2019; Arslan et al., 2010; Cunha et al., 2010;
A further important aspect when replacing the milk fat Leong et al., 2020; Ramel & Marangoni, 2018; Totosaus
in cheese is the melting point of the oil involved, as this et al., 2017), while some reported a decrease in this param-
can change the characteristics of the final product when eter (Hanáková et al., 2013; Kavak & Karabiyik, 2020).
subjected to heat. Dinkçi et al. (2011) replaced 100% of the A study using cheddar cheese analogues with full-fat
milk fat with palm oil which contains palm stearin; this canola oil substitution showed a decrease in hardness
component has a high melting point and therefore, the compared to the control cheese; furthermore, the ched-
fusion capacity of this cheese analogues was lower than dar cheese analogue also showed an increase in hardness
a traditional pasta filata Kashar cheese. All these results when a double emulsion was used (Leong et al., 2020).
differ from those of Totosaus et al. (2017), in which, as Similar trends were also observed in different research
per observation, they reported an increase of the melta- on cheese analogues (Fenelon & Guinee, 2000; Kesenkaş
bility of a pasta filata Oaxaca type cheese with 25%, 50%, et al., 2009). The softness of the single emulsion samples
and 75% replacement of milk fat by soybean oil. This can be attributed to the fact that canola oil is liquid at
result was related to the change in the moisture content room temperature (Leong et al., 2020). Similar trends were
of cheese analogues by increasing or decreasing the inclu- also observed in different research on cheese analogues
sion of vegetable oil which was not reported in the stud- (Fenelon & Guinee, 2000; Kesenkaş et al., 2009). Accord-
ies already described. The evaluation of the behavior of ing to Lobato-Calleros et al. (1998), raising the propor-
the oil included for the milk fat replacement is mandatory, tion of saturated fatty acids of the fat content can increase
as it can modify the technological properties of the end hardness in the product, and this is consistent within the
product. literature. A study conducted by Hanáková et al. (2013)
showed a decrease in the hardness in a model of processed
cheese after replacing 99% of the milk fat with coconut fat
3.3 Texture and palm oil. This can also relate to results presented by
Dinkçi et al. (2011) wherein a pasta filata Kashar cheese
Texture is defined as a group of physical properties that containing a 100% replacement of milk fat with palm oil
arise from the structural elements of a food type, perceived was significantly softer than the cheese with whole fat.
mainly by the sensation of touch. It is directly related to Other authors observed the same pattern with a fresh soft
the deformation, disintegration, and flow of a food item cheese analogue containing 100% sunflower oil in which it
subjected to a force (Lu, 2013). The textural component is was explained that the inclusion of fat allows the protein
determined by the response of the cheese to the applied bonds to break down, which reduces rigidity and provides
stresses during chewing, such as compression between the smoothness and a softer texture (Abd El-Salam, 2015).
molars or shearing in the mouth (Fox et al., 2017). There- In contrast, the spreadable cheese analogue with 25%
fore, a change in this parameter may affect sensory accep- and 50% milk fat replacement with hydrogenated vegetable
tance of a product. To measure this parameter, a wide fat showed an increase in its hardness (Cunha et al., 2010).
range of destructive and non-destructive methodologies This result was associated with a larger diameter of its
has been performed in fresh and processed foods (Chen fat globules, which means that there was a higher pro-
& Opara, 2013). For cheeses, texture analysis is usually tein mass per unit area of fat. A high protein density has
evaluated through compression tests such as texture pro- been related to higher levels of hardness since the pro-
file analysis (TPA). The TPA is an instrumental test origi- tein matrix is the structural component of the product

TA B L E 4 Results of texture of cheese analogues manufactured with different vegetable oils

Hardness Adhesiveness Cohesiveness Springiness Chewiness Gumminess References
Decreased SE, – – – – – (Leong et al., 2020)
increased DE
Decreased – – Decreased Decreased Decreased (Kavak & Karabiyik,
Increased Increased Increased No change Increased Increased (Abd El-Wahed &
Hassanien, 2019)
Increased – – – – – (Ramel & Marangoni,
Decreased – – – – – (Hanáková et al., 2013)
Increased Increased – No change – Increased (Cunha et al., 2013)
Increased Increased – – – – (Cunha et al., 2010)
Increased Increased Decreased Decreased – – (Totosaus et al., 2017)
C and D – – No change E and F E and F (Arslan et al., 2014)
Decreased,E and increased increased
F Increased
Decreased No change Decreased No change Decreased Decreased (Dinkçi et al., 2011)
Increased – – No change Increased Increased (Arslan et al., 2010)
Notes: C. 75% milk fat replacement with soya bean oil; D. 2% fat content with 50% milk fat replacement with vegetable oil; E. 2.5% milk fat content with 60% fat
replacement vegetable oil; F. 1.5% fat content with 100% milk fat replacement vegetable oil.
Abbreviations: DE, double emulsion treatment; SE, single emulsion treatment.

(Lobato-Calleros et al., 1998). The main structure of cheese The reduction in springiness may have taken place during
is casein and its micelles are bound together and form cheese ripening as a result of the proteolytic breakdown of
a three-dimensional matrix which gives structure to the the protein matrix (Jaster et al., 2019).
product. The compound that holds these proteins together Regarding adhesiveness, it could be observed that all
is calcium which helps to maintain a stable structure. the reviewed articles showed an increase in this parame-
Therefore, adding more protein, calcium, or decreasing the ter for the cheese analogues developed with partial milk
percentage of fat, which increases the concentration of pro- fat replacement as shown in Table 4. These results can be
teins in the matrix, can generate greater rigidity in the related to the size of the fat globules since the smaller their
cheese. This could also be related to the increased hardness size, the greater the adhesiveness (Fox et al., 2017). The
values that were obtained by Arslan et al. (2010, 2014) with increase in the protein density and the protein interactions
a white fresh type of cheese. As the fat content is reduced, influence the degree of adherence between the product and
more areas of uninterrupted protein comprise the struc- the contact surface (Lobato-Calleros et al., 1997).
ture of the cheese, so the hardness can be increased. Over- Additionally, an increase in the gumminess of the
all, fat replacement can increase hardness because of the cheeses was observed in all the studies that evaluated this
change in cheese composition and structural variation of textural parameter except for two (Dinkçi et al., 2011; Kavak
the matrix (Abd El-Wahed & Hassanien, 2019; Cunha et al., & Karabiyik, 2020). These results can be explained by con-
2013; Ramel & Marangoni, 2018; Totosaus et al., 2017). Fur- sidering that gumminess is a secondary parameter of TPA,
ther, few of the reviewed articles reported the springiness which is conditioned by hardness and cohesiveness; so, as
parameter (Kavak & Karabiyik, 2020; Totosaus et al., 2017). hardness increases, gumminess also increases in each of
In cheeses, springiness is essentially conferred by the pro- the analogous cheeses (Yusof et al., 2019).
tein matrix (Fox et al., 2017); hence, this may be the reason Regarding chewiness, higher values of this parameter in
why no significant differences were found among the sam- the cheese analogues were reported (Arslan et al., 2010,
ples with respect to fat content. Few changes were observed 2014; Abd El-Wahed & Hassanien, 2019). The analogues
for the values of this texture parameter. The springiness of that showed these results had a lower percentage of total
the Oaxaca pasta filata cheese samples decreased signifi- fat compared to the control cheeses. This may relate to the
cantly when milk fat was replaced by emulsified soybean findings described by Mistry (2001), who states that in low
oil (Totosaus et al., 2017). This same result was seen by fat variants, there is an inadequate breakdown of casein
Kavak and Karabiyik (2020) when replacing 50% and 100% and therefore, the cheese appears to have a relatively firm
of the milk fat in a pasta filata Kashar cheese with palm oil. texture.

Regarding cohesiveness, Abd El-Wahed and Hassanien 5 CONCLUDING REMARKS AND

(2019) reported an increase in this parameter in a spread- FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
able cheese analogue. This is consistent with the findings
from Lobato-Calleros et al. (1997) which state that a struc- Few studies in the literature specifically address the effects
ture of the protein network and the interactions between of milk fat substitution by vegetable oils on the rheolog-
fat and casein influence the degree of consistency between ical, microstructural, and textural profile of cheese ana-
the product and the surface in contact with it. However, logues. The compiled data showed that partial or total
other studies reported a significantly lower cohesiveness fat substitution can significantly affect the technological
(Dinkçi et al., 2011; Totosaus et al., 2017). In a study con- properties of cheeses. Changes may vary depending on
ducted by Totosaus et al. (2017), when milk fat was replaced the type of oil used and the percentage of fat replace-
by 75% with soya bean oil emulsion in an Oaxaca cheese ment applied. Regarding microstructure, fat globule size
analogue, cohesiveness decreased. Further, Dinkçi et al. may vary. Some studies show globules tend to increase
(2011) also reported a decrease in cohesiveness after milk their diameters; thus, they might also decrease, which
fat replacement by vegetable oil. These differences may be was/could be attributed to the breakage of structural bonds
due to vegetable oil and milk fat linkages, which have dif- during processing, hence creating different size particles.
ferent intermolecular associations of casein in the para- With respect to the number and size of the pores, the
casein network of cheese (Abd El-Salam, 2015). There are increased porosity observed represented the fat globules
differences between the hydrophobic characteristics of the that were removed. Rheological measurements showed
types of fat used, the type of cheese and the cheese man- most cheese analogues with fat substitution presented G′–
ufacturing process (Lamichhane et al., 2018). In general G′′ cross-over behavior at which the frequency decreased
terms, the texture parameter that reports the greatest vari- as fat concentration replacement increased. Moreover, the
ability is hardness and this may be related to the variety of melting properties of the cheese analogues decreased due
cheeses evaluated, as shown in Table 1. Likewise, all the to the increase in the protein interactions caused by the
parameters were altered from the fat modification, so one decrease in the size of the fat cells and their homogeniza-
must identify the adequate level of fat replacement to pro- tion in the milk. Overall, most cheese analogues showed
vide ideal characteristics. significant changes in all textual parameters except in
The variations among the results can be attributed to the springiness.
different test conditions in which the compression speed, This review evidence that there is a great diversity of
the time between compressions, and the diameter of the variables present in studies on cheese analogues, which
cylinders varied. The type of oil used, the type of cheese could be reflected in the different results found for each
produced, and the type of inclusion for which the substitu- of the parameters evaluated. It is necessary to carry out
tion was made must also be considered. This would affect more research with defined methods that can contribute
the result of the texture characteristics. to the unification of the outcomes. However, the previous
studies are a great tool with which to start improving the
attributes of analogue cheeses in attempting to preserve a
4 STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS greater percentage of the technological and instrumental
characteristics of the imitated cheese. It is valid to empha-
This was the first review that sought/aimed to show the size the importance of continuing with the development of
effects of fat modification in analogue cheeses focusing on different products with fat modification that increases the
the effects on rheology, texture, and microscopy. The high offer of healthy cheeses in the market to promote a healthy
variability of cheese types in the market makes it difficult to lifestyle.
unify results in terms of ideal attributes. In addition, there
is a lot of variability in the manufacturing techniques of the AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
cheeses, the type of oil used, the percentage of fat inclusion The authors would like to express their gratitude to Min-
and the ingredients of the cheese, as well as the evaluation isterio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (MinCiencias)
techniques employed. Therefore, drawing detailed conclu- because two of the authors have been supported by the
sions and establishing the level of association among stud- Young Researchers Program. This work was also supported
ies is complex. The need of further research on the proper- by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
ties of fat modification in analogous cheeses must be high-
lighted. For future studies, construing the results from the AU T H O R CO N T R I B U T I O N S
intrinsic properties of the original cheese to decrease the Valeria Giha: Methodology; Writing-original draft. María
variance between types of cheese is suggested. José Ordoñez: Writing-original draft; Writing-review and

editing. Ruby Alejandra Villamil: Conceptualization; Burdikova, Z., Svindrych, Z., Hickey, C., Wilkinson, M. G., Auty, M.
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