Assignment 1 SagarSingla 2111243

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Assignment 1

A report submitted to

Prof. Kirti Mishra & Jayant Nasa

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course

Managing your Personal Brand


Sagar Singla: 2111243



Indian Institute of Management | Udaipur

I. Define your brand identity.

a) What are the first five words that you associate with yourself?

1. Lazy

2. Impatient

3. Poor Awareness

4. Low confidence

5. Energetic

b) What are your three strengths or competencies?

1. Independent

2. Organized

3. hyperactive

c) What are your three weaknesses or limitations?

1. Boring

2. Taking initiative

3. Procrastinate

d) What are the 3 (positive) things that you think you are NOT?

1. Emotionally Intelligent

2. Good Listener

3. Resourceful

II. Assess your brand image.

a) What are the first five words you associate with me?
b) What are the three (positive) things that you think I am NOT?
c) Name and Relationship:

S. No. Name Relation

1 Sahil Friend

2 Kunal Friend

4 Aman Friend

5 Atyant Friend

6 Shruti Friend

7 Harshit Friend

8 Yashika Friend

9 Shweta Cousin

10 Harshal Friend

11 Manu Friend

12 Basha Friend

13 Avinandhan Friend

14 Navdweep Friend

15 Mridul Friend

17 Chaitanya Friend

18 Shriti Friend

19 Anushriya Friend
III. Analyze your identity-image gap

a) Are there any discrepancies in how you see yourself and how others see you?

The discrepancies are few in this case since the world cloud significantly describes me. But

there are certain adjectives which I believe are not part of my characteristics such as

curious, calm, competitive, listener etc.

b) How important is it to address these gaps? If important, what steps can you

potentially take to close the gaps?

Addressing these personality gaps is crucial for various reasons. It also depends on the

context and situation to show certain behaviour as a part of social norms. By identifying and

addressing gaps in my personality, I can work towards becoming a more well-rounded and

developed person. This can lead to personal growth and greater satisfaction in my life.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of steps which can be taken:

1. Relationship improvement: Since I tend to be highly critical and judgmental, it causes

sometime even strong relationship to break therefore I should work on being more

empathetic and understanding towards others.

2. Professional success: I am a brutal procrastinator when completing work, but when I

feel pressure, I tend to complete it quickly to get rid of it. I don’t enjoy work and I

think curiosity has died in me. These inefficiencies can harm my professional life and

affect my personal life. Therefore, working on these areas can help you be more

effective at work and achieve my career goals.

3. Emotional well-being: I also struggle with low self-esteem in certain areas but not all.

I think this is because of the mix of introvert nature and always being right that I only
become confidence when I know the correct answer to certain problem. There are

days when I feel low. Hence, I must develop more self-confidence to feel better

about myself and improve my overall emotional well-being. This will also help in

developing empathy towards other people to build networks.

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