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 2 Big fish (plain or organic salmon fillets)
 1 bunch of asparagus (trimmed)
 2 thick slices toasted sourdough bread, freshly cut
 2 free range eggs
For the Hollandaise Sauce:
 150g unsalted butter
 2 egg yolks
 1 dessertspoon white wine vinegar
 Juice of 1 freshly squeezed Lemon

Food Components that helps lower triglycerides

Salmon Fish- Salmon fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Eating two servings per week
may lower triglyceride levels and decrease the risk of heart disease.
Asparagus- Asparagus are a good source of fiber, which is scientifically proven to be a
good alternative when lowering triglycerides and fats.
Sourdough Bread- Sourdough wholemeal bread has a beneficial effect on serum lipid
profiles, CHD risk factors, and triglycerides. However, Whole wheat bread are more
likely to be suggested by medical experts.
Free range eggs- Eggs from hens that were raised on pasture and/or fed omega-3
enriched feeds tend to be much higher in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are
known to reduce blood levels of triglycerides, a well known risk factor for heart disease.
Unsalted Butter- Although it is not advisable to consume butter due to its high calories
and fat, an occasional consumption is not bad.
White wine vinegar- Acetic acid is the main component of a vinegar. Wherein, this help
improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, among other cardiovascular risk markers.
 Spinach
 Mango
 Banana
 Pineapple

Food Components that helps lower Triglycerides
Spinach- A compound called alpha-lipoic acid which found in spinach may lower
triglycerides by up to 60%.
Mango- The fiber, vitamin and potassium content of the fruit also helps reduce the risk
of heart disease by lowering the triglycerides.
Banana- As bananas are good source of fiber, this fruit can help reduce triglycerides.
Pineapple- Just like most of the fruits, pineapple is also a fibre-rich fruit that reduces
cholesterol levels and triglycerides in the bloodstream that can induce heart attack or
any cardiovascular disease.

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