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In the Anākhya position of the pramātṛ daśā, from pramātṛ pada is the word

Mahābhairava, in prameya bhāva is the word caṇḍa, from pramiti pada is the
word ugra, and from the pramāṇa ground is the word ghora, pointed
towards. As a result, in the śāstras the state of this Parāsaṃvitti has been
adorned with the name Mahābhairavacaṇḍograghorakālī. The self-form of this
Kālakarṣinī Bhagavatī has been stated in the Pañcaśatikatantra in this way:

दशसप्तविसर्गस्था महाभैरिभीषणा।
संहरे द्भैरिान्सिागन्न्िश्िं च सरु पून्ित॥
सान्तः शाम्यतत यस्यां च सा स्याद्भररतभैरिी।
महाभैरिचण्डोग्रघोरकाली परा च सा॥

Daśasaptavisargasthā mahābhairavabhīṣaṇā,
Saṃharedbhairavānsarvānviśvaṃ ca surapūjita.
Sāntaḥ śāmyati yasyāṃ ca sā syādbharitabhairavī,
Mahābhairavacaṇḍograghorakālī parā ca sā.

Which means, O Mahādeva who is worshipped by the devas! Beyond the

eight kalās situated in the pramātṛ state, the twelve kalās staying in the
ground of pramāṇa, and the sixteen kalas stationed well in prameya bhāva,
the Parāśakti staying in the seventeenth kalā of the supreme abode, the kalā
which frightens even Mahābhairava, slaying the entire Bhairava-maṇḍala
alongwith its saṃsāra, that Parā kalā is full everywhere and known by the
name Mahābhairavacaṇḍograghorakālī.

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