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ICSE 2023 EXAMINATION ARATORY PRE? ER: 2 irks: 80 Maximum Ma Answer to this paper must be written 07 the paper provided separately’ You will not be ‘allowed to write durin, the first 10 minutes The time gh This time is to be spend in reading the question paper given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing “TION: A ‘Aand any the answers from section B Qu a Attempt all questions from section 4 questions ate hose the correct answer . ‘The number of electrons present in the valence shell of halogen is a) | 5 _ b)3 47 2. The metal oxide which can rea i as well as alkali is a) Silver oxide b) Copper (i) oxide d) calcium oxide 3, The formation of 1-2 dibromoethane from ethane and bromine isan exampl a)substitution «) dehydrohalogenation b)dehydration d) addition 4, The IUPAC name of dimethyl ether is : ajethoxy methane ¢) lead nitrate ‘b)zine nitrate d)sodium nitrate 5, The unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo: ‘a)_ A substitution reaction i an oxidation reaction b) An addition reaction d) none of the above ‘A metal present in eryolite other thane sodium is : ay Potassium c) magnesium b) Calcium aluminium 7, Identify the stateme! a) They are unsaturated hydrocarbons. b) They decolourise bromine water c) They can undergo addition as well as substitution reactions d) They undergo combustion with oxyge arbon dioxide and water 3, Hydrogen chloride 205 is not collected over water Since a) it is covalent in nature jt is highly soluble in water bjitis jonic in nature d)itis corrosive in nature le of, st that does not describe the PrOPeT of alkenes 9, When a metal a) It loses elect b) Itgains el c) Itgainsel d) Itloses ‘electrons and is reduc 10, Nitrogen gas ‘can be obtained by heating iz) Ammonium chloride ‘¢) magnesium nitride b) Ammonium nitrite b) Name the following: i) Second member of alkene series ii) Fist member of alkane series (5) Q3. iii) Use the letters only written iv) y) ii) answer th in the periodic table given below follow a) state the number of valence electrons in atom J b) which element shown forms ions with a single negative charge? ¢)which metallic element is more reactive than R? d) which element has its electrons arranged in four shells? ¢) state the number of electrons in outermost shell in atom Q a) Define: i) homologous series ii)isomers b)Draw the structural formula for each of the following: i) 2,3 - Dimethyl butane ii)Diethyl ether iii) propanoic acid 4) Write the equations forthe following laboratory preparations: {) ethane from sodium propionate ji) ethane from iodoethane iii)Ethyne from calcium carbide by Give the structural formulae ofeach of the following: i) 2- Methyl propane ii) ethanoie acid SECTION B ‘Attempt any 4 questions from this section State the relevant reason for each of the following: S) Low temperature favours the syhesis of Ammonia in Haber's process b) Nitric acid acts as an oxidizing agent ‘The following questions are pertaining to the laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride gas: 1a) Write the equation for its preparation mentionit the conditic juired b) ame he dng oe sd and joy our cise eae ¢) State a safety precaution you would take during the preparation of hydrochloric acid, Page 3 of 10 1 questions that (5) @) GB) Q) 2) (G3) Q5 iii) iv) ii) iii) iv) ii) iii) iv] i) Find the total percentage of magnesium in magnesium nitrate crystal Mg(NOs)s, 640 Q) [Mg = 24, N = 14, 0=16, H=1) Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets; 6) Alkenes are the (a) (homologous/analogous) series of (b) (Saturated/unsaturated) hydrocarbons. They differ fom alkanes due to the presence of (¢) (double/single) bonds. a) at which electrode, aluminium is preferentially discharged during the electrolytic reduction of fused alumina ) give any two ores of Aluminium Draw the structural formula of the following compounds: a) Butyne (3) b) Pentene ©) 1,2 dibromoethane Write the IUPAC name for the following: a) CH3- CH=C-CH>-CH-CHs CH3 Q) (3) b) CH3-CH2-C-H 0 oe c) CH3-CH2-CH2-C] I-CH-CH3 CH3 State two relevant observation for: ammonium hydroxide solution is added to zine nitrate solution slowly and then in excess Q) Name the organic compound prepared by each of the following reactions: Q a) AI4C3 +H20 —> b) C2HSBr yids By drawing an electron dot structure, show the lone pair effect leading to the formation of (2) ammonium ion from ammonia gas and hydrogen ion, Write the balanced chemical equations for each of the following: @) a) Catalytic oxidation of ammonia. b) Action of concentrated nitric acid on sulphur ¢) Action of concentrated sodium hydroxide on zinc oxide For each of the substances given below, what is the role played in the extraction of @) aluminium a) Cryolite b) Graphite compound gave the following data: _ @ CSO 3.5% an i ot yg. ve moka is6. Fn b)CH3-CH2-Cl2-OH . HHO ill HC-C-C-0 1 qe HOH ip posing: a)substitution reaction b) metallurgy vapour density iy) Solve: GB) 1250 ee of oxygen was bumt with 300 ec of ethane (C216). Caleulate the volume of the unused oxygen and the volume oxi cane Bae ei dioxide formed Q q. ; i) Following questions refer ostwald’s process of preparing nitric acid. Answer the following: (3) a) Name the catalyst used b) Upto which temperature catalyst is heated ___ ©) Give the reaction taking place in the catalytic chamber Q ii) Write the condensed formula of the following: a) Isobutane b) Neo pentane iii) . 3 Wy a) What is a lone pair? 'b) Name a neutral covalent molecule which contains one lone pair of electrons. ©) Draw the electron dot structure to show the formation of bond in magnesium chloride iv) Write the balanced chemical equations for the following: @ a) Zine pieces are added o dilute hydrochloric acid ) Iron is reacted with concentrated sulphuric acid @ +) Study the figure given below and answer the following questions: @) Fe ») Ibe the colours of litmus mes eee) Nae aber gs wich ashe sane pore eae on i ‘experiement demonstrated through this abe epee sy P

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