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 Computer – is an electronic device

 Data- collection of unorganized facts and figures

 Information – structured data ex. organized meaningful and processed data

Functions of Computers
Input -> Process -> Store -> Output

Characteristics of Computer System

 Memory
 Automation
 Reliability
 Versatility
 Diligence
 Accuracy
 Speed

Components of Computer System

 Computer Programming Languages

Hierarchy of Computer language

High level language > Low level language > Assembly language > Machine language

Language Type
 Machine and assembly languages
 Algorithmic languages
 Business Oriented languages
 Object Oriented languages
 Declarative languages
 Scripting languages
 Document Formatting languages
 WWW Display languages
 Web Scripting

History of C Programming Language

 C evolved from two previous ones, BCPL and B
 BCPL Was developed in 1967 by Martin Richards
 Ken Thompson modeled many features in his B language
 In 1970, Ken Thompson used B to create early versions of the UNIX operating system at Bell Laboratories
 The C language was evolved from B by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs and was originally implemented ona a DEC
PDP-11 computer in 1972
 C is hardware independent


1. Problem Definition
2. Problem Analysis
3. Algorithm Development
4. Coding & Documentation
5. Testing & Debugging
6. Maintenance

Designing Algorithm
The solution to any computing problem involves executing a series of actions in a specific order. A procedure for solving
a problem in terms of:

1. The actions to be executed

2. The order in which these actions are to be executed

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