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1. Project topics are given below:

1. Local Geography:

(a) Land use pattern in different regions of India– a comparative


(b) The survey of a local market on the types of shops and services

2. Environment: Wildlife conservation efforts in India.

3. Current Geographical Issues: Development of tourism in India.

4. Transport in India: Development of Road, Rail, Water and Air routes.

5. List different type of industries in the States and collect information

about the types of raw materials used, modes of their procurement and
disposal of wastes generated. Classify these industries as polluting or
environment friendly and suggest possible ways of reducing pollution
caused by these units.

6. Need for industrialization in India, the latest trends and its impact on
economy of India.

7. Visit a water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant or garbage

dumping or vermicomposting sites in the locality and study their

2. Select any one topic for your Mid Term Project, this must not be a
repetition of your Final Project.
3. The topics of the project given are of your choice but, I will be requiring
only one. Either written, Power Point Presentation or the Pictorial
representation (Album)
4. Terms and conditions are given below for the written project.
 Only A4 Size sheet and blue or black colour pen only must be used.
 Only one side of the sheet must be used for writing the project.
 Each sheet must have normal border to all the four sides. To draw the
borders please use black, blue pen or pencil.
 While writing the project, please see that there is a line gap between each
line 1.5cms.
Procedure to be followed to complete the project:
 Front Page – Must have School Logo, School Address, Student Name, Class,
Subject, Topic, Submitted to …………………… , Submitted by (Student Sign
with date)The sample of the same is attached below for your reference.
 Second Page : Acknowledgement ( Gratitude)
 Third Page : Index
 Fourth Page : Introduction and content (5 + Pages)
 Conclusion
 Bibliography / Reference

Once the project is completed, please submit the same in a punched file. Stick
file will not be accepted.

5. Terms and conditions are given below for the written project.
 Front Page – Must have School Logo, School Address, Student Name, Class,
Subject, Topic, Submitted to …………………… , Submitted by (Student Sign
with date)The sample of the same is attached below for your reference.
 Second Page : Acknowledgement ( Gratitude)
 Third Page : Index
 Fourth Page : Introduction and content (5 Plus Pages)
 Conclusion
 Bibliography / Reference
 Power Point Presentation must be taken a print out in black and white
and submit it in a punched file. Stick file is not allowed.
 Date of Submission will be 25th August 2022.
BANGALORE – 562149

Student Name:

Submitted to ……………………
Submitted by …………………... (Student Sign with date)

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