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Grade & Section: 7 – DAPITON/BENEDICTO Date: February 20, 2020

Schedule: Daily (9:45-10:45am & 10:45-11:45am) (Thursday) Subject/ Learning Area: SCIENCE 7

Learning Competency:

Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur. (S7LT-IVj-11)

I – Objectives: At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are expected to:
 Define and determine the types of eclipse;
 Discuss what causes eclipse to happen;
 Manipulate and demonstrate the models of the solar and lunar eclipse; and
 Value the importance of knowing the beliefs and practices of the community in relation to

II - Subject Matter: Eclipses (Solar and Lunar)

III – Learning Resources

 Reference Asuncion, A.J., Catalan, M.H., Catris, L.V., et. Al, (2017). First Edition. Science Grade 7 Learners
Materials: Material. Pp. 353-356; FEP Printing Corporation., retrieved February 18, 2020 at
 Instructional
Materials: Laptop, Projector, LM, Strips of Paper, scotch tapes, Contextualized Eclipse Model, Globe, Lamp

Prior Knowledge Activation & Questioning, Direct Instruction and Cooperative Learning

 Teaching
IV – Procedure:  Setting of standards.
 Review:
Priming Activity  What was our topic last meeting?
 Motivation: “Reflect Me”
 Ask the students to keep silent and close their eyes. After which, while asking them
stimulating questions, the teacher will then flash a black image on the board.
 Ask this question to the students:
Upon closing your eyes, what have you observed or noticed?
Feel? How about on this image?
What will be our topic this morning?
 Sharing of ideas together.

A. Activity:
Lesson Proper “Discuss and Demonstrate Me Now”

 Group the class into four (4). Let them choose a leader to facilitate their respective groups.
 Each group will be given the needed materials for them carry out the activity.
 Let them choose a representative to report and discuss their output.
 The group will be graded base on the rubric presented by the teacher.

B. Analysis:

 After the activity, let them discuss their outputs.

 Upon checking their outputs, a power point presentation about the topic will be done for
additional inputs.
 Ask these questions for further clarification:
 What are eclipses? What are the types of eclipse?
 What are the causes of eclipse?
 Why do eclipses happen?
 How do these affect our environment?
 Each member of the group will answer the given questions.

C. Abstraction:

 After presenting the output of each group, the teacher together with the students will
generalize the whole points of the topic by giving additional inputs. (video presentation)
 Questions will be raised for further clarification.

D. Application:

 The teacher will choose among of the students to manipulate and demonstrate the model of

 Valuing:
Ask these questions:
 Have you heard stories about eclipses? What can you share to us about this belief?
 How do you convince your classmates that eclipses do not bring to us or to the
community bad luck?
 Giving of some trivia about the topic.

V – Evaluation:  The teacher will give a 5-item multiple choice type of formative assessment.

Key answer:
1. Solar eclipse 3. Eclipse 5. Lunar eclipse
2. Annular 4. Partial

VI – Assignment / Answer the following questions in ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Are the shadows formed in outer space, too?
2. What is the effect of the distance of the Earth or moon’s shadow from the sun?
VII - Reflection
No. of learners within mastery level: _______________________________
No. of learners needing reinforcement and remediation: _______________
Did the remedial lesson work? ____________________ No. of learners who have caught up _____________________
No. of learners who continue to require remediation___________________
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? ________________________________________________________________________
Why did this work? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? _________________________________________
What innovations or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? ____________________________

Prepared by: Observed & Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher III

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