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Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol.

, 28, 528–538 (1995)

Changes in Colour and Myoglobin of Minced Beef Meat

Due to High Pressure Processing
Anne Carlez, Teresa Veciana-Nogues and Jean-Claude Cheftel*

A. Carlez, T. Veciana-Nogues, J.-C. Cheftel: Unité de Biochimie et Technologie Alimentaires, Centre de Génie
Biologique et Sciences des Aliments, Université de Montpellier II, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France)

(Received October 4, 1994; accepted March 1, 1995)

Minced beef meat was packaged under vacuum, air or oxygen, and pressurized at 10 °C for 10 min. L* colour values increased
significantly in the range 200–350 MPa, the meat becoming pink, while a* values decreased at 400–500 MPa, the meat becoming
grey-brown. Simultaneously, total extractible myoglobin decreased in the range 200–500 MPa, while the proportion of
metmyoglobin increased at the expense of oxymyoglobin at 400–500 MPa. Pressurization did not significantly increase the
extractibility of heme iron by an acid solution. Packaging of meat under vacuum with an oxygen scavenger partly protected meat
colour, since samples processed at 400 MPa became pink, without any change in a* value or metmyoglobin content. Blending
chilled minced meat with NaNO2 (and NaCl) 18 h before processing at 350–500 MPa afforded a similar protection. Cysteine,
ascorbic acid, nicotinamide or nicotinic acid had no protective effects. Meat discoloration through pressure processing may result
from (1) a ‘whitening effect’ in the range 200–350 MPa, due to globin denaturation and/or to heme displacement or release, and
(2) oxidation of ferrous myoglobin to ferric metmyoglobin, at or above 400 MPa. Only the latter phenomenon is prevented by
total oxygen removal or prior formation of nitrosomyoglobin.

©1995 Academic Press Limited

Introduction to ferric oxidation, while the addition of nitrites

stabilizes the ferrous form and the red colour through
The importance of meat colour in consumer acceptance reaction with the sixth coordinate position of the iron
is well known. The intensity of muscle visual colour is atom.
due to its total myoglobin content. Different colours The behaviour of myoglobin under pressure has not
observed in meat are largely related to the relative been extensively studied. Ooi (5) observed no myoglo-
proportions of oxymyoglobin (bright red), myoglobin bin denaturation before 500 MPa at 10 °C, or before
(dark red), and metmyoglobin (grey-brown) (1, 2). 570 MPa at 20 °C. In contrast, Taniguchi and Takeda
The stability of meat colour is determined by the (6), using FT-IR observed an extensive denaturation of
maintenance of myoglobin in its ferrous oxygenated myoglobin at 350 MPa and 30 °C with a conversion of
form. Oxidation of myoglobin to ferric (Fe3 + ) metmyo- secondary α-helix and ß-sheet structures into a random
globin is undesirable and takes place progressively coil conformation. Similar observations were made by
during the refrigerated storage of fresh meat. Factors Zipp et al. (7) and Zipp and Kauzmann (8) by
that increase the rate of myoglobin oxidation and of spectrophotometry in the visible and the Soret bands.
meat discolouration include the partial pressure of They did not find any modification of metmyoglobin in
oxygen, the rate of oxygen consumption by tissues, the solution at 20 °C below 225 MPa. At higher pressures
concentration of multivalent metal ions, the tem- (250–500 MPa), the protein went through a transition
perature, the light, the pH and the meat microflora (2, phase where spectrum modifications were observed:
3). the peak close to 620 nm progressively disappeared,
Mincing exposes more meat surface to air and to while another peak appeared at about 540 nm; the
microbial contaminants, decreases the meat content of spectrum in the Soret region shifted to higher wave-
endogenous intracellular reducing agents, and leads to lengths. At each pressure level, a different equilibrium
faster colour changes (4). Various industrial processes, spectrum was reached. At 550 MPa, the denaturation
applied to prepare meat products with a longer shelf- was rapid, complete and no further changes were seen
life than fresh meat, produce irreversible changes in at higher pressures. The spectrum suggested that the
myoglobin structure and in colour. For instance, ther- ligand in the 6th coordination position (water for
mal processing denatures globin and enhances ferrous metmyoglobin) was replaced under pressure by the
imidazole group of a histidine residue (8). According to
*To whom correspondence should be addressed, present address:
Unitat de Nutriciò i Bromatologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat these investigations, denaturation of metmyoglobin
de Barcelona, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain. under pressure was similar to denaturation by heat,
0023-6438/95/050528 + 11 $12.00/0 ©1995 Academic Press Limited

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

acid or urea, and was partly due to the rupture of the pouch just before vacuum application and heat-
hydrophobic interactions. Pressure denaturation varied sealing.
as a function of temperature and pH. At pH 6, Samples were pressure-processed immediately after
complete denaturation was reached at 450 MPa and 20 packaging, unless otherwise stated. For experiments
°C, or at 350 MPa and 10 °C. Jonas and Jonas (9) in under different gas atmospheres, and for chilled storage
their recent general review, reported that around experiments (under O2), samples were kept at 5 °C for
100–200 MPa, near pH 7, and 20 °C, subtle structural 18 h between packaging and pressure processing.
modifications were observed, such as compression of For experiments at different meat depths, a piece of
the heme cavity and reorientation of the heme. about 500 g of Semimembranosus was cut into cubes of
The previous results were obtained from protein 30–40 mm3. The cubes were packaged in air, before
solutions, and cannot easily be extrapolated to more pressurization, as described above. After pressuriza-
complex meat systems. Shigehisa et al. (10) observed a tion, the cubes were cut into half-cubes and exposed to
decrease in the L* and a* colour values of pork muscle air for 5–10 min at room temperature before their L* a*
slurries pressurized from 100 to 600 MPa. A similar b* values were determined.
decrease in a* value was noted in beef meat by Nose et For some experiments, a given amount of one of the
al. (11). Carlez et al. (12, 13) reported that the colour of following compounds (mainly antioxidants) was dis-
minced beef meat changed markedly when the latter solved in 5 to 10 mL of deionized water and mixed with
was processed at high pressure, especially above 300 100 g of minced meat using a Stomacher 400 blender
MPa. Murakami et al. (14) reported a marked increase (Prolabo, Paris, France) for 3 3 30 s at room
in the proportion of metmyoglobin in red tuna meat
temperature. Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide were
pressurized at 300 MPa. Pressurization at or above 400
from Sigma (St Louis, MO, U.S.A.) while ascorbic acid,
MPa was found to inactivate microorganisms, and to
cysteine, NaCl and sodium nitrite were from Merck
extend refrigerated shelf-life, and also to induce gelat-
(Darmstadt, Germany). Before pressure processing,
ion of myofibrillar proteins. High pressure processing
the mixes were kept at 5 °C for 18 h (in air for nicotinic
would be useful for meat preservation and restructur-
acid or nicotinamide, or under vacuum for nitrites +
ing, provided that the red colour could be maintained.
NaCl). The mixes containing ascorbic acid or cysteine
The objectives of the present study were to investigate
the effects of high pressure processing of minced meat were kept at 5 °C in air for 1 h only.
from lean beef muscle in terms of meat colour and
contents of myoglobin, oxymyoglobin and metmyoglo-
bin. The influence of various parameters, such as
pressure level, packaging atmosphere, duration of High pressure processing
pressure application, mincing, addition of different
antioxidants or stabilizers, and chilled storage after Pressure processing was carried out by placing the
pressure processing, was also assessed.
meat-containing pouches in water in the 1 L hydrostatic
pressure unit from ACB (Ateliers et Chantiers de
Bretagne, Nantes, France), as previously described (12,
13). The rate of pressurization was close to 120 MPa/
min and the rate of pressure release was close to 400
Materials and Methods
MPa/ min. The temperature of pressure-transmitting
water was 10 °C initially, increased to 15 °C as the
Preparation of meat samples
maximum pressure was reached, and equilibrated to 10
Lean beef muscle (Semimembranosus) was bought °C within about 2 min. Samples were processed at a
from a single local supermarket. The time post-mortem constant pressure (set between 100 and 500 MPa) for 2
was not known. The pH was in the range 5.57 ± 0.06. to 30 min, usually 10 min. After pressure release,
For each series of experiments, about 1 kg of beef samples were kept at 5 °C for 1–2 h in the pouches
muscle was trimmed with a stainless steel knife. The before analysis. For chilled storage experiments, meat
meat was minced with a food mixer (Moulinette ‘S’, samples were prepared as above, packaged in pouches
Caen, France) at room temperature for 20 s to a particle under O2, kept at 5 °C for 18 h, pressurized and then
size of 3–5 mm. Thirty gram portions were packaged in stored in the closed pouches at 5 °C for 12 d.
aluminium-polyester pouches (approximately 120 3 Experiments with minced meat packaged under O2, air
160 mm, Bernhardt, Boulogne-sur-Mer). In most cases, or vacuum (without O2 scavenger) were carried out five
pouches contained about 100 mL air before heat times at each pressure level tested (control, 350, 400,
sealing. In other cases, vacuum was applied to the 450 and 500 MPa). The experiments under vacuum with
pouches, with or without subsequent introduction of O2 scavenger were carried out three times in the same
about 100 mL of pure O2 (Aligal 3, O2 > 99.5 %, l’Air conditions.
Liquide, Paris La Défense) at a pressure slightly below In all cases, colour measurements on pressurized meat
atmospheric pressure, before heat-sealing. For one samples were carried out within 10 min of pouch
series of experiments, an O2 scavenger (Ageless FX opening, in order to prevent drying of the meat surface
100, Mitsubishi France S.A., Paris) was introduced into and the resulting changes in colour.

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

Determination of total myoglobin and of related Colour analysis

Control or pressurized minced meat samples were
The determination of the total myoglobin content, and slightly compressed and flattened with a Petri dish. The
of the proportions of oxymyoglobin, myoglobin, and L*, a*, b* colour values were determined using a
metmyoglobin in meat, is based on the different Minolta Chromameter II (Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) in the
absorbance spectra of these three molecules when in 1976 CIELAB system. Measurements were done in
solution. Absorbance measurements are carried out relation to ‘C illuminant’, and the light reached the
after pigment extraction from meat samples. This meat surface through a polyvinylstyrene Petri dish of 1
method measures the heme pigment content of the mm thickness. The Chromameter was calibrated before
total meat sample, in contrast to reflectance methods each series of measurements using a white ceramic
which indicate the pigment content at the meat plate. It was checked that a* and b* values of the
surface. ceramic plate were not modified by all Petri dishes
Two grams of minced meat samples were homogenized used, while the L* value was systematically reduced by
with 20 mL of 0.04 mol/L Na/K phosphate buffer, pH 1.5 unit. Each measurement was repeated at least six
6.8 (as described in 15), using an Ultraturrax T25 times.
homogenizer (Janke & Kunkel, Staufen, Germany) at
10,800 rpm and room temperature for 20 s. After
standing for 1 h in an iced bath, the homogenate was pH measurements
centrifuged at 10,000 3 g and 10–15 °C for 30 min. The
Four grams of control or pressurized minced meat
supernatant was filtered through Whatman no. 1 paper
sample were blended with 20 mL of deionized and
and the volume was brought up to 25 mL with the same
microfiltered water for 10 minutes using a magnetic
phosphate buffer. Turbidity was avoided maintaining a
stirrer. The pH of the resultant suspension was meas-
low temperature, and, if necessary, by additional
ured with a glass electrode on a Metrohm 632 pH meter
filtration on a 0.25 µm Millipore filter before spec-
(Metrohm S.A., Herisau, Switzerland) pH-meter.
trophotometry. Absorbance of the clear supernatant
Measurements were always carried out in triplicate.
was measured at 525, 545, 565 and 572 nm on a Unicam
UV2 spectrophotometer (Cambridge, U.K.). The total
myoglobin content and the proportion of myoglobin, Determination of nonheme iron
oxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin were calculated
according to Krzywicki (16), using the following Nonheme iron was extracted according to Schricker et
equations: al. (17). Three grams of control or pressurized minced
meat sample were mixed with 15 mL of a solution 3
A525 mol/L in HCl and 1.22 mol/L in trichloracetic acid. The
Total myoglobin (mmol/L) = Eqn [1] samples were then incubated at 65 °C for 20 h in glass
tubes closed with glass marbles. The iron content of the
clear supernatants was determined by IC PAES (induc-
% deoxyMb = (0.369 R1 + 1.140 R2 – 0.941 R3 + 0.015) tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry,
3 100 C.E.A, C.E. Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France). The
% MbO2 = (0.882 R1 – 1.267 R2 + 0.809 R3 – 0.361) 3 standard deviation of the method is close to 2%.
100 Measurements were carried out in duplicate on the
% MetMb = (–2.541 R1 + 0.777 R2 + 0.800 R3 + 1.098) same meat extract.
3 100

Where MAC525 ( = 7.6) is the millimolar absorbance Results and Discussion

coefficient of myoglobin at the isobestic point (525 nm)
of its three forms, and R1, R2, R3 are respectively the Variability of the myoglobin content and colour of
absorbance ratio A572/A525, A565/A525, A545/A525. meat samples
Krzywicki (16) proposed another equation for total
myoglobin, based on the added absorbance of the three The variability of the determination of myoglobin and
myoglobin forms: related pigments was first assessed using nonpressur-
ized minced meat from Semimembranosus muscle of
Total myoglobin (mM/L) = –0.166 A572 + 0.086 A565 + one animal (Table 1). The Relative Standard Deviation
0.088 A545 + 0.099 A525 Eqn [2] (RSD) of 2.48% for total myoglobin is quite acceptable.
The very high RSD values for metmyoglobin and for
Because this equation is based on measurements at myoglobin are partly explained by the small propor-
four different wavelengths (rather than only at 525 nm), tions of these two pigments (in the same muscle
it minimizes errors due to absorbance coefficients. It sample).
was therefore utilized in the present study. It was also The variability of L* a* b* colour parameters was
checked that the (A525/ Mb tot) ratio was close to 7.6. determined at different surface positions of a sample

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

Table 1 Mean values (x̄), standard deviations (sx) and relative standard deviation (RSD) of myoglobin contents and colour
values of minced meat from a single bovine Semimembranosus muscle
Total Proportions of the three myoglobin formsb Colour valuesc
(mg/g) Mb (%) MbO2 (%) MetMb (%) L* a* b*
x̄ 8.88 13.2 70.0 8.0 38.5 18.6 10.3
sx 0.22 3.2 3.6 3.2 0.6 1.2 0.5
RSD (%) 2.48 24.2 5.1 40.0 1.6 6.4 4.8
a Total myoglobin in a pH 6.8 meat extract as determined according to Krzywicki (16). Mean of eight measurements on
different meat extracts from a single muscle sample.
b Relative proportions of myoglobin, oxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin in a pH 6.8 meat extract as determined according to
Krzywicki (16). Mean of eight measurements on different meat extracts from the same muscle sample as for total myoglobin
c Colour values determined by reflectance using a Minolta chromameter. Mean of eight measurements on minced meat from a
single muscle sample (different from that used for myoglobin determination).

(20 g) of minced meat from another single Semi- Control minced meat samples were red. The colour of
membranosus muscle (Table 1). The maximum RSD pressure processed samples was paler (pink) above 200
(6.4%) was observed for a* values. MPa and became grey-brown above 400 MPa. L*, a*
Determinations were also carried out on minced meat and b* values are shown in Fig. 1. L* values increased
samples from 21 distinct purchases (Semimembranosus from 200 to 350 MPa and a* values decreased with
muscle). The total myoglobin content of the meat increasing pressure, specially above 400 MPa, while b*
samples ranged from 3.7 to 7.8 mg/g, with a mean value values remained constant. These results are in agree-
of 5.8 ± 1.4. Oxymyoglobin was the main myoglobin ment with those previously reported by Carlez et al.
form (73.9% ± 9.0), as can be expected for meat (12) for minced beef meat pressurized at 20 °C : no
minced in the presence of air (24). The proportions of colour change was observed below 150–200 MPa, L*
myoglobin (9.6% ± 4.9) and of metmyoglobin (8.7% ± increased from 150 to 400 MPa, and a* decreased above
7.4) were lower and displayed high variability. 350 MPa. Discoloration of meat under pressure appears
The L* values of the 21 Semimembranosus meat to result both from ‘whitening’ (200–350 MPa), and
samples ranged from 34.1 to 41.8 (mean value = 38.3). from a loss of red colour (400–500 MPa). Critical
a* and b* values ranged respectively from 11.3 to 21.6 pressure thresholds could be due to different phenom-
and from 6.0 to 13.4. The variability of L*, a* and b* ena. These are discussed later.
values, expressed as RSD, were 8.3%, 16.3% and Similar L* and a* changes were observed by Shigehisa
15.8%, respectively. Although meat colour may be et al. (10) for pressure-processed pork muscle homoge-
affected by numerous factors, the colour variability was, nates. L* values started to increase between 100
in general, lower than that in myoglobin content. (L* = 66.2) and 200 MPa, to reach a maximum value
The observed variability is not surprising for commer- between 300 and 400 MPa (L* = 76.1). No further
cial meat samples. There was no control of the breed, increase was observed even at 600 MPa. The decrease
sex, or age of the animal, the time between slaughter
and meat purchase, nor of the conditions of meat
preparation, storage and distribution. Furthermore,
differences occur in fibre metabolic type within a 60
muscle, although it was attempted to select homoge-
neous muscle parts. 50
For these reasons, most series of experiments were
L* a* b* colour values

carried out on minced meat from a single muscle.

Within each series, the colour values and pigment
contents of pressurized samples were compared to the
corresponding nonpressurized minced meat control. 30
The pH value of minced meat displayed a low
variability (RSD = 1.08 %). The mean pH value of 5.57 20
was a low value normal for beef meat (18).

Effects of pressure processing on the colour and the

myoglobin content of minced meat 0 100 200 300 400 500
Pressure (MPa)

L* a* b* values. Minced meat samples packaged in air Fig. 1. L* (-j-), a* (-s-), and b* (- + -) colour values of
minced meat pressurized at 10 °C for 10 min in air. Results
were processed at 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 MPa, are the means (with sx) of at least six measurements on two
at 10 °C, for 10 min. Assays at each pressure value were distinct meat samples (single Semimembranosus muscle)
carried out in duplicate. processed independently

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

in a* value was moderate between 100 (a* = 5.8) and

200 MPa and progressed until 600 MPa (a* = 0.2). No 100
explanation was given for these phenomena, but white

Proportions of the three

and hard coagulates were observed above 300 MPa. 80

myoglobin forms (%)

Other investigators noted an increase in L* value (tuna
flesh, 14) and a decrease in a* value (beef meat, 11) 60
under pressure, without interpretation.
In the present study, variability was observed among 40
different experiments carried out at 450 MPa with nine
different Semimembranosus muscles. The decrease in 20
a* value varied from 3.8 to 9.4 (mean ∆a* = 6.0 ± 2.0),
the increase in L* value from 8.1 to 14.4 (mean 0
∆L* = 11.5 ± 2.3). These results confirm the necessity of Control 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
controls for each series of experiments with different Pressure (MPa)
meat samples. Fig. 3. Relative proportions of myoglobin ( ); oxymyoglobin
( ); and metmyoglobin ( ) in minced meat pressurized at 10
°C for 10 min in air. Results are the means of measurements
Content of myoglobin and of related pigments. The on two distinct meat samples (from the Semimembranosus
absorbance spectra of myoglobin extracted (with a pH muscle of Fig. 1) processed independently
6.8 sodium phosphate buffer) from control and pressur-
ized minced meat samples are shown in Fig. 2. From 0.1
to 200 MPa, the spectra remained unchanged. From 200 There is no published study concerning the myoglobin
to 400 MPa, the intensity of absorbance decreased with extractibility of pressurized meat samples. However,
increasing pressure, without extensive modification of the extractibility of myoglobin is known to decrease
the shape of spectra. This reflects a decrease in the total when meat samples are subjected to increasing tem-
amount of myoglobin (probably due to reduced total perature (19) or to denaturing agents. This suggests that
myoglobin extractibility), without significant changes in partial denaturation of myoglobin also occurred under
the proportions of myoglobin, oxymyoglobin and met- pressure, specially above 300 MPa.
myoglobin. At 500 MPa, the total myoglobin content, The relative proportions of the three myoglobin forms
calculated according to Krzywicki (16), further were also modified by pressure processing (Fig. 3). The
decreased to 3.2 ± 0.3 mg/g (from an initial content in proportion of myoglobin in pressurized meat samples
control samples of 4.8 ± 0.4 mg/g). Simultaneously, the was similar to that in fresh minced meat. In contrast,
shape of the spectrum was markedly changed, with a the proportion of oxymyoglobin sharply decreased
decrease in absorbance at 540 and 580 nm (character- above 400 MPa. The proportion of metmyoglobin
istic of oxymyoglobin) and an increase at 505 and 630 started to increase at the ‘critical’ pressure of 400 MPa,
nm (characteristic of metmyoglobin). simultaneously to a decrease in a* value. Murakami et
al. (14) determined the proportion of metmyoglobin in
pressure-processed red tuna flesh, using the A540/A503
0.3 method. The proportion of metmyoglobin did not
200 MPa increase at 150 MPa, increased drastically at 300 MPa
from 37.7% (control) to 73.1%, and remained at the
250 MPa same level at 500 MPa. These results confirm that the
300 MPa colour change in pressurized minced meat is partly due
400 MPa to the oxidation of oxymyoglobin to metmyoglobin.
0.2 Three phenomena could induce the colour changes
observed as a result of pressure processing: (1) dena-

turation of the globin moiety of the molecule with

possible displacement or separation of the heme from
the globin; (2) modification of the porphyrin ring with a
500 MPa release of the iron atom (iron release could facilitate its
0.1 oxidation and could also be related to globin denatura-
tion); (3) oxidation of ferrous oxymyoglobin (but
apparently not of the small amounts of myoglobin, see
Fig. 3) into ferric metmyoglobin. These phenomena
may also occur simultaneously or sequentially. The
observation of different pressure thresholds for L* and
0 total Mb on one hand, and for a*, MbO2 and MetMb on
450 500 550 600 650 700 the other hand, supports the existence of at least two
Wavelength (nm)
distinct mechanisms. However such mechanisms may
Fig. 2. Visible spectra of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) extracts of invalidate Krzywicki’s spectrophotometric method (16)
minced meat from Semimembranosus pressurized at 0.1, 200, for the evaluation of reduced, oxy- and met-
250, 300, 400 or 500 MPa and 10 °C for 10 min in air myoglobins.

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

The pH value of minced meat increased from 5.55 for 18 h, processed at 350 or 500 MPa (10 °C, 10 min),
(control sample) to 5.77–5.79 (after processing at 400 or and then stored at about 5 °C for up to 12 d.
500 MPa). The control sample displayed a rapid (between 2 and 5
d of storage) decrease in a* value and a progressive
Content of nonheme iron. Minced meat samples proc- decrease in b* value, and turned into a brown-red
essed in air at 350, 400, 450 and 500 MPa (10 °C, 10 colour (Fig. 4a and b). This may correspond to a partial
min) were extracted with an HCl/ trichloroacetic acid oxidation of oxymyoglobin into metmyoglobin. It is
solution in order to determine the content in nonheme likely that bacterial growth took place at 5 °C without
delay in this nonpressurized meat sample (12, 13) and
Table 2 Nonheme iron content of minced meat from a decreased the partial pressure of oxygen, thus enhanc-
single Semimembranosus muscle, after pressure processing at ing the formation of metmyoglobin. Interactions
10 °C for 10 min between phospholipids and myoglobin taking place in
Sample Nonheme irona (mg/kg of meat) minced meat may also enhance this oxidation (1).
The L* values of pressurized samples were above that
Control 4.2–4.2
350 MPa 3.7–3.9 of the control sample, as already observed, and did not
400 MPa 4.5–4.5 change during storage. The a* and b* value of the
450 MPa 4.4–4.6 sample processed at 500 MPa also remained constant
500 MPa 5.3–5.5 (Fig. 4a and b), corresponding to a stable grey-brown
a colour. The b* value (yellowness) is high, and this
Determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectrometry after extraction with an acid solution according parameter therefore seems to be involved in the grey-
to Schricker et al. (17) brown colour (together with a low a* value). The meat
sample processed at 350 MPa was pink, and pro-
gressively lost its red colour during storage to turn grey-
iron. Results are given in Table 2. In the control brown with final colour values close to those of the 500
(nonpressurized) meat sample, the nonheme iron con- MPa sample (as shown in Fig. 4a, where final a* values
tent was equal to 4.2 mg/kg of meat. A moderate
increase in nonheme iron was observed after processing
at 500 MPa but not at 350, 400 or 450 MPa. This may
20 (a)
indicate that opening of the porphyrin ring of myoglo-
bin occurred to a small extent at 500 MPa, thus
releasing some ‘nonheme’ iron. The total iron content
a* colour value

of the minced meat from Semimembranosus was not

determined. Schricker et al. (17) found that the total 12
iron content of beef muscles ranged from 23.4 ± 4.5
mg/kg (Longissimus dorsi) to 28.7 ± 6.6 mg/kg (Gluteus 8
medius), but Semimembranosus was not determined.
Nutritional tables indicate iron contents of 21 to 35 mg/ 4
kg for a wide variety of lean beef cuts. It therefore
appears that processing at 500 MPa did not release a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
significant proportion of heme iron.

Effect of the duration of pressure processing. Minced

meat was processed in air at 350 and at 400 MPa (10 °C) 20 (b)
for 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min. The L*, a* and b* values, and
the different myoglobin forms were determined. No 16
linear relation was observed between the duration of
b* colour value

pressure processing and any of the colour parameters 12

or myoglobin contents (data not shown). At both
pressure tested, the following changes were observed 8
from 2 to 10 min of processing: L* increased, a*
decreased, the total myoglobin content decreased, the 4
proportion of metmyoglobin increased and that of
oxymyoglobin decreased. After 10 min of pressure
processing, no further changes were observed. The 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
subsequent pressurization experiments were carried Time (d)
out for 10 min. Fig. 4. Changes in a* (a) and b* (b) colour values during the
The pH increased to its final value after only 2 min of chilled storage (5 °C) of nonpressurized minced meat (-s-),
pressurization. and of minced meat pressurized at 350 (-d-) or 500 MPa (-e-)
at 10 °C for 10 min in oxygen. Meat samples were packaged
in oxygen and kept at 5 °C for 18 h before pressurization.
Effect of chilled storage after pressure processing. Results are the means (with standard deviation) of at least six
Minced meat was packaged under oxygen, kept at 5 °C measurements on the same Semimembranosus meat sample

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

are both very low). The following explanation can be the meat centre (where the oxygen concentration is
given: processing at 500 MPa caused an immediate, probably very low). It is known that oxidation of
complete and stable modification of myoglobin, but myoglobin to metmyoglobin is enhanced at a pO2 of 7
processing at 350 MPa only caused a partial modifica- mm Hg, and occurs first under the meat surface (20).
tion. The residual myoglobin, still pink after pressuriza- This may explain why a grey off-colour is formed in the
tion, was progressively further oxidized during chilled intermediate zone after processing at 350 MPa. At 500
storage of minced meat. MPa, even oxymyoglobin at the meat surface is
apparently oxidized into metmyoglobin. Myoglobin at
Colour changes at different meat depths. Experiments the meat centre is apparently not oxidized, probably
were carried out on meat cubes (30 to 40 mm side) from because of the low oxygen concentration, and became
Semimembranosus muscle. These were packed in air pink, possibly due to the denaturation of globin and/or
just before pressure treatment, processed at various myofibrillar proteins. The larger central pink zone at
pressure levels (10 °C, 10 min), and kept at about 5 °C 500 MPa is difficult to explain, since it implies some
for 1–2 h before pouch opening and colour measure- reversibility in colour change. It also appears to indicate
ments. L*, a* and b* values were measured at meat that higher pressure levels do not enhance oxygen
surface, in the centre of cubes, and in an intermediate diffusion from the meat surface to the meat centre.
zone. After processing at 350 MPa, the intermediate In the case of minced meat, mincing has introduced
zone became grey-brown, while the cube centre and the some oxygen throughout the product, so that myoglo-
meat surface became pink (as reflected by a* values, bin present at the centre of minced meat is oxidized
Fig. 5). After processing at 400, 450 or 500 MPa, the under pressure. The higher level of oxygen present at
intermediate grey-brown zone extended towards the the surface of minced meat may delay oxidation.
meat surface, while the central pink zone extended Overall, these results also suggest (1) that oxygenation
from the centre. The meat surface of the 500 MPa of myoglobin into oxymyoglobin does not protect from
sample became completely grey-brown. Changes in L* pressure-induced oxidation into metmyoglobin (it may
values were identical at different depths (data not only delay this oxidation); (2) that oxygen exclusion
shown), increasing at 200 MPa, and reaching a plateau may protect myoglobin from this pressure-induced
at 350 MPa, as found previously for minced meat (Fig. oxidation. The resulting anaerobic conditions may also
1). enhance metmyoglobin reductase activity.
In previous experiments with minced meat (processed It was therefore of interest to carry out high pressure
in polyvinylidene chloride tubing of diameter = 32 mm experiments using different packaging atmospheres.
and height = 40 mm) from Rectus femoris (12), a grey-
brown zone was observed in the central part of the
meat after processing at 300–350 MPa and 20 °C for 20 Effects of packaging atmosphere (air, oxygen, vacuum
min, while the meat surface became pink. After with or without oxygen scavenger)
processing at 500 MPa, the whole minced meat became
grey-brown from centre to surface. The L*, a* and b* values, total myoglobin content and
These results can be interpreted as follows. In the case pH of the nonpackaged, nonpressurized minced meat
of meat cubes, a decreasing pO2 gradient must be (from four distinct muscles) used in these experiments
present from the meat surface (in contact with air) to are included in the 95 % confidence intervals
(mean ± 2SD) calculated from previous meat variabil-
ity study, although it was necessary to use a distinct
muscle for each gas atmosphere.
L* a* b* values. Meat samples were packaged under air,
oxygen or vacuum (with or without oxygen scavenger),
16 kept at 5 °C for 18 h, and pressure processed at 350 to
500 MPa (10 °C, 10 min). Sealed pouches were kept at
a* colour value

12 5 °C for 1–2 h before opening and measurement of

colour values. L* values increased from 30–35 to 40–45
after processing at any of the pressure levels studied
and in all gas atmospheres tested (data not shown). b*
values remained constant or increased slightly (under
4 vacuum without oxygen scavenger) (data not shown).
a* values are shown in Fig. 6. The initial values (before
pressurization) are variable because of the different
0 100 200 300 400 500 muscles, and of the 18 h period at 5 °C in the
Pressure (MPa) corresponding atmosphere (a* decreased under vac-
Fig. 5. Changes in a* colour values at the surface (-s-), at an uum without oxygen scavenger). Pressure processing at
intermediate position (-j-) or at the centre (-e-) of meat
cubes after pressurization at 10 °C for 10 min in air. Results or above 400 MPa caused a marked decrease in a*
are the means (with sx) of at least six measurements on the value for samples packaged in air or oxygen. When
same Semimembranosus meat sample pressurization was carried out under vacuum in the

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

presence of an oxygen scavenger, the a* values pink, while those processed (at 450 and 500 MPa) in
remained constant at a high level (ø 15). Samples thus oxygen, air or vacuum without O2 scavenger became
processed in the complete absence of oxygen became grey-brown. It therefore appears that no myoglobin
oxidation takes place in the absence of oxygen, but that
meat ‘whitening’ (probably due to pressure denatura-
20 tion of globin) is not prevented.

Myoglobin and related forms. The total myoglobin

15 content of the meat samples kept for 18 h at 5 °C under
the four packaging atmospheres ranged from 6.7 to 7.6
a* colour value

mg/g of meat. This myoglobin content decreased after

10 pressure processing, the greatest decrease being
observed after processing at 500 MPa (23% decrease
under vacuum, 31% in oxygen, 34% in air, 35% under
vacuum + O2 scavenger). The decrease in total myoglo-
bin is not clearly related to the type of packaging
atmosphere nor to the change in colour or in a* value.
It is probably due to a partial globin denaturation and
0 100 200 300 400 500 to the resulting decrease in extractability.
Pressure (MPa) The relative proportions of myoglobin, oxymyoglobin
and metmyoglobin are shown in Fig. 7. In oxygen or in
Fig. 6. Changes in a* colour values of minced meat from
Semimembranosus packaged under different atmospheres: air (Fig. 7a and b), the proportions of metmyoglobin
oxygen (.....), air (----), vacuum ( — ), or vacuum with O2 reached 49 or 55% respectively, after processing at 500
scavenger ( — - — -), then pressurized at 10 °C for 10 min. MPa. Under vacuum (without O2 scavenger) (Fig. 7c),
Results are the means (with sx) of six measurements on each oxidation of myoglobin into metmyoglobin reached a
one of five distinct meat samples processed independently maximum, the proportion of metmyoglobin reaching
(three distinct meat samples in the case of experiments with
O2 scavenger). A different muscle was used for each 39% at 400 MPa and 55% at 500 MPa. In the total
atmosphere. Meat samples were kept at 5 °C for 18 h in their absence of oxygen (Fig. 7d), the proportion of myoglo-
respective packaging atmospheres before pressurization bin was significant (12–17%), and the proportion of

(a) (b)
100 100
Proportions of three forms

80 80
of myoglobin (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Control 350 400 450 500 Control 350 400 450 500
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)

(c) (d)
100 100
Proportions of three forms

80 80
of myoglobin (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Control 350 400 450 500 Control 350 400 450 500
Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa)
Fig. 7. Relative proportions of myoglobin ( ), oxymyoglobin ( ), and metmyoglobin ( ) of minced meat from C G
Semimembranosus packaged in oxygen (a), air (b), vacuum (c) or vacuum plus oxygen scavenger (d), then pressurized at 350,
400, 450 or 500 MPa and 10 °C for 10 min. Results are the means of measurements on five distinct meat samples processed
independently (three distinct meat samples in the case of experiments with O2 scavenger). A different muscle was used for each
atmosphere. Meat samples were kept at 5 °C for 18 h in their respective packaging atmospheres before pressurization

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

metmyoglobin formed remained below 16%, even after

processing at 500 MPa.
It can be concluded from these results that oxygen does
not protect myoglobin significantly against pressure- 50
induced ( ≥ 400 MPa) oxidation to the ferric form.

L a b colour values
Packaging under vacuum does not appear to remove 40
oxygen efficiently from minced meat, since samples
with low a* values and high metmyoglobin contents 30
were observed both before and after pressurization.

The total absence of oxygen does result in effective

protection, since after processing at high pressure (500

MPa), a pink colour was formed, the a* value remained 10
constant, and the formation of metmyoglobin remained
moderate. However, as already mentioned, none of the
packaging atmospheres provides protection against 0 100 200 300 400 500
meat ‘whitening’. This last phenomenon takes place at Pressure (MPa)
pressures above 200 MPa, reduces the content of Fig. 8. L* (-j-), a* (-s-), and b* (- + -) colour values of
extractible myoglobin, causes a colour change from red minced meat mixed with 200 mg NaNO2 and 10 g NaCl per kg
to pink, and probably results from the denaturation of meat, packaged under vacuum, kept at 5 °C for 18 h, then
globin. pressurized at 10 °C for 10 min. Results are the means (with
sx) of at least six measurements on each one of two distinct
meat samples (single Semimembranosus muscle) processed
Effect of chemical additives

Reducing agents. The addition of cysteine (200 or 1000 induce any change in a* and b* values whatever the
mg/kg of minced meat, packaged in air) 1 h before pressure level or the nitrite concentration (Fig. 8). The
processing at 450 MPa (10 °C — 10 min) had no colour of all pressurized samples was pink, close to that
significant effect on the visual colour, L*, a* and b* of cooked ham. The absorbance spectra of meat
values, the myoglobin content or the proportions of extracts (pressurized or not) were very close to one
related pigments (compared with the pressurized another but very different from those of meat extracts
control). without nitrite. These results support the hypothesis
The addition of ascorbic acid (250 or 1000 mg/kg of that colour changes resulting from pressure processing
minced meat, packaged in air), 1 h before processing at are caused by two or three different mechanisms. In the
450 MPa (10 °C, 10 min) induced an additional presence of nitrite, the prevalent nitrosomyoglobin is
decrease in a* value and increase in MetMb (as protected against oxidation into the ferric form. The
compared to the pressurized control) (data not shown). ‘whitening’ effect, however is not prevented. Similar
The latter effect was more marked at 1000 mg/kg, while observations were made by Suzuki et al. (23) with
the meat pH before pressurization decreased by 0.2 Wiener sausage processed at 400 or 600 MPa (10–40 °C,
unit. 10–30 min): L* values increased by 5 units, while a* and
Several authors (4, 21, 22) found that ascorbic acid was b* values remained constant.
effective in delaying the oxidation of myoglobin.
Govindarajan et al. (21) indicated that ascorbic acid did Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. These two substances
not affect the initial slow oxidation step but extended were tested at 244, 610 and 1220 mg/kg minced meat,
the lag time before the rapid oxidation step began. packaged in air. The meat with additive was kept at 5 °C
Mitsumoto et al. (4) suggested that ascorbic acid was for 18 h before processing at 450 MPa and 10 °C for 10
active mainly in association with α-tocopherol present min.
in the muscle. The same authors indicated that ascorbic Compared with meat pressurized without additive,
acid could act as a prooxidant at high concentrations pressurized minced meat containing nicotinamide dis-
(5000 p.p.m.), or in the presence of metal ions, such as played slightly lower a* values and slightly higher b*
bound or free iron. Greene et al. (22) found a similar values, both proportional to the nicotinamide concen-
result about possible prooxidant properties of ascorbic tration. Nicotinamide at all concentrations tested did
acid and proposed the use of a combination of additives not affect meat pH nor the total myoglobin content, but
(butylhydroxyanisole or propylgallate). caused a decrease in the proportion of oxymyoglobin
(from an initial 50 to a final 33%) and an increase in the
Sodium nitrite. This additive was used at 100 and 200 proportion of metmyoglobin (from 22 to 41%).
mg/kg of minced meat, always in association with 10 g The addition of nicotinic acid significantly decreased
NaCl/kg of minced meat. The mix was blended and kept the pH of pressurized meat (pH 4.8, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.7 at
under vacuum at 5 °C for 18 h to allow the formation of respectively 1220, 610, 244 and 0 mg of nicotinic acid/
nitrosomyoglobin. A dark red colour was formed kg of meat). This pH drop was probably responsible for
(L* = 36.7, a* = 16.3, b* = 8.0). Pressure processing (10 the notable effects of nicotinic acid on the colour
°C, 10 min) lead to increased L* values, but did not parameters of pressurized meat. As compared to meat

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

pressurized without nicotinic acid, a* values were lower When minced meat is subjected to higher pressure
and b* values higher, in proportion to the concentra- levels ( ≥ 400 MPa), its colour also becomes much paler
tion of nicotinic acid. The L* values were similar to that than initially (with a high L* value, reaching a
of the pressurized meat control, except at 1220 mg maximum at 350 MPa), but the red or pink hue changes
nicotinic acid/kg where the L* value was lower. (or is masked) into a pale grey-brown colour. In
With increasing nicotinic acid, pressurized meat parallel, the a* value decreases markedly (Fig. 1). The
extracts contained less total myoglobin (contents from total myoglobin content of meat extracts further
7.2 for the initial fresh minced meat to 1.8 mg/g for the decreases (Fig. 2), and metmyoglobin is formed at the
pressurized meat containing 1220 mg/kg nicotinic acid) expense of oxymyoglobin (Fig. 3). The latter trans-
and markedly higher proportions of myoglobin and of formation was observed also in red tuna flesh, but took
metmyoglobin, together with much lower proportions place at lower pressure (from 150 to 300 MPa, at 0 °C
of oxymyoglobin. However, Krzywicki’s (16) method of for 15 min) (14). In the present study, pressures of 400
analysis cannot remain valid when nicotinamide or MPa or above promote the partial oxidation of ferrous
nicotinic acid are present, since a yellow colour myoglobin into ferric metmyoglobin, together with the
develops. possible denaturation of globin.
Samples pressurized with nicotinamide or nicotinic acid Two experimental findings support this oxidation step:
were grey but slightly more yellow than control (1) a vacuum atmosphere associated to an oxygen
pressurized meat. scavenger, i.e. a complete absence of free oxygen,
It is likely that the above results are mainly caused by protects against pressure-induced oxidation into met-
the pH drop due to nicotinic acid: this pH drop would myoglobin (no loss of pink colour, no decrease in a*
enhance globin denaturation and insolubilization, plus value, small proportion of metmyoglobin) (Figs 6 and
myoglobin oxidation into metmyoglobin. According to 7); (2) nitrites, i.e. formation of nitrosomyoglobin,
Renerre (1), myoglobin undergoes denaturation below afford a similar protection (no loss of pink colour, no
pH 5, and a low pH also reduces the stability constant decrease in a* value) (Fig. 8). In contrast, an oxygen
for the heme–globin linkage, porphyrin being released atmosphere does not protect against oxymyoglobin
from globin below pH 5. oxidation (Figs 6 and 7). These two findings provide
In practice, nicotinic acid or nicotinamide were not some practical means to minimize the discoloration of
useful against pressure-induced colour changes. whole or minced meat during pressure-induced pas-
Renerre (1) explained that nicotinamide acted on teurization or restructuring. However, oxygen removal
colour stability by its protective effect on NAD (that or the presence of nitrites does not protect, at least at
played a role in metmyoglobin reduction). But Govin- 350–500 MPa, against the ‘whitening’ effect tentatively
darajan et al. (21) also observed that nicotinamide did attributed to globin denaturation.
not prevent the formation of metmyoglobin during Both degradation mechanisms appear to depend more
chilled storage of ground beef meat. on critical pressure thresholds than on time, since they
took place already 2 to 5 min after the target pressure
(350 or 400 MPa) was reached.
Conclusion A third degradation mechanism (namely heme detach-
ment or opening) was not ruled out, although process-
The discoloration of red meat (whole or minced) taking ing minced meat at 350 to 500 MPa (10 °C, 10 min) did
place at high pressure appears to be a complex not enhance markedly the extraction of ‘nonheme’ iron
phenomenon that depends on at least two mechanisms. by an acid solution (Table 2). The grey-brown colour of
At or above 200 MPa, a ‘whitening’ effect is observed, minced meat processed at 450 or 500 MPa suggests that
the red colour of beef meat turning into a much paler not only metmyoglobin but also other myoglobin-
pink colour. Simultaneously, L* values increase mark- derived pigments could be present. Absorbance spectra
edly (Fig. 1). Such an effect was also observed with red of meat extracts, however, did not permit any further
tuna flesh at lower pressure levels (50 to 150 MPa, 0 °C, conclusion on this point. Globin denaturation (or
15 min) (14) and with pork muscle homogenates at 200 changes in the heme ring) may enhance oxidation into
MPa (10). ferric metmyoglobin (or related pigments). Other
Here this ‘whitening’ effect is tentatively attributed to experiments reported in the present study (colour
the pressure-induced denaturation of the globin moiety changes at different meat depths; colour evolution of
of myoglobin. Extracts from minced meat pressurized pressurized minced meat during further chilled storage)
at 200 or 300 MPa contain less total myoglobin, as do not appear to contradict the previous hypotheses
determined by spectrophotometry (Fig. 2), and it is not concerning meat colour changes caused by pressure
known whether this is due to pressure-induced insolu- processing.
bilization of myoglobin (possibly through enhanced It is known that high pressure dissociates (at least
aggregation of myofibrillar proteins), and/or to the temporarily) ions pairs (Gross and Jaenicke, 24). This
reduced absorbance of still soluble but denatured induces a decrease in pH, a disruption of electrostatic
myoglobin, or still to the displacement, detachment or interactions, and thus probably a partial protein dena-
opening of the porphyrin ring of some myoglobin turation and/or displacement of the heme group. The
molecules. The relative proportions of reduced, oxy- or decrease in pH may also enhance heme oxidation to the
metmyoglobin remain unchanged (Fig. 3). ferric state. The effects of pressure on myofibrillar

lwt/vol. 28 (1995) No. 5

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