Division Memorandum No.066.s.2022 Coordination Meeting of The Child Protection Focal Persons

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© Republic ot he Philipines Department of Education REGION IV-A CALABARZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SAN PABLO CITY ‘Apa 12,2022 Division Memorandum No. Dues 022 ‘COORDINATION MEETING OF THE CHILD PROTECTION FOCAL PERSONS. TO Assistant Schools Division Superintandent Chefs Cid and SGOD. Eduealon Program Supenésrs Elementary and Sacendary Pubic Schoo Distict Supervisors Elorentary and Secondary School Heads lorntary and Secondary Cia ProtectonFozal Persons Prete Scroa| ‘Al Others Concarnes 1. Th offce trough the Youh Formation Dhision anneunces the conduct of the \Coorcnaton Moing of to Chis Protecton rogram Coorsnators fis Apri 21, 2022, {39M via Zoom. The nk of he meutrg willbe sorta day tere the meeting 2. The pariipants ofthis ectuty ae the You Formation Coordinate, Dison Lagal Office and the focal persons of te Chas Protection Cormniioss of al plc ard pate gtk, Pero nos fe reque arse CPC, rar Nene Sey to te meno which is te Sémited hen ul sonceCteneanesSivey and to easacimis@semed ant. submssion s done aes, Kindy degard tis mate. Adcnoraly, focal persons a6 ‘eau on hs Fees Goap for ene conmanesion ‘SPC Chita te tne "oe tox tn oS 3. Agenda ot mesting are a oove: "2. Roports on te Organza of Chi Protocton Commitens Upcoming Activites © Other Mates 4 Schoo Heads ere asked to make an arangerent io ensure ht cases ae not drupe ‘and canplance wih Dood Orda’ No.9, 2 205 etileg meting Mesures fo nec Engoged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Cenoince There shal be beerved, 5. For rlovant ques, you may cartact Mrs. Cia B. Cobrana at 05091259082 and Swiacibrna@iscadcovch and Me Blolea J. Prams. at 05282170622 ard ‘2088 prsmist2depe0 a0, the Dison You Formation Coorrator. 6. nmeditecsserition of tis Memorandum is desied, {SV Z WIRANDA.CESO Vi, Division Supsirtendert at venue Sn Fi cy, aun 00 ‘argablcy eet gov9 © (or) s03- 967 Republic of the Philippines of Education (CE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY (CPC TRAINING NEEDS. 1. Profile Information DIRECTION: Fill n all applicable white spaces. Region Division Name of School Mame Contact Number | Email Focal Person for Bduestion Support Services Division ‘Focal Person for Schools Governance ‘and Operations Divislon (GOD) Head/Admintatrator = Chairperson, Guidance Counselor/Teacher- Vice Chairperson Representative of the Teachers Representative of the Parents Representative of pupils, students and| eager tencton carton, ers hr. Fa ed ea Bepublic of the Philippines: Department of €ducation CE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY eee Representative from the Community Training Needs DIRECTION: Please indicate your training needs in the context of the establishment of your child protection committee (CPC) on a scale of 1-5 (1. least referred, 5 Most preferred) A. Training Topics ‘Training Topic 1 [2 [s fa [s 1, DepEd Policies and programs on Child Protection ‘The Child Protection Policy '. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No, 10627, otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 © Guidelines on Chitdren-at-Risi (CAR) and Children in Confit withthe Law (CICL] 4. Protestion of Childress Avwed Gonmict ©. Guidelines on Child Online Protection: Child ‘Safeguarding for Information and Communication ‘Technology and Social Media 2. The Child Protection Committee ‘& Composition ' Funetions | ‘3. Handling Child Protection Concerns Bullying and Cyberbullying. Child Sexual Abuse © Child Online Protection Concerns estrone tc. Merk hr. Rai Hy Ros tr 4 a) Republic o the Philippines Department of Cducation CE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY 4. Misinformation and Disinformation online Corporal Punishment Children at Risk @ Children in Conflict with the Law hh Child Labor 1. Talficking of Children. J+ Barly Childhood Marriage 1k, Children with Special Needs (learning disabilities) 1. Children with Disabilities (physical, etc) ‘a. Childven in Armed Confit Situations '. Children in IP Communities 0. Early Prognancy and Children 4. Case Management '. Positive Discipline ‘6. OTHER TOPICS: 'B. Skills Expectation 1, What skills have you developed relative ta child protection ecncerns? (Provide information of the modules, workshops, courses, prafessional ‘experience that enable you to develop these skis.) IE. g interpersonal skills, communication skills] Cite None” if there is none. evar auccton Cantal es. Mero Avene Fas Cy rasa Ra rab nonsnssaest Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education ICE OF THE UNDERSECRET/ ‘2. What sills or raining does your CPC need to develop and/or acquire 12 become a functional and effective CPC? List them doven Seoatert ttacton Cena ce Maaco Aue Pag aco rg)

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