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Interpretation Number: IX-01-17

Codebook: Section IX
Date: 18-DEC-01
Subject: QW-202.2(b), QW-202.3(b), and QW-407.4
Background: A groove weld procedure qualification test coupon 1.5 in. thick was welded with the
SMAW process using multiple passes of t/2 in. max. thickness. The test coupon was given a
subsequent post weld heat treatment exceeding the upper transformation temperature prior to the
completion of mechanical testing.

Question: May this PQR be used to support the weld of partial penetration groove welds per QW-
202.2(b) or weld repair and buildup welds per QW-202.3(b) on base material thickness exceeding
1.65 in.?

Reply: No. Per QW-407.4, a procedure qualification test coupon receiving a post weld heat
treatment in which the upper transformation is exceeded, the maximum qualified thickness for
production welds is 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon.

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Copies of the original are available for purchase from Techstreet.
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