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as an OR gate or an AND gate by fixing any

Digital Logic Gate Using one of the three inputs as a program line. If tlie
programnling input is a 0. the AND operation is
pelformed on the remaining hxo inputs If tlie
Quantum-Dot Cellular programnling input is a 1. the OR operation is
perfonned on tlie other h \ o inputs (Fig IC)
Automata Although QCA architectl~lecan be imple-
mented in manq sq stems. n e choose the metal
Islamshah Amlani,'* Alexei 0 . Orlov,' tunnel junction implementation described by
Geza Toth,'.' Gary H. Bernstein,' Craig 5. ~ e n t , ' Lent and Touga~v(3).In our QCA sq-stem (Fig.
Gregory 1. Snider1 1 D). tlie cell consists of four small Al islands
("dots"). D , to D,. connected in a ring bq- A10,
A functioning logic gate based on quantum-dot cellular automata is presented, tunnel junctions. In initial biasing of tlie cell.
where digital data are encoded in the positions of only two electrons. The logic h ~ excess
o electrons enter tlie cell through tun-
gate consists of a cell, composed of four dots connected in a ring by tunnel nel junctions. lvhich for simplicity are not
junctions, and two single-dot electrometers. The device is operated by applying shonn X complete schematic for a related
inputs t o the gates of the cell. The logic AND and OR operations are verified experiment has been published (4) Junction
using the electrometer outputs. Theoretical simulations of the logic gate output capacitances C, are sufficientlq- small to ensure
characteristics are in excellent agreement with experiment. charge quantization on each dot at cryogenic
temperatures (6 ). Each dot is also capaciti\.elq-
Field-effect transistors (FETs) are the founda- polarization change in a QCA cell is induced by coupled to a gate. \.ia capacitance C,. tliat
tion of present digital logic technologies such as causing an electron to snitch positions in one influences the charge state of its respectiye dot.
complementary metal oxide semiconductors. set of dots. thus inducing an opposite electron To determine the cell polarization. \ve measure
Despite \ ast irnpro\.ernents in integrated circuit snitch in dn ddjdcent set of dots. resulting in a electrostatic potentials on islands D3 and D,
fabrication technology o\.er the past three de- change of the electron arrangement fkom one using capacitively coupled single dots. E , and
cades. the role played by the FET has remained diagonal to tlie other. E,. ds nonin\asi\e electrometers ( 7 6 )
that of a current snitch. much like tlie mechan- Tlie fundamental QCA logic de\ice is a Ndnometer-scale XI AIO, A1 tunnel junc-
ical relays used by Koirad Zuse in the 1930s. three-input majority logic gate (Fig. IB) con- tions are fabricated using the standard Dolan-
By adhering to strict scaling rules. FETs have sisting of an arrangement of five standard cells: bridge technique ( 9 ) . Aluminurn islands and
maintained acceptable performance despite tre- a central logic cell. three inputs labeled .A. B. leads are defined by electron beam lithography
mendous reductions in size. permitting the mi- and C. and an output cell. The polarization and subseqi~entshadon e\ aporation processes
croelectronics industries to make phenomenal states of i n p ~ ~At .s B. and C' determine that of lvith an intermediate in situ oxidation step. The
increases in de\.ice density and computational the logic cell, lvhich can assume either polar- experiment is perfonned in a dilution refkiger-
power. As de\ ice feature sizes approach quan- ization. lvhile the output polarization follon s ator lvith an ambient magnetic field of I T to
tum limits. fundamental effects nil1 make fur- tliat of the logic cell. In operation. the polariza- suppress the superconductivity of XI metal. All
ther scaling difficult. requiring a departure fkom tion of the logic cell becomes that of the ma- relevant capacitances are extracted from inea-
the FET-based paradigm and necessitating re\ - jorit). of the three input cells. QCA logic gates surements of Coulomb blockade oscillations
olutionary approaches to computing. Tlie ap- can be cascaded. so that in a more complex (4). and are used in tlieoretical simulations of
proach must be compatible lvith the inherent QCA circuit. the three inputs \vould be dri\en the de\.ice characteristics using classical Cou-
properties of nanostructures. as it should by the outputs of prel-ious gates. Similarly, the lomb blockade theory. The effects of uninten-
exploit the effects tliat accompany small output of the majority gate can be connected to tional cross-talk capacitances behveen each
sizes. An alternate paradigm is tliat of dri\.e a subsequent stage of logic gates ( 5 ) . gate and all nonadjacent dots are compensated
quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) (I- A majorit). gate can be programmed to act using feedback circuit~y( 10).
3). n h i c h uses the arrangements of individ-
ual electrons. instead of currents and volt- Fig. 1. (A) QCA cell
ages. to encode binary information. showing t w o possible
QCX is a nanostruchlre-compatible cornpu- polarizations. (B) QCA
tation paradigm tliat uses arrays of quantum-dot majority gate, t h e fun-
cells to implement digital logic functions. A key damental logic ele-
m e n t of the QCA par-
, element of this paradigm is a QCA cell. nhich
adigm. (C) Truth table
consists of four dots located at the vertices of a containing all possible
square (Fig. IX): such a cell was experimental- input combinations i n ;.-I-
ly demonstrated ( 4 ) . Uhen tlie cell is charged Gray code, and major- M 0111,1111 '

i t y gate outputs. (D) - . -
with hvo excess electrons. they occupy diago- ,, ,, 8 8 '
nal sites as a result of mutual electrostatic re- Schematic o f our QCA
pulsion. The hvo diagonal polarizations are en-
system. The cell is de- t
fined by dots D, t o D, I I I
ergetically equi\ alent ground states of tlie cell. connected in a ring by
and are used to represent logic 0 and logic 1. A 8 I 1 8
tunnel junctions. Dots
D, and D, are capaci- :TI 8

tively coupled t o elec-

'Department of Electrical Engineering, University of trometer dots E, and
Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA. 2Neuro- E, respectively. Exter-
morphic Information Technology Graduate Center, nal leads and tunnel
Budapest, Kende-u.13, H-1111, Hungary. junctions for t h e cell
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- and t h e electrometers
mail: are n o t shown. SCIENCE V O L 284 9 APRIL 1999

Fig. 2. Experimental F~rst.the log~ccell 1s b~aseduslng gates I to
setup for majority gate 4 In an unpola~lzedstate nhere log~c1 and 0 are
demonstration. Inputs equally piobable (4), and the elechometer out-
A, B, and C (shaded at
left) are replaced by
potential shifts on the
B = l r n U + B=l d'rtrometen puts are set to 0 V for thls condltion Thls
procedure also cancels the effect of the sub-
shate backgound charge Figure 2 shoris the
gates (shaded at right)
that are equivalent t o
polarization states of
C= 1
conespondence bets%eel: the repiesentation on
the left and the configuration of our majority
the input cells. gate expemnent on the right Dlffelential slg-
nals A (bemeen gates 1 and 3). B (bets%een
gates 1 and 2). and C (betxeen gates 2 and 4)
constitute the inputs to the central cell The
Fig. 3. Demonstration o f majority gate negatlre (positive) bias on a gate. @- (@-).
operation (A t o C) Inputs ~nGray code mimlcs the presence (absence) of an elechoil 111
The flrst four and last four lnputs ~ l l u s - the 111putdots, as shown by the shaded regions
trate AND 'and OR operations, respec- ln Fig 2 The a~npl~tudes of @- and @+ ale
tlvely (D) Output character~st~c of ma- calefi~llychosen to mlmlc the potent~alsdue to
jorlty gate where to = 20 s 1s the Input ry the polal~zationof an Input cell while they
swltchlng perlod The dashed llne shows
the theory for 70 mK, t h e solld llne
" remain sinall enough not to change the number
represents the measured data Output of excess elechons ln the cell
hlgh (V,,) and output low (V,,) levels Dlffeientlal signals 4. B, and C are con-
are marked by dashed llnes r eited into loglc le>els 1 and 0 on the basls of
the con>ention used in Fig 1A As dots D l
D and D, are coupled to only one gate electrode
each, voltages conespondlng to Inputs A and
B on gate 1, and Inputs B and C on gate 2, are
added In ordei to mlrnic the effect of two
input dots For Instance, the input configura-
tlon shown 111Fig 2 (ABC = 1 1 1) is ach~e>ed
by setting J', = 2@-. 1,' = 2@+, V, = @+,
.. . and IT4 = @-
With Inputs A. B, and C haced as a funct~on
of time (Flg 3. A to C) according to the truth
I I I I I I I table 111 Fig 1C, the dlfferentlal potential be-
0 1 ? 4 > 6 - \
meen dots D, and D,. ,@ , - .@ ,, is measured
using the electrometeis E, and E, (Fig 3D)
(The hansleilt charactel~st~cs are determined by
the time constant of OLII elechometel clrcmtr) )


& 0


Fig. 4. (A) Differential potential change o n t h e dots as an electron potential change o f D,D, caused by t h e simulated d o t potential, as
switches f r o m D, t o D,. The dashed line represents t h e differential depicted by inset a t right. The solid line shows t h e differential
input voltage applied t o gates 3 and 4 as a function o f time. Solid potential applied between gates 4 and 3 (scaled by C,/C,). Open
circles show t h e measured data and t h e solid line represents t h e squares show t h e measured differential potential change o f D,D,
theoretical prediction for 70 mK; to = 1 5 s. (8) Switching induced in caused by an electron switching in D,D,, as depicted by inset a t left;
D,D, by t w o mechanisms. Solid circles show t h e measured differential to = 1 5 s.

290 9 APRIL 1999 VOL 284 SCIENCE


The theoretical results (dashed line in Fig. 3D) between gates 1 and 21. The input signals ap- References and Notes
are calculated for the electron temperature in plied to the gates in the majority gate demon- 1. C. S. Lent and P. D. Tougaw. Proc. IEEE 85,541 (1997).
the experiment (70 mK), as determined from stration (Fig. 3) have the same amplitudes as 2. , W. Porod, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 714 (1993).
the temperature dependence of Coulomb block- that shown in Fig. 4A, scaled by CJICG to 3. C. 5. Lent and P. D. Tougaw, 1. Appl. Phys. 75. 4077
ade oscillations (11). Although no adjustable compensate for differences in capacitance.
4. A. 0. Orlov, I. Amlani, C. H. Bernstein. C. S. Lent, C. L.
parameters are used in the theory, the agree- Next, to demonstrate that the application of Snider, Science 277. 928 (1997); 1. Amlani, A. 0 .
ment between the experimental and theoretical "simulated" dot potentials to the gates of the Orlov. C. L. Snider, C. 5. Lent. C. H. Bernstein, Appl.
results is excellent. The output high (6,) and cell mimics an electron switching in a neigh- Phys. Lett. 72, 2179 (1998).
output low (V,,) show a clear separation, as boring cell, we applied the differential potential 5. In an integrated QCA circuit, a clocking scheme is
used to control the direction of information flow. See
required for digital log~c.The first and last four extracted in the previous experiment directly to (1).
input steps are grouped separately,with A as the gates 3 and 4 (with the weighting factor CJICG) 6. K. K. Likharev, IBM j. Res. Dev. 42, 144 (1988).
programming input, to illustrate AND and OR and measured the differential potentials be- 7. P. Lafarge et dl., Z. Phys. B 85, 327 (1991); 1. Amlani,
operations. The AND operation is canied out tween D, and D,. This result is compared to A. 0 . Orlov, C. S. Lent, G. L. Snider, C. H. Bernstein,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1730 (1997).
for A = 0, for which we see that the output is that due to an actual electron switchmg in near- 8. C. L. Snider et al., unpublished data; C. H. Bernstein,
hgh only when the remaining two inputs are by dots DID2.Figure 4B shows the change in I. Amlani, A. 0. Orlov, C. S. Lent, G. L. Snider, unpub-
also high. The OR operation is performed when differential potential of D,D, caused by the two lished data.
9. T. A. Fulton and C. H. Dolan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 109
A = 1, for whch the output is high when either mechanisms as a fimction of time (insets, Fig. (1987).
of the other two inputs is high. These data 4B), with the data confirming that the response 10. G. L. Snider et dl., Solid State Electron. 42, 1355
confirm majority gate operation and thus dem- of D,D,
> +.
is similar when switched bv either the (1998).
, .
onstrate a logic gate that requires only two simulated potential or a real electron. This is as 11. H. Crabert and M. H. Devoret, Eds., Single Electron
Tunneling (Plenum, New York, 1992), p. 181.
electrons to function. expected because charge modulations induced 12. C. 5. Lent, P. D. Tougaw, W. Porod, Proceedings of
The gap between &, and &, would be on D,D, by the two mechanisms are the same; Workshop on Physics and Computation (IEEE Comput-
larger for either lower temperatures or smaller that is, V3C, = (PD,CJ and V4CG = (PD2CJ. er Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1994), vol. 5.
capacitances. Thermal smearing of the charge These results c o n f m that using the simulated 13. Supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, the Office of Naval Research (grant
states of the dots results in a less than complete dot potentials for the inputs in our majority gate N0014-95-1-1166), and NSF. We thank W. Porod
polarization of the cell. Therefore, the perfor- experiment is indeed a reliable indicator of how and J. M e n for helpful discussions.
mance of the gate could be improved by low- a majority gate would respond when integrated
ering the temperature. However, a better way is in a QCA circuit. 24 November 1998: accepted 19 Februaty 1999
to reduce the dot capacitance (by reducing the
size of the dots), which will raise the energy of
the excited states. When all capacitances are
reduced by a factor of 10, the calculated output Remote Triggering of Waves in
characteristic shows increased separation be-
tween &, and &, and negligible output devi- an ELectrochemicaL System
ations for all input combinations. QCA logic
gates using a molecular implementation will J. Christoph, P. Strasser,* M. Eiswirth, C. E r t l
not only yield greater performance, but will also
operate at room temperature (12). In the potentiostatic electrochemical oxidation of formic acid on a platinum ring
Some key issues must be addressed to electrode under bistable conditions, an appropriate perturbation a t one location
determine the response of the majority gate of the ring can cause the emergence o f a wave on the opposite side (remote
when it is integrated in a real QCA circuit. In triggering). These findings can be rationalized i n terms of the nonlocal coupling
QCA arrays, each cell responds to the polar- function of the system and are theoretically reproduced by solution of the
izations of neighboring cells. Therefore, we corresponding reaction-migration equation.
must justify that the voltages applied to the
central cell gates in our majority gate exper- Trigger waves are a widespread phenomenon, The experiment was performed with the
iment produce the same effects as electrons both in conservative systems (such as ripples on electrochemical oxidation of formic acid on
switching in neighboring cells. the surface of water) and in dissipative systems platinum ( 6 ) ,which exhibits for a certain range
We performed two experiments to demon- [such as active chemical media (I), nerve axons, of parameters bistability between a passive
strate that our input voltages have the same or heart tissue (2, 3)]. They typically originate (OH-poisoned) and an active mgh-current)
effect as that of actual electron switching in from the location where a perturbation (trigger)
input cells A, B, and C. First, we found the has been applied, be it a stone thrown into a pond Trigger elweode

potential swing due to an electron switching or an electrical stimulus applied to an axon. If, ptw Reierence elffaode
from one dot to another. We applied a differ- however, coupling between different parts is
ential voltage between gates 3 and 4 (V, = -V,) nonlocal, that is, when any change of state af-
to induce electron switching in D,@ (inset, fects instantaneouslythe whole system (4,5), the
Fig. 4A). As an electron moves from D, to D,, necessity for local causality will no longer exist.
the potential of the bottom dot undergoes -a We present here the results and theoretical inter-
positive shift due to removal of an electron, pretation of an electrochemical experiment in
while the potential of the top dot undergoes a which a local perturbation causes the initiation of
negative shift due to addition of an electron. a trigger wave in a remote region.
The differential potential swing @ (, - )@
for this switching is positive (Fig. 4A), with Fritz-Haber-lnstitut der Max-Planck-Cesellschaft, Fara- ~ i1. ~schematic
. ,,iew of the electrode setup,
theory closely matching the measured data [the dayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. The potential microprobes (1 through 11) are
calculated differential potential swing (@,, - *To w h o m correspondence should be addressed. E- separated by 30' angles, and the perturbations
a,,) is the same when the bias is applied mail: strassermfhi-berlin, were applied with a Pt wire. SCIENCE VOL 284 9 APRIL 1999 29 1

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