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Name: John Bernard D.

Rili Section: BSED 4 Science Date: October 6, 2022

Activity Sheet 1.1

Answer the following questions/learning tasks briefly yet substantially (with at least 50-

General Format:

Times New Roman (12), (1.5) spacing, paginated (footer, right corner), short-size bond
paper, one inch margin (all sides)

1. What are aims and guiding ideals of education mentioned in the article?

Philosophers and educational theorists have offered a variety of educational goals. The
recommended goals span from the development of knowledge and knowledgeable persons,
including understanding and moral reasoning, to the strengthening of various values such as
social solidarity, civic-mindedness, caring, and concern. Although the goals differ, they all
stem from the desire to produce a decent citizen who would benefit society as a whole.

2. What are the issues and concerns relative to education mentioned in the article?

The challenges and concerns of education include the explanation of educational goals as
well as the clarification of educational ideas. Furthermore, there is a debate concerning
authority and rights inside the school system, as well as where the school should draw the
line in educating pupils. The cultivation of critical thinking abilities follows, with an
explanation of why it is necessary and what critical thinking is. Furthermore, there is the
question of indoctrination, since education and indoctrination are often misleading. There are
also feminist and postmodern critiques.

3. Explain the contributions made by Dewey in the field of education.

John Dewey is the proponent of the progressive theory of education, which promotes

learning by experience. The theory offered by John Dewey pushed the educational system to
develop, embracing not only traditional but also new views. This provides for a more

adaptable approach to teaching and is employed as a foundation in curriculum creation in the
present educational system.

4. Explain the ideals of feminist, criticisms in education.

The main goals of feminist critique are that education should not just focus on the
development of cognitive skills, as well as abilities and qualities displayed in the public
arena; rather, education should focus on the development of students' emotional, intuitive,
and cognitive skills, as well as abilities and characteristics associated to the private life, such
as family.

5. Explain the ideals of multiculturalist criticisms in education.

Multiculturalists highlight the importance of cultural variety and point out that education
tends to favor the interests of one cultural group above the interests of another. The
multiculturalist concept is that education should not favor one culture over another, but
rather treat all cultural groups with equal attention and respect.

6. Explain the ideals of postmodern criticisms in education.

Postmodern critique casts doubt on all traditional and universal notions, whether in
philosophy, education, or anything else. They argue that these theories or "great narratives"
emerge in a specific historical context and hence only represent the dominant groups' world
views, values, beliefs, and interests at the moment.

7. What is indoctrination? How does it affect the ideals of education?

Indoctrination is any style or method of education that instills beliefs, or a certain set of
views, such as political and religious ideology, causing individuals to adopt that set of beliefs
regardless of its evidence. In this aspect, indoctrination has an impact on educational
principles since it contrasts with critical thinking, which focuses on having a foundation or
proof for the students' views and judgment.

8. Do you individual autonomy be valued more highly than the character of society? Explain.

I feel that individual liberty should be cherished more than societal character, because we all
have our own set of views and way of living. We should be free to pursue our interests; but,
we must also remember that we are accountable for how we use our freedom 

9. Should educational practice favor a more-liberal view of the relation between the
individual and society? Explain.

Yes, educational practice should encourage a more liberal perspective of the individual-
society relationship since it will allow the individual to grow and develop in a unique way.
Meanwhile, highlighting an individual's reliance on society will only hinder that individual's
advancement. Having a distinct method of growing is what encourages society to continue
develop in varied ways; as a result, educational processes should promote each individual's

10. As soon to be teacher, what do you thin could be your contributions in solving the issues
and concerns relative to education mentioned in the article?

As a future educator, I believe I can help to resolving educational challenges and concerns by
ensuring that my teaching style is adaptable to the different culture and characteristics of my
students, as well as assuring each student's individual progress in their own way. Sharing
principles and teaching approaches with other instructors can also widen my views, which
may be utilised to alleviate educational challenges

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