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Name: John Bernard D.

Rili Section: BSED 3-SCIENCE Date: February 7, 2022

Activity Sheet

Based on you understanding of our first topic discussed in this module, please answer the
following questions. Answer the following questions/learning tasks briefly yet substantially
(with at least 50-words).

General Format:

Times New Roman (12), (1.5) spacing, paginated (footer, right corner), short-size bond paper,
one inch margin (all sides)

1. How do you define research?

Research is a way to reveal the truth, understand the facts and solve problems in a
scientific way. It provides us the opportunity to understand how things work and we can
also apply what we have learned from research through inventing things. It also
establishes facts that are supported by scientific evidence.

2. Why is research important to humankind?

Research is important to humankind because it improves the way of our lives and the society
itself. Through research, scientist was able to invent things that we are using today, for without
which life would still be difficult to live in. It also helps us understand diseases and find ways on
how to treat them, unlike in the old days, for example, cancer was used to be untreatable,
however due to extensive research, we were able to discover to treat them using chemotherapy
and other treatments

3. What is the main purpose of the research?

The main purpose of research is to solve problems systematically and scientifically. If the
problem was resolve, it can be used practically, improving our way of life. By gathering new
knowledge from the research, it can help improve the society by applying the theory/study in
real life
4. How are research and problem-solving differentiated?

In research, the researcher has to identify the problem first and collects data before
conducting an experiment to resolve the problem. In problem-solving, however, the
data or the information necessary has already been given and he will just have to
provide solution for the problem.

5. Give one hindrance to research and explain

To err is a human. In this case, the when one commits mistakes he will not do something
or conduct another study on why he commit the mistake and let the research be a failure.
The main reason for this is because of the researcher’s low value of work. It may seems
easy to admit the mistake and let it be but it takes a great sense of courage to restart the
research and find out what went wrong

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