8 Chapter 1.4 Activity Done Na Pero Sobra Last Page

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Task 1: Indicate key features of techniques affecting the improvement of lifelong



1. Set Clear Goals

To be able to improve lifelong learning, one must set clear goals for him to
be guided on what he is going to reach and the limitation.
2. Broaden Your Learning Sources
To be able to improve lifelong learning, one must not only dwell on one
resource but also find another avenue and skills to learn. This will enhance the
learning capacity of the learner.
3. Develop a Learning Mindset
To be able to improve lifelong learning, one must seek guidance from
knowledgeable others. The good traits and practices of other successful men can
be effective for you. You can try to do it and also improve it for your learning.
4. Reflect
To be able to improve lifelong learning, one must always monitor himself if
what he is doing is effective for him. Does he prefer to read or to have a hands-on
activity? One can also have a journal to list the achievements and the failures he
5. Share What You’ve Learned
To be able to improve lifelong learning, one must help other people. To
successfully say that one has learned is that he can share the details with another
person. You can share what did you do3 \3 to be successful. One can also share
the difficulty you faced for them to be aware.

Field Study 1│ 1
Task 2: What contributions can these environments provide to a lifelong learner?

Environment Contribution given to the Lifelong Learner

Library serves as a room for information. The library is
Library full of books but these books are useless without readers.
Learners will have the courage to learn new information
through the dissemination of knowledge. Learners will
have the awareness that information is constantly
changing in time.
Streets enable the learner to have strong relationships
Streets with his family and community. It encourages the learner
to have positive thinking that will encourage him to be
more flexible and dynamic.
The workplace is where the learner will experience the
Workplace pressure of working together with his workmates.
However, the learner will be able to cope and be more
flexible and adaptable because of his experience.
The classroom is the place where learning is very
Classroom constant. Through the help of the teachers, the learner
will be guided to the subject matter. Also, through the
influence of classmates, the learner will also learn how to
Internet café or now we can consider mobile phones and
Internet Café gadgets will be a source for the learner to have a fast
resource of information for projects and exams. Also,
these gadgets will teach the learner that there is a global
market happening in the world, and through these, we can
communicate with others easily.
The school laboratory is where the learner will learn how
School Laboratory to use a scientific method that will lead him to learn
integrative thinking. The learner can explore biology and
biodiversity through hypothesis, testing, and verification.
The church is where the learner will know the word faith.
Church It will help the learner to be positive in his life. This will
teach the learner to adapt to change and encourage one to
ask for learning. Even if things seem impossible, because
of faith, the learner will have the courage to keep going.
I think that the very vital environment that can teach the
Others, please specify (Home) learner, is the home. This is where his character will be
built. Through the love of his parents and siblings, the
learner will start to love and be appreciative of everything
he has and has gone through.
My Reflection

What? So What? Now

What was So what have I What?
good learned about Now what do I
about the the topic? need to do after
topic? learning the
The topic is all about I have learned that it Now that I have this
lifelong learning. This is not only the school learning, I will share
topic is good for that is the source of it with others,
everyone because this learning but also the especially with my
is true for everyone kind of environment students in the future.
also. In the long run, like a library, streets, I will share with them
we can use our workplace, that there is more
learning in handling classroom, internet here from school to
our life even before café, school the outside
we are students and laboratory, church, environment. Also, as
now an adult. etc. I have learned a lifelong learner, I
that everyone must be will also put myself
exposed to different into situations where I
environments because can learn and be able
this will help us grow to help other people.
cognitively, and many

Field Study 1│ 3

Directions: Read the following questions and encircle the letter of the
BEST answer.
1. From the following classroom misbehaviors, which of these is the
most serious?
A. Whispering to her/his classmate
B. Cheating
C. Vandalism
D. Sleeping while the teacher is discussing
2. Which of the following should be ignored by the teacher?
A. A student who cheats during a test.
B. A student frequently comes few minutes past the time the
class starts.
C. Two students were briefly whispering to each other during a
quiet activity in class.
D. Two students were briefly whispering to each other while the
teacher is discussing.
3. Which of the following is the primary purpose of making teachers
understand principles involved in individual differences among her/
his students?
A. To make the slow learners feel the need to learn and achieve
B. To help all learners achieve the same level of academic achievement
C. To give each child opportunities to develop according to his ability
D. To reduce the possibility of developing feelings of inferiority among
the slow learners
4. The class where students are given opportunities to plan class
activities is__________________.
A. teacher-directed
B. teacher-controlled
C. pupil controlled
D. teacher and learner agreement
5. The following can prevent misbehavior. Which is most suitable?
A. an interesting lesson
B. giving rules of discipline
C. threat
D. a strict teacher
Field Study 1│ 5

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