Grade 3 Notes Inventiom of Writing and Development in Transport

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Grade :3 Invention of Writing-Lesson 1

Developments in Transportation-Lesson 6
Name the following
1. Language of Sumerians
An: Cuneiform
2. Language of Egyptians
An: Hieroglyphics
3.First kind of engine invented
An: Steam Engine
4. UAE astronaut who went into space in 2019
An: Hazza Al Mansouri
Answer the following
1. What are the two reasons why people need writing?
An: People need writing to communicate and to keep records.
2. What is the first way that people communicated?
An: They drew pictures in caves to communicate ideas
3. How did printing machines help people?
An: Printing machines led to the printing of books and this help a
progress in education. Also it helps the exchange of information faster
and across longer distance.
4. Before engines, how did people move from one place to another?
An: Before engine was invented, people moved from one place to
another by walking or by riding animals.
5. What are the two problems with the cars?
An: a) Traffic problems
b) Air pollution
6. What was invented to replace automobiles with cars?
An: Metros.
7.How did airplanes affect transportation?
An: Airplanes allowed for faster transportation over longer distances.

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