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Name: Jurie Leann A.

Daan Section: BSBA MM 2A OS

Subject: PATHFIT 3

Dance has been part of the human history since it earliest origins, bringing
transcendence to spiritual rituals and creating bonds within communities. Dance styles
have changed through history, but dance itself remains one of the most expressive
physical art forms.

What is Dancing?

Dancing involves moving the body rhythmically, often in a choreographed way and
usually to music. Dance can express aesthetic ideas and emotions as a form of
performance art presented to an audience. People also dance in nonperformance
situations to release energy, express emotion, connect with other people, or just enjoy
the feeling of movement. While the art of dance varies across history and cultures, it
exists in all cultures. In many cultures, both highly trained professionals and amateurs of
all ages dance.

Popular Types of Dance

 Jazz
 HipHop
 Contemporary

Dancing is on maintains and improves our quality of life more than any other
human activity it would help out physical fitness whole body, our mind body
condition, social engagement and cooperation and our mental health. Dance is a
fully-fledged art from, belonging to the ‘performing arts’ a goal in itself and a
means of allowing a human being to express his inner feelings, thoughts and
experiences. situation may be. Through dance, our body expresses how free we
actually are, while also highlighting the restrictions our minds impose on it.
What is rhythmic?

creates a comprehensive and harmonious development by body mobility and rhythmic

interpretation. The body is an instrument in the creative process, assuming
expressiveness and communicating emotions.

Everything in the universe moves in a rhythmic manner in some way. All objects,
including the sun, stars, meteors, comets, dust particles, move in a rhythmic manner.
Human emotions are drawn to rhythmic activity. This is why they are employed to
assemble and amuse people from various walks of life. People are drawn in and
diverted from their daily frustrations by the positive atmosphere. The dancers'
enthusiasm encourages others to participate, involving the neighborhood in a
constructive endeavor.

Basic Course of Dance and Rtythmic

 Rhythmic body movement - a group of stereotyped, repetitive movements

involving large axial muscles, usually of the head, neck, and trunk, and
sometimes also the legs
 Rhythms – is a term which denotes an aspect of a quality of movement that is
sometimes thought of as dance.
 Dance – refers to the rhythmic succession of body movements usually to the
accompaniment of music and is used as a form of communication music
 Movements – is the act or an instance of moving wherein there is a change in
place or position.

Rhythmic activities improve physical and mental health. Aside from increased
physical confidence, rhythmic activities can also improve mental functions
because rhythm regulates the brain and prevents cognitive decline. It also boosts
the chemicals in our brain that support better memory and learning

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