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JANUARY 20, 2023

Guide 2 Thematic Structure and Types of Globalization
1. Among the types of Globalization explain at least three (3) that we really need as
urgent in our country?
》Based from what I have observed in our country, I have seen so much problems that
needs an urgent action. Three types of Globalization that for me is needed for our country
probably be: Social Globalization, Political Globalization and Ecological Globalization. We
have lived now having some threats from pandemic and war. Those may occur from other
countries but living in same planet, we tend to implicate by the effects it brings. We need to
learn and be aware that we are living in the same sky and breathing the same air, so we
must live by harmony, peace and unity despite our differences by culture and beliefs. On the
other hand, for our economic status, we need to take some action to prevent the downfall of
our economy, it is time to ratify the agreement for business and do more big investment
because I believe that would help to speed up our economic status. Lastly, Ecological
Globalization, we need to take now urgent action because our nature is dieing. We have to
address this kind of issue because if not now then when?

2. What type of globalization aspect that the Philippines is weak? And why? Explain
your answer.
》I must say in Economic Globalization in a way that this should have been helped each
people to mount from poor situation but because of this (globalization) it worsens the
situation. Through globalization it seems like farmers, fishers and other small enterprises are
being left behind in a sense of, they are more focus on multi-national companies in terms of
exporting/importing products and other operations. As a result, it destroyed the business of
small enterprises (including fishers and farmers) which result of having empty-hand, and

3. Why is migration an important aspect of cultural globalization?

》Migration is a process of moving from one place to another and is something to do for
cultural globalization. It is one of the best and easy way to spread, show, and learn culture to
others. Hypothetically, my whole family migrated to THAILAND. For that, we may be able to
adopt the culture that they had and at the same time we could share what culture we have
(whatever it maybe: food, language, religion, beliefs, values, song, sports, etc.). Basically,
migration has something big important role in helping to achieve the concept of cultural
globalization and that is to spread and mixing cultures around the world.

4. Explain briefly the different structure of globalization as viewed in link number 3.

》Globalization has broad concept and can be analyse with different approaches but this
time, based from the article given, there are 3 major structures of globalization namely;
Economic Globalization, Cultural/Social Globalization, and Political Globalization. Economic
Globalization has something to do with the economy, as it refers to the widespread
international movements of goods, capital, services, technology and information, which
affiliates of helping develop increase overall employment of nation. On the other hand,
Cultural/Social Globalization is something that across borders are sharing and transmitting
ideas, meanings and values. It is a way of spreading and mixing culture from different
corners of the world. Whereas, Political Globalization refers to negotiation between nation to
nation to ratify global rules and law in order to maintain peace and order of each nation.

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