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the role and importance of

feelings in moral decision-making.

2. elings). He further

3. but a result of the person,

the object of the passion,

4. Spiritual feelings

5. Sensual feelings involve

bodily pleasures or pain. Vital
feelings are the life functions such
as health, sickness, energy,
fatigue, etc. Psychic feelings are
about aesthetics, justice, and
knowledge (scientific). Lastly,
Spiritual feelings deal with the
Divine. (Moran

6. What is the Role of Feelings

in Decision-Making
7. Reason plays a role in
making a moral decision.
Philosophers encourage the use of
reason in making moral decisions.
However, it should be noted too
that our moral compasses are also
powerfully influenced by feelings.
Hume claimed that in any given
situation a person would act based
on emotions rather than reason
(Bucciarelli, et al.,2008). For
example, your teacher announced
there would be a long test next
meeting. After school, you saw a
classmate at the mall. You knew
she was absent when your teacher
announced the test. However, you
did not go out of your way to
inform her about the test. Why?
No particular reason really .It
could be that you just did not feel
like telling her; or you were not
that close anyway; or you just
passed by each other you barely
had time to talk; etc.

8. On several instances,
reasoning in moral decisions is
preceded by an initial intuition or
gutfeel (Haidt, 2012). For
instance, in choosing between
studying and consonance
between what is done and
what the mores of the age
9. Consequently, with
regard to morality one
always has to consider two
points of view the point of
view of society, together with
its customs, social rules, and
social sanctions, and that of
the individual or the free
moral agent who develops
habits in the course of
following the social norms
established by society.
Ultimately, it is still the
individual, in his/her
capacity as a rational and
free moral agent, who will
decide whether to follow
these norms.

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