1-Blotter-Post Operation-Investigation Report

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Republic of the Philippines


Agusan del Norte


FOR : Provincial Director

FROM : Acting Chief of Police

SUBJECT : After Operation Report in the Implementation of Search

Warrant/Buy Bust Operation Against

DATE : November 30, 2018


a. Memorandum from RD, PRO13 dated March 3, 2017 with subject

Reactivation on Campaign against Illegal Drugs;
b. Memorandum from Jabonga MPS dated November 28, 2018 with
Subject Spot Report on Implementation of Search Warrant No. 2018-1 for Violation of
R.A. 9165; and
c. Memorandum from Jabonga MPS dated November 28, 2018 with
Subject Progress Report on Implementation of Search Warrant No. 2018-1 for Violation
of R.A. 9165

II. MISSION: To implement Search Warrant No. 2018-1 against Vice-Mayor

Glicerio M Monton for violation of R.A. No. 9165.

III. Period Covered: November 19, 2018 to November 29, 2018

IV. Area of Operations: Brgy Poblacion, Jabonga, Agusan del Norte
V. Participating Elements: Please see attached Letter Order and Office Order
V. Chronological Events:
a. Background:

In June 2016, on the peak of the conduct of TOKHANG, voluntary surrender

of drug personalities and the production of Drug Watch List by the PDEA and the PNP
the name GLICERIO MONTON JR aka LOLONG MONTON appeared in DI Watchlist
Double Barrel Database as user HVT Level 2. In connection with the foregoing, on
August 8, 2017, said subject went to Jabonga filled-up the Drug Surrenderee Form but
in denial with his involvement of any drug activities.

However, on October 11, 2018 an LGU employee named Jojito M. Losutan

was apprehended by the elements of Jabonga MPS for violation of R.A. 9165, and
accordingly the source of his drugs were from GLICERIO MONTON. Based on
documents, Jojito and subject GLICERIO are relatives.

Thus, a conduct of surveillance.

b. Intelligence Build-up:

Jabonga MPS and ADNPPO Provincial Intelligence Branch conducted casing

and surveillance in order to verify and validate the report on the alleged illegal drug
activity of the subject. Results of surveillance revealed that subject was involved in the

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illegal drug activity, hence, an application for Search Warrant for the apprehension of
the target.

c. Narrative account of operational activities:

On November 28, 2018 at about 12:50AM, personnel from ADN-PMFC led by

JR. and personnel from PDEA 13 arrived in Jabonga MPS and coordinated for the
conduct of anti-Illegal operation through implementation of Search Warrant for violation
of R.A. 9165 with PDEA pre-ops number 30003-112018-0168. Thereafter, a briefing was
conducted at Jabonga MPS.

At about 2:30AM on same date, the SW was jointly implemented by the

personnel of ADNPMFC as Entry Team that was tasked to occupy the area, takes
control and secured it, Perimeter/Security Team that was tasked to secure the outer
perimeter area and maintains ground control and personnel of Jabonga MPS led by
PSINSP FRANKLIN A LACANA as Search and Investigation Team that was tasked to
perform the search.
During the implementation, the knocked and announce rule was been
observed by the Operating troops, however subject occupant is refused admittance to
the said search, thus they forcibly entered into the said house pursuant to PNP Police
Operational Procedure Manual, Rule 14, para 5 states that the operatives may break
open any outer or inner door or window or any part of the house therein to implement
the warrant.
Thereafter, the Search and Investigation Team of Jabonga MPS composed of
SPO3 Bienvinido F Albano, Jr., PO3 Jesus C Bagaipo, Jr., PO2 Sainodin N Imam, PO2
Felenor Claros and SPO1 Christy Daisy Elacion entered into the house of the subject
and conducts the search.
The implementation of SW was attended by the witnesses, Jeoffrey P
Cloribel, Medial personnel, Teodoro N Guardo, DOJ representative, Brgy Captain Aldrin
P. Montero and Brgy Kagawad Orlando Cabantug.

Thereafter, GLICERIO together with the confiscated pieces of evidence were

brought to Jabonga MPS for proper disposition. Similarly, on same date subject was
undergone medical examination at Agusan del Norte Provincial Hospital, Butuan City.
Eventually, on November 29, 2018 at about 11:30AM, a case for violation of
R.A. 9165 and R.A. 9516 has referred before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor,
Hall of Justice, Libertad, Butuan City duly received by Assistant Provincial Prosecutor
CYRIL G. VIVA, through Inquest Proceedings with docket no. NPS XIII-02-INQ-18K-
002442. However during inquest Respondent signed waiver under provision of Article
125 of the Revised Penal Code as amended and thereafter he was turned-over to
PDEA 13 for custody.

VII. Comments:
Based on the foregoing, it is proper that this case will be in full-blown trial at
the proper Court to determine whether or not respondent could be held criminally of the
crime charged.

VIII. Assessment:
Since respondent was included in Drug Watch List, it is presume therefore that
he has involvement in the illegal drug activity, unless otherwise it will be dismissed from
the Court for lack of probable cause.

Police Senior Inspector
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Republic of the Philippines
National Police Commission
Camp Captain Valentin S Juan, Laoag City




SUBJECT : Investigation Report on Indiscriminate Firing Incident

DATE : February 15, 2016

1. Special Report from San Nicolas MPS dated January 29, 2016 with
same subject as above.

2. Handwritten Instruction to PIDMB from OIC, INPPO enfaced in the

Routing Slip in the Special Report as quoted; “Send your own investigator for this
case to validate confidentially this Investigation Report of San Nicolas MPS”,
dated January 30, 2016.

3. Memorandum to OIC, PIB from Deputy Chief, PIDMB with subject

Conduct Counter Intelligence Validation relative to the above incident dated February
30, 2016.

4. Memorandum received from OIC, PIB with subject Conduct CI

Validation dated February 5, 2016.


5. To determine facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged

discharge of firearm transpired at about 9:30 AM of January 27, 2016 at Tamurong Day
Care Center vicinity of Brgy #19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte which was
aired over a morning news program of Bombo Radio, Laoag City last January 28, 2016.
According to the news, PO1 Louie A. Ventura, PNP member of PPSC, INPPO and Ruel
Pascua, both of legal ages and residents of same place were involved on the said
indiscriminate firing.

6. To determine further the existence or non-existence of

administrative culpability of the above-named PNCO and PNP San Nicolas who has the
control of the incident. More so is to determine the proper office who will conduct Pre-
Charge Investigation and Evaluation pursuant to the NAPOLCOM Memorandum
Circular 2007-001, if evidence warrant.


7. That at about 9:35 AM of January 27, 2015, San Nicolas MPS

received a report regarding a provocation at Brgy #19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos
Norte. PNP San Nicolas responded and initial investigation revealed that Joy Yu Raquel
(Joy for brevity), 26 years old, single, unemployed, parent in Tamurong Day Care
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Center and resident of said place was provoked by Raul Acosta Pascua (Raul for
brevity), 37 years old, married accompanied by his cousin identified as PO1 Louie A
Ventura (PO1 Ventura for brevity), PNP member assigned at PPSC, INPPO and both
residents of same place of incident.

8. PNP members of San Nicolas MPS invited Joy together with Resty
Ulep, the Brgy Chairman (of the above stated place) and some other parents who were

during the incident to PNP San Nicolas for further investigation and
disposition. (Attached for reference are copies of Memorandum from PIDMB &
Special Report from San Nicolas marked as Annexes A and B respectively).

9. Result of the investigation of San Nicolas MPS disclosed that at

about 9:30 AM of January 27, 2016, Raul Pascua and PO1 Ventura arrived at
Tamurong Day Care Center where the former confronted Joy regarding the missing/lost
necklace of their illegitimate elder child Nicole Pascua, Grade II pupil. Accordingly, the
latter came to know that said necklace was taken and pawned by Jeff Raquel, brother of
Joy, causing Raul to get annoyed and provoked his live-in partner. The said incident
was settled before the PNP San Nicolas MPS after the victim (Joy) declined to pursue
the complaint against Raul. (Attached for reference are copies of Affidavits of Joy
Raquel and Brgy Chairman Resty Ulep dated January 29, 2016 marked as
Annexes C and D respectively).

10. As a brief background on the identities of the person who provoked

and the person being provoked, Raul Pascua (person who provoked) has a wife living
abroad and Joy Raquel (person being provoked) is his paramour and Nicole Pascua
was born from their illicit affair.

11. Subsequently, in the morning of January 28, 2016, an incident of

discharge of firearm was aired over Bombo Radyo Laoag alleging PO1 Louie A.
Ventura, PNP member of PPSC, INPPO and his cousin Ruel Pascua indiscriminately
fired a firearm at Tamurong Day Care Center. But this was negated as per account on
the submitted Special Report of San Nicolas MPS dated January 28, 2016 stating
clearly that it was only hearsay/fabricated. A Hand Written Instruction from the OIC
emerged when the said Special Report was routed quoting “To: S7, Send your own
investigator for this case to validate confidentially this IR of San Nicolas MPS”.

13. Hence a memorandum dated February 1, 2016 was issued

requesting the assistance of the Provincial Intelligence Branch (PIB) in the conduct of
counter intelligence (CI) validation prior the commencement of formal investigation.
(Attached for reference are copies of Routing Slip and Memorandum from PIDMB
marked as Annexes E and F respectively).

14. On February 4, 2016, Investigators of PIDMB conducted field

inquiry regarding the incident wherein seven (7) among the parents who were present
during the above incident at Tamurong Day Care Center were identified; 1) Joselyn
Decano Alabbang; 2) Gloria Berido Posas; 3) Maricel Raquel; 4) Aidelaida Maximo
Raspado; 5) Zsarina Mae Ulep, 6) Marites delos Santos and 7) victim Arlene Joy
Raquel aka Joy Yu Raquel. The Day Care Social Worker of said learning school named
Mrs. Shirley Yu Raquel, mother of Joy, was also present. However, only Jocelyn
Decano Alabbang (Jocelyn for brevity) affirms the incident. Jocelyn claimed that at
around 9:30 AM of January 27, 2016, while sitting inside the hut (Dap-ayan) in front of
Tamurong Day Care Center and waiting for her child, a white crosswind vehicle arrived
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and Raul alighted from the vehicle holding a short firearm of unknown caliber followed
by his companion Louie Ventura later identified to be member of the PNP/ to be PO1
Louie Ventura. There and then, Raul confronted Joy about the missing/lost necklace of
Nicole their child that resulted to a heated argument/altercation. Subsequently, when
Raul can no longer bear his anger, he slapped Joy twice then fired once in the air a
firearm and PO1 Ventura picked the fired cartridge case and put inside his pocket then
both immediately left the place going west onboard same vehicle bringing along with
them the firearm. Jocelyn however refused to give her under oath statement at that time
because of fear to be involved in the incident.

15. On February 5, 2016, this office received the report re the result of
CI Validation conducted by PIB operatives wherein three (3) disinterested persons
namely Roosebelt Aguinaldo Herrera, 53 years old, married, farmer, Jocelyn Alabbang,
38 years old, with live-in partner and Glen Santos Raquel, 54 years old, all residents of
Sitio Tamurong, Brgy #19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte orally affirmed the
indiscriminate firing perpetrated by Ruel Pascua where PO1 Louie A. Ventura was his
companion at that time. (Attached for reference is a copy of After CI Validation
Report from PIB marked as Annex G).

16. On February 6, 2016, this Office made an invitation letter to Jocelyn

Alabbang, Roosebelt Aguinaldo Herrera and Glen Santos Raquel requesting their
appearance before this PPO at 9:30 AM of February 6, 2016 as PSSUPT JOSE
MELENCIO NARTATEZ, Officer-In-Charge desires to meet and talked to them. None of
them appeared. However, at about 9:00 o`clock in the morning of February 8, 2016, a
certain Brgy Kagawad named Mary Jane Gabug Reyes (BK Reyes for Brevity), 42
years old, married, also of Brgy #19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte appeared
before the PIDMB, INPPO along with Glen Raquel and voluntarily gave their sworn
statement affirming that discharge of firearm indeed took place. After which they were
invited by the OIC, INPPO in his office and had a brief talked regarding the incident.

17. The sworn affidavit of BK Reyes stated among others that between
8:00 AM -9:00 AM of January 27, 2016, while she was busy doing chores at the back of
their house when his neighbor Glen Santos Raquel arrived and requested her to call the
assistance of PNP San Nicolas as Raul indiscriminately fired a short firearm within the
vicinity of Tamurong Day Care Center accompanied by PO1 Ventura. Thereby, she
called immediately the PNP San Nicolas thru cellular phone and reported the said
incident. After which, she went to Day Care Center which is approximately 20 meters
away from their house but while on her way, she noticed a white Crosswind vehicle
coming from the Day Care Center driven by Raul with PO1 Ventura onboard. BK Reyes
tried to halt the vehicle but wasn`t able to as the vehicle speeds up. Upon the arrival of
BK Reyes at the Day Care Center, she noticed Brgy Kagawad Anabel Pascua (BK
Pascua for brevity), sister of Raul talking with Mrs. Shirley Raquel, Day Care Worker of
said learning school. Their conversation turned later in a heated argument after which
BK Pascua left. BK Reyes also stated that as per information she gathered from the
parents who were presented during the incident, they affirmed that Raul Pascua
slapped twice Joy Raquel on her face and later fired once a short firearm in the air.
(Attached for reference is a copy of Sworn Statement of Mary Jane G. Reyes
marked as Annex H).

18. In the sworn affidavit of Glen Santos Raquel, of legal age and
resident of Sitio Tamurong, Brgy #19, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte stated among others
that between 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM of January 27, 2016, while he was cleaning their
surrounding particularly in front of their house when he noticed a white Crosswind
vehicle stopped in front of the Tamurong Day Care Center which is approximately 30-40
meters away from him and he saw Raul alighted from the vehicle holding a short firearm
of unknown caliber followed by PO1 Ventura. After a few seconds, he heard a gun fire
coming from the Day Care Center and noticed that some of the parents run inside the
Day Care Center. Thereby, he went to the house of Brgy Kagawad Mary Jane Reyes
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and reported the said incident. ((Attached for reference is a copy of Sworn
Statement of Glen S. Raquel marked as Annex I).

19. On February 9, 2016, this office conducted follow-up investigation

relative to this incident wherein two (2) among the previously named parents (Adelaida
Maximo Raspado and Gloria Berido Posas) voluntarily executed their statement under
oath. Both stated that they were at the place where the discharge of firearm transpired
and both affirmed that Raul fired once in the air a short firearm of unknown caliber
during the height of their altercation with her paramour Joy while PO1 Ventura made no
action. Accordingly, instead of pacifying PO1 Ventura kept numbed and worst he just
picked the fired cartridge case on the ground then fled (with Raul) onboard the above
vehicle bringing along with them the firearm. (Attached for reference is a copy of
Joint Affidavit of Adelaida M. Raspado & Gloria Posas marked as Annex J).

20. On the other hand, this Office sent a memorandum directing the
Company Commander of PPSC, INPPO to submit the Duty Detail of their personnel and
received the said document on the afternoon of February 8, 2018. In the submitted duty
detail of INPPSC, the name of PO1 Ventura in the questioned date of incident appears
that he was not on duty. (Attached for reference are copies of memorandum & duty
detail mark as Annex K & L respectively).

21. On February 12, 2016, Shirley Yu Raquel (Mrs Raquel for brevity),
52 years old, married, Day Care Worker in Tamurong Day Care Center and resident of
Sitio Tamurong, Brgy #19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte affirmed (through his
affidavit) the provocation made by Raul against her daughter Joy at the Dap-Ayan
Center about 10 meters away from the Day Care Center on the morning of January 27,
2016. She also affirmed having a verbal tussle with Brgy Kagawad Anabel Pascua (BK
Pascua for brevity), sister of the Raul when the latter went to her school Two to Three
(2-3) hours after the provocation. Mrs Raquel however made no mention about the
discharge of firearm transpired just outside the Daycare Center as she, accordingly was
busy feeding her pupils and that the door and windows of her room were closed.
(Attached for reference copy of Sworn Statement of Shirley Y. Raquel mark as
Annex M).

22. In the supplemental affidavit of Brgy Chairman Resty Ulep on the

other hand revealed among that as per account of the residents thereat, they heard a
lone gun fire on the morning of that fateful day, January 27, 2016. (Attached for
reference is a copy of Sworn Statement (supplemental) of BC Resty Ulep mark as
Annex N).


23. At this point, issues were to be settled in order to point out details
leading to the facts that indeed both Raul and PO1 Ventura are to be made answerable
to the incident, the same vein with concerned personnel of San MPS in addressing
properly the incident.

24. On the Special Report submitted by San Nicolas MPS dated

January 29, 2016, it only revealed that on January 27, 2016 at about 9:35 AM, PNP
members of San Nicolas MPS responded a provocation incident transpired at
Tamurong Day Care Center vicinity of Brgy 19, San Lorenzo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte.
That the victim was identified as Joy Yu Raquel, 26 years old, single, unemployed while
the suspect is her live-in partner Raul Acosta Pascua, 37 years old, married and both
resident of same barangay. The suspect provoked the victim while she was at the
above-named school looking after the study of their child. Accordingly, it (the
provocation) was later pacified by Raul`s cousin, PO1 Ventura who was with him during
the provocation. That prior arrival of the responding policemen, the suspect together
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with PO1 Ventura left the area wherein Joy together with Brgy Chairman Resty Ulep
were invited to San Nicolas MPS for further investigation. The victim executed a sworn
affidavit stating among others that no indiscriminate firing incident transpired and that
she is not interested of filing any complaint against Raul. Additionally, Brgy Chairman
Resty Ulep also executed his sworn affidavit stating he was surprised of having rumors
circulating that indiscriminate firing incident transpired in lieu with the provocation. BC
Ulep further acknowledged that the issue between Raul and Joy was amicably settled
after an intervention made by PSI ADRIANO LICUDAN, OIC of San Nicolas MPS. Again
the issue of discharge of firearm was put to naught. Never did the Special Report talked
about the incident of discharge of firearm as it clearly states that it (discharge of firearm)
is only hearsay / fabricated hence doubt exist with respect to the submitted Special
Report. To refresh, the Special Report was required (to be submitted) to address mainly
the issue of discharge of firearm not with the provocation made by Raul. The report
evades circumstances that might shed light the discharge of firearm.

25. From the recital of the above-statements, it can be pointed out facts
necessary to establish fault against those who are subject of this instant case. The
discharge of firearm is indeed committed as more than two persons made certain. What
made PO1 Ventura accountable is his non-action with respect to the discharge of
firearm committed just in front of him. Worst he picked up the fired cartridge and
became mum of what transpired. Or worse PO1 Ventura had planned with Raul
regarding the indiscriminate firing of the latter or the firearm used by Raul is the issued
firearm or personal licensed firearm of PO1 Ventura, the very reason why he (PO1
Ventura) picked the fired cartridge, so that there will be no evidence. But, PO1 Ventura
and Raul were not able to silent all the people present who witnessed the incident.
Members of the PNP are most expected to prevent and control occurrence of crimes
hence PO1 Ventura, for the sake of his being a member of the PNP, should and must
address incidents especially in his physical presence.

26. On the contrary, the non-interest of filing any cases by Joy against
Raul shall not warrant also the non-filing of any/another case against the latter
especially so the discharge of firearm was made known by the residents of the place.
Hence, the responsibility of Raul in discharging a firearm is at halt just yet.

27. Worthy to note is the action made by San Nicolas MPS. The
discharge of firearm is given, be it true or just hearsay. But San Nicolas MPS did not do
actions commensurate to the report called before their attention. While it is true at first
that no discharge of firearm happened, should they proceed with thorough investigation
when a memorandum was sent before them re the discharge of firearm. Plain and
simple, the discharge of firearm was concealed by San Nicolas MPS even when the
incident was aired over the broadcast media. Now, the issue to be made clear with
respect to San Nicolas MPS is who is to be faulted? For the sake of impartiality and fair
investigation, all personnel of San Nicolas MPS who were on duty that fateful day of
January 27, 2016 be held accountable.


28. After a careful evaluation and assessment on the declaration of the

affiants, this Office arrived at a conclusion that there exist substantial evidence to indict
PO1 Louie A. Ventura for violation of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular 2007-001
under Rule 21, Sec 1, para C, subpara 3 for Grave Misconduct “Commit any act or
omission that constitute a crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code or Special
Laws; “Violation of Art 208 - Prosecution of offenses; negligence and tolerance. — The
penalty of prision correctional in its minimum period and suspension shall be imposed
upon any public officer, or officer of the law, who, in dereliction of the duties of his office,
shall maliciously refrain from instituting prosecution for the punishment of violators of

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the law, or shall tolerate the commission of offenses; and Accessory to crime Violation
of Art 254 of the RPC committed by his cousin Raul.”

29. Similarly, the concealment of truth made by the personnel of San

Nicolas MPS and OIC, San Nicolas MPS in the submitted Special Report also
constitutes administrative violation pursuant to NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular
2007-001 under Rule 21, Sec 1, para C sub para 7 … “Dishonesty - is concealment or
distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one’s office, or connected with the
performance of his duties or connected with the performance of his duties”.

30. With respect to the actions of Raul Pascua and PO1 Louie Ventura,
this Office, through the conduct of thorough investigation, finds probable cause
sufficient to charge both persons criminally.


31. WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Office respectfully

recommends that the entire records of the case be forwarded to the Office of the
Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division, Police Regional Office 1 for
further evaluation and proper disposition, since, the aforesaid violation falls within the
ambit of the Regional Director.

32. This office further recommends for the immediate relief from
present unit assignment of PO1 Louie A. Ventura and re-assign to Regional Personnel
Holding Admin Unit, Police Regional Office 1 to avoid possible harassment or influence
to the witnesses.

33. Furthermore recommends the filing of criminal charge/s both to

Raul Pascua and PO1 Louie Ventura.

Marcelo P. Gonzales Rousel Ariston L. Albano

Senior Police Officer 1 Senior Police Officer 4
Investigator-on-Case Chief Clerk, PIDMB


Police Chief Inspector

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Republic of the Philippines
National Police Commission
Poblacion, Matalam


FOR : Provincial Director

Cotabato Police Provincial Office
Amas, Kidapawan City

FROM : Acting Chief of Police

SUBJECT : Spot Report of Hit and Run Incident

DATE : September 10, 2022

1. On or about September 10, 2022around 7:40 PM, a hit and run incident
transpired in front of Matalam Central Elementary School located in
Poblacion, Matalam, Cotabato. The victim was identified as one Montasir
Abdul, 17 years old, single, a High School student of Matalam High School of
Matalam and a resident of Poblacion, Matalam, Cotabato

2. Initial investigation revealed that the victim was walking along the national
highway when a lone unidentified rider aboard a Yamaha Sniper 155, color
blue, of unknown plate number the suspect was driving his motorcycle fast
beyond the speed limit and he hit the victim. After then, the unknown rider fled
northward in the direction of Kabacan.

3. The victim Montasir Abdul who sustained serious physical injury was rushed
to Kidapawan Doctors Hospital but was declared dead upon arrival.

4. The motive behind the incident is still unknown.

5. Progress report will follow.


Police Captain
Acting Chief of Police

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Page No. ________;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2016.
Republic of the Philippines
National Police Commission
Philippine National Police
National Capital Region Police Office
Southern Police District Office
Station Investigation and Detective Management Branch
Dominga St., cor. Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Pasay City
Tel. +632 833-4296

3 February 2016



THIS IS TO CERTIFY that as per record available in the Police Blotter on PCP2-
Pasay police station, the following data exist:
Page No. : 45
Entry No. : 2277
Time : 10:08 AM

Date : 3 February 2016


Reporter: RUFINO SAMUEL R. MANTOS, Filipino, of legal age, and with residence
at No. 365 B. F. Ortigas St. Brgy. New Zaniga Mandaluyong City.
Occurrence: Makati City
Respondent: Mr. Anvarri Arguelles
Victim:Mr. RUFINO SAMUEL R. MANTOS, Filipino, of legal age, and with residence at
No. 365 B. F. Ortigas St. Brgy. New Zaniga Mandaluyong City.

Narration of Facts:
(a) On February 1, 2016, at around 5:00 in the evening, I am with my friend
KRISTINE LARA G. DEFENSOR, my high school classmate, at Vibers Bar
Pasay to drink and celebrate her return from the USA.
(b) After we finished our first bucket of beer, a stranger approached us and
introduced himself as Willie R. WONG, he told us that he wanted to drink with us.
. Because of being a little drunk and for us not to be rude to a stranger, we
agreed to let him join us.

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(c) At around 11:00 in the evening, Lara, being drunk went outside the bar to call his
driver and at the same time I also went to the comfort room. Upon my return to
our table, Mr. Willie R. WONG told me that Lara Already left.

(d) Thereafter, I told Mr. Willie R. WONG to finish our drink, he opened the last two
bottle of beer and I saw him put something in my beer, but I did not manage to
bother because I was already drunk that time.
(e) While I was finishing the bottle of beer I felt very dizzy and blacked out.
(f) On February 2, 2016 at around 6:00 in the morning I woke up both my hands tied
up with a telephone cable and my feet with the blanket. I also heard Mr. Willie R.
WONG taking to his Phone while leaving the room. Then I realized that I was in a
hotel room.
(g) Thereafter, I felt body pains most especially on my lower body where my butt is
very swollen and I am sure that something was inserted in it and found out that it
was a TV remote control. I cannot move, I cannot sit, I could not walk, I can’t
even shout because of body pain and whenever I try to move the pain becomes
more intolerable but after a few tries, I managed to get up and dressed and went
down to the reception and asked some help.

Recorded by: (SGD) PO1 Adrian Baltazar

Annie Batumbakal
Police Chief Inspector
Chief of Police

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