Irosun Irete (3) - 1

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1. Torokunmojo the resident awo of Orunmila

He cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was suffering from serious illness
And he was longing for the time that he would regain his
He was rolling besides fire
Death does not stay close to Olumufin fire
And affliction does not stay close to Olumuta fire
All evil forces do not stay close to Oguo fire
The fire that death has lighted
Torokunmojo use water to quell it

2. An unripe calabash is it that the knife easily slices into two

Ifa’s message for Gberu
Who would practice Ifa and succeed in it
Alaba and Alase
Gberu will succeed through Ifa practice

3. The forest is thick

Let me get a strong cutlass
There is heavy rainfall
Let me open my bathroom
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When all his Ire had refused to leave Ile Ife
All my Ire that had refused to leave Ile Ife
It is the colleagues of Agbe, blue turacco that carry ire to
Agbe inside the forest
And the colleagues of Aluko, Moron turacco that carry ire to
Aluko in the plain
And it is the colleagues of Odidere, the African grey Parrot
that carry ire for Odidere
It is in one place that the clothe weaver sit that the cotton
roller moves towards him

4. The stone inside the river does not stop been wet by water
And it does not stop been submerged inside the water
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When enemies declare that he will never find his Ikin to
propitiate any longer
Travelers to Ejigbo
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he would find his Ikin to propitiate in the end

5. Pele, gently is the greeting style of Ogodo indigenes

Moja is the way Ketu indigenes salute each other
Kukurukuku is that of the Eegun indigenes
The way they speak in Eegun is incomprehensible
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to the world of boundless glory and prestige
If Ifa is honoured it will reflect on me
The palm frond give honour and prestige to Imole
6. The tiny finger nails, the Awo of Emi, Life
They cast Ifa for Emi
When coming from heaven to earth
And when going to become the most important part of the
Nothing must happen to Emi the most important part of the
Emi is the most important part of the body
Irosun that plans to terminate Emi

Six live hens will be tied with black and white thread to
Egbesi tree inside the forest.

7. I met travelers to Ejigbo on the way

I did not meet only one person
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he could not find his Ikin to propitiate anymore
Ifa it is high time for me to see you to propitiate
A big corn meal
Please let me see you to propitiate in the end

Hen, kolanut, a big morsel of cornmeal will be used to feed


8. The gently breeze does not blow to the river bed

And the storm does not affect the sand inside the river
It is the storm that shakes the forest tress sideways
Ifa’s message for Ori
When lamenting that he has nothing to be proud of
After Ori has a lot to show
Ori gave support to Olu
And Olu was celebrating his success
He gave support to Alaworo
And Alaworo is celebrating his achievement
He gave support to Oloje and he became a land owner in
He gave support to Asoledekoko
And they were eating his excrements
It was Ori that gave support to Opinmi
And he gathered his Ifa and Osun to propitiate together
What is Opinmi doing at Ifa Oodaye
It was successful Ifa practice that Opinmi is doing at Ife

Eight roosters, eight hens, eight wooden pegs and money.

9. Olunlade declare that it is time for celebration

And I chorus that it is time to express our joy
The matured Tete vegetable in my home frontage
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was demanding for two Ewusa, giant Rat from his
When Akapo was complaining that he has no spouse
Why not give me two Ewusa
For me to give you two damsels
Two Okete, the two giant rat will be cooked together with
spice and melon and will be used to feed Ifa with either
pounded yam, eko, corn meal or Amala, yam flour meal.

10. Olobirikoto is the awo of Ajewewemu

He cast Ifa for OIofin at Ife Oodaye
He was advised to offer ebo against ailment
He was also advised to offer ebo against using unclean
hands to feed himself
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of longevity
If a she-goat gets to the river bank
It will move backwards
Ela when the day of my death arrives
Please move me backwards

One matured she-goat will be used to feed Ifa. The

skull of the she-goat will be used to offer ebo again and
will be placed on the ebo plate. The ebo will be taken to
the river side.

11. The big locust bean tree with wide branches

They cast Ifa for the inhabitant of Imesi
Where the consumption of Iru, Locust bean is a taboo
They were advised to offer ebo against evil spirits
Here comes Igba-nla a great awo
Here comes Igba-nla an important awo
All evil principalities can never consume locust bean

12. The wood used to erect a hut is it that dangles

Ifa’s message for Opinmi
When going on Ifa’s mission to Out Ife
He was advised to offer ebo
And to feed Esu with one he-goat
He refused to comply
Ifa’s message for the 165 Hunters
When going on annual hunting expedition
Opinmi assured them that they would kill cobras
And kill boa conscriptors
He said that they would kill giant deers
And use the leopard as hunting dogs
They did not kill even a mouse
They made jest of Opinmi
Opinmi angrily threw his Ikin into the river
All his Omo-Awo went to propitiate his Ikin in the river
Aran Osin retrieved five Ikin
Aran Ora retrieved five Ikin
Eta Ogunda retrieved three Ikin
Eji Irete retrieved two Ikin
Okan soso nfidan retrieved one Ikin together with Osun
Now what is Opinmi doing in Ife
It is great awo practice that Opinmi is doing in Ife
13. Irosun the awo of Abata
He cast Ifa for Orunmila
When he was in the midst of enemies who are elders of
the night
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Here comes the mothers, known as Osoronga
Please take Okete and stop your confrontation

14. One cannot experience poverty and want for one to

cook one’s Ikin for consumption
Ifa’s message for Enijare
When he was in the midst of poverty
And he was in the midst of suffering
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Enijare I rejoice with you
I hear that you are blessed with wealth
And that you are blessed with spouse
And that you receive the blessing of children
And you are blessed with all ire of life

15. The wood used in constructing a hut is it that dangles

Ifa’s message for Ogun
When going on military campaign to Ejigbomeku Eseji
He was advised to offer ebo against Elenini, Slanderer
He refused to comply
Ogun was thrown inside a big bag

He called Sango that Elenini is carrying him away

Elenini tied Sango and Osun together with Ogun
Orunmila went for Ifa consultation
He offered the prescribed ebo
One basket filled with Eko, Corn meal
And all other edible items
Orunmila was dancing where he had placed the eko
Elenini consumed all the eko inside the basket together
with the leaves
And consumed all the other edible items

16. Ijin fee

Ifa’s message for Ofin, the Ditch
When suffering from unconsummated fortune
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The pincer of a blacksmith cannot hold any iron metal
for it to drop

17. The rainbow appears and descended close to the wall

Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to put his Ikin inside wooden tray
After doing that
The wooden tray caused him to experience hardship
The rainbow appears and descended close to the wall
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to put his Ikin inside Awo, Plate
After doing that
The plate caused him to experience comfort
And peace of mind
The plate is noted for its good luck
And mine the Ori endowed with good luck
The plate cannot be used to pound anything
It cannot be used to grind anything
When the plate wakes up in the morning
It will take its bath and sit majestically
If there is calabash in the house
The plate will never be taken to the stream

18. Olosun is the awo of Akete

Ifa’s message for Ajini the child of Iku
Olosun is the awo of Akete
Ifa’s message for Ajini the Ero, the child of Orunmila
They were advised to offer ebo
Only Orunmila offered ebo for his child
Iku failed to offer ebo for his own child
It is Ajini that Iku killed
Iku cannot kill Ero

Ifa advises this person to change were he/she sleeps

19. Oritimi the Awo of the foot of the hill
He cast Ifa for Osororun Okomi ndagba
He was advised to offer ebo
And for him not to engage in useless jokes

Embarrassing play
And excessive joke
Those are the things that prevented people from
recognizing Oritimi as a great awo

A big garment, one matured he-goat and money. this

person needs to stop embarrassing play and excessive
joke in order for him to be recognized in the community.

20. The stone inside the river does not stop been wet by
And it does not stop been submerged inside the water
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to the Oba’s palace on Ifa mission
He was advised to propitiate his Ifa before going
He failed to comply
He went and recited Ifa
But he did not get Oba’s problems
The Oba slept on 16 rugs but insect kept biting him
The Oba wanted to shave his hair
But the blade refused to work
He put the blade inside a calabash
He wanted to cast his Ifa
But the Ifa tray had already been opened
He did not find his Ikin inside the Ifa tray
They searched the prong of the house
And they found Ikin
They found a live fish inside the hole of a rat
Those were the things that made the Oba to consult Ifa
The travelers of Ejigbo were the ones that I met on the
Not a single person
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
Who would find his Ikin to propitiate in the end
They advised Orunmila to rush to his home and use a
hen and corn meal to propitiate his Ifa
He complied
Esu then ran into the house
And explained all what made the Oba to consult Ifa for
Orunmila returned to the palace
He met the Oba on the way
The Oba said that Orunmila something had happen
Orunmila responded that it was a great incident that
made the Oba to share his rug with insects
The Oba declared that Orunmila something had happen
Orunmila responded that it was a great incident that
made us to find a live fish inside the nest of a rat
The Oba asked Orunmila what are you looking at

21. Akuuni is the awo of Ipin land

Apo abira is the awo of Iwasa land
Akijewesun is the awo of Oolo
Ifa’s message for Akinwumi
When they were planning his death with impunity
What did not allow the Ifa of Akinwumi to go into disuse
It was the Abira bag that did not allow the Ifa of

Akinwumi to go into disuse.

This person needs to offer the ebo to protect his life.

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