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e-Platform for National market infrastructure did not keep pace

with volume of market arrivals. The
Agricultural Market facilities provided in markets remained
not only inadequate, but also deterio-
rated in many cases. Excessive interme-
diation worked to the disadvantage of
Ramesh Chand producers and consumers, and favoured
only middlemen.

Agricultural markets are ince the launch of the economic Also, over time, macro environment
characterised by poor reforms in 1991, the disparity bet- changed considerably, particularly after
ween growth rates of output in 1991. The country liberalised its external
competitiveness, fragmentation,
agriculture and non-agriculture sectors trade initially as a part of domestic policy
inefficiency, presence of excessive has risen sharply. The average annual reforms, and then to meet the requirement
middlemen, and frequent price growth rate for five years in agriculture of the 1995 World Trade Organization
manipulations. The electronic hovered around a long-term growth trend (WTO) agreement and to adjust to it. This
of 3% whereas growth rate of non-agri- external liberalisation exposed Indian
trading portal for national
culture sector increased steadily from agriculture to international competition,
agricultural market is an attempt around 6% during the early 1990s to which necessitated internal liberalisation
to use modern technology for 10% during 2004–05 to 2008–09, and of agriculture trade to improve domestic
transforming the system of 7.5% during the recent five years. An im- competitiveness. The reforms also led to
portant reason for this is that the price profound changes in trade and commerce
agricultural marketing.
incentive offered by the agricultural mar- in the non-agriculture sector. All these
ket in the country did not improve, as factors put lot of pressure,towards late
these markets remained fragmented, 1990s, to bring reforms in agriculture
inefficient and dominated by low scale markets in the country.
and multiple middlemen.
It is observed that after implementa- Attempt to Reform Market
tion of the Agricultural Produce Market- In response to the changes in trading
ing (Regulation) Act (APMRA) in various environment during 1990s, the union
states during 1960s and 1970s, no major government brought a series of reforms
reform in the agricultural market has in quick succession, beginning from
been implemented (Chand 2012). The 2002. These included the Removal of
APMRA brought radical changes and (Licensing Requirements, Stock Limits
significant improvement in almost all and Movement Restrictions) on Specified
aspects of marketing of farm produce Foodstuffs Order, 2002 and 2003. As per
(Acharya 2004). This has been a major this order, wheat, paddy/rice, coarse-
driving force behind the achievements grains, sugar, edible oilseeds and edible
of the Green Revolution phase. How- oils, pulses, gur, wheat products and
Views are personal.
ever, many gains brought by APMRA to hydrogenated vegetable oil or vanaspati
Ramesh Chand ( is with improve competitiveness of agricultural were removed from the list of Essential
NITI Aayog, Government of India.
markets got diluted over time and Commodities Act (1955) and thereafter,
Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 9, 2016 vol lI no 28 15

a permit or licence was not required for of Agriculture constituted an inter- letters were sent from union agriculture
their trading, storage and movement. ministerial task force on 4 July 2001. The minister to the state ministers in-charge
Further, the prohibition on futures trad- task force submitted its report in May of agricultural marketing for amending
ing in agricultural commodities was 2002. The recommendations contained the APMC Act on 16 July 2004 and again
removed in 2003. in these reports were discussed at the on February 2005 and to the chief minis-
These were important reforms but they national conference of state ministers ters on 25 May 2005. To incentivise
did not include reforms in agricultural organised by the Ministry of Agriculture states to amend the APMC Act on the
marketing or transactions of farmers’ on 27 September 2002, and later by a lines of the model act, some investment
produce. One reason for this was that standing committee of state ministers subsidy on market infrastructure devel-
agricultural marketing is a state subject, constituted for the purpose under the opment projects was also provided un-
that is, it required reform by respective chairmanship of Hukmdev Narayan der central assistance.
states. However, the central government Yadav, Union Minister of State for Agri- As per the recent information, majority
initiated several measures to bring reforms culture, on 29 January 2003. The Ministry of the states reported that they have
in the system of agricultural market in of Agriculture accordingly set up a adopted key area of reforms as suggested
states. The first major step in this direction committee under the chairmanship of in the model act. However, the ground
was appointing an Expert Committee K M Sahni, additional secretary, Depart- reality has been that except in states like
on 19 December 2000, by Ministry of ment of Agriculture and Cooperation, to Karnataka, various reforms have been
Agriculture, Government of India (GoI) formulate a model law on agricultural considerably diluted and only partly
to review the present system of agricul- marketing in consultation with the states. implemented at the state level. In some
tural marketing in the country and to The committee drafted and finalised the cases, new conditions were attached to
recommend measures to make the system model legislation after holding discus- reforms which defeated the very goal of
more efficient and competitive. sions with the state officials (GoI 2003). reforms. The central government order
The committee submitted its report on The model act called the State Agri- 2002 which liberalised trade in agricul-
29 June 2001, suggesting various legis- cultural Produce Marketing (Development tural commodities was put in abeyance
lative reforms as well as the reorientation and Regulation) Act, 2003, was then by various central government orders
of the policies and programmes for the shared with all the states for implemen- during 2006–08. Thus, licensing require-
development and strengthening of agri- tation. Some important provisions of the ments, stock limits and movement restric-
cultural marketing in the country. The model act are: (i) more than one market tions in respect of purchase, sale, supply,
committee noted that there were stringent can be established by private persons, distribution or storage for sale of agricul-
controls on the storage and movement of farmers, cooperatives and consumers in tural commodities, which were removed
several agricultural commodities. These a market area; (ii) there will be no com- in 2002, were brought back.
restrictions were acting as a disincentive pulsion on the growers to sell their pro- In the meantime, unorganised func-
to farmers, trade and industries. duce through existing markets adminis- tionaries like commission agents and
It was suggested that legal reforms tered by the Agricultural Produce Market traders organised themselves and succe-
can play an important role in making Committee (APMC); (iii) a new chapter ssfully thwarted attempts to change
the present marketing system more on contract farming was added to facilitate market rules and practices. The net
effective and efficient by removing un- and promote smooth progress in contract result has been that persistent efforts
necessary restrictions and by establish- farming; (iv) provision made for the direct for nearly one and a half decades, to
ing a sound framework to reduce uncer- sale of farm produce to contract farming reform markets, remained more or less
tainty of the markets. The State Agricul- sponsor from farmers’ field without the unsuccessful.
tural Produce Marketing Regulations necessity of routing it through notified
Act and the Essential Commodities Act markets; (v) provision made for imposi- Market Models in Karnataka
were the two important legislations tion of single point levy of market fee on Among various states of the country,
that had to be amended to remove re- the sale of notified agricultural com- Karnataka has been the forerunner in
strictive provisions coming in the way modities in any market area and discre- market reforms and in devising innova-
of an efficient and competitive market- tion provided to the state governments tive practices to improve agricultural
ing system. Alongside, there was a need to fix graded levy of market fee on dif- markets and competitiveness. The state
to introduce through appropriate legal ferent types of sales; (vi) registration for was first in implementing Model APMC
change, a “negotiable warehousing re- market functionaries provided to operate Act and it has been piloting new practices
ceipt system” in the country for agricul- in one or more than one market areas; and on its own. In order to take advantage of
tural commodities to enhance institu- (vii) provision made for the purchase of modern technology to improve agricul-
tional lending to the agricultural mar- agricultural produce through private tural marketing, the state prepared a plan
keting sector, and to improve price-risk yards or directly from agriculturists in in 2012–13 with the assistance of NCDEX
management (GoI 2002). one or more than one market area. (National Commodity and Derivatives
To take the recommendations of the National level meetings were organised Exchange) Spot Exchange for automation
expert committee further, the Ministry with the state governments and follow-up of auction process in mandis (primary
16 july 9, 2016 vol lI no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

agricultural markets where producers right to reject the bid, in which case a the electronic trading platform for
sell their agricultural produce). second round of bidding takes place on National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) on
The plan involves creation of trans- the same day and in the same way. A 14 April 2016. In its first phase, the ini-
parent, integrated e-trading mechanism bidder is required to keep a pre-bid margin tiative will cover 21 mandis from eight
coupled with facilities for grading and of 5% of value of the lot marked for sale states, namely, Gujarat, Telangana, Raj-
standardisation to facilitate seamless tra- with ReMS before opening of the tender. asthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
ding across mandis (APMCs). The approach ReMS charges 0.2% of the value of the Haryana, Jharkhand and Himachal
was to integrate all such APMCs with major transacted produce for providing vari- Pradesh. Further, 25 crops, including
consumption market to fetch remunera- ous online services. wheat, maize, pulses, oilseeds, pota-
tive prices to farmers. The plan has been Participation in UMP is not restricted toes, onions and spices have been in-
implemented through Rashtriya e-Market to Karnataka. Traders from other states cluded for trading on the platform. It is
Services (ReMS) Private Limited Company, and bulk institutional buyers such as proposed that 585 markets across the
which is a joint venture created by the Cargill, ITC, Reliance, Metro Cash & country will be brought on the platform
state government and NCDEX Spot Ex- Carry are also registered with ReMS. by March 2018.
change. ReMS offers automated auction The UMP received overwhelming res- It is pertinent to mention that for inte-
and post-auction facilities (weighing, in- ponse from farmers in the state and it gration with the e-platform, the states/
voicing, market fee collection, account- shows impressive results in a short period. union territories will need to undertake
ing), assaying facilities in the markets, Auction and sale of farm produce is not three reforms, namely: (i) a single licence
facilitation of warehouse-based sale of restricted to traders within the market. to be valid across the state, (ii) single
produce, commodity funding and price Thus, the possibility of tacit understanding point levy of market fee, and (iii) provi-
dissemination. NCDEX is also implement- to suppress prices received by farmers or sion for electronic auction as a mode for
ing a unified market platform, whereby cartelisation has been eliminated. Price price discovery.
all mandis in the state are being unified discovery is competitive, transparent
for single trading. and efficient. Farmers have also started Anticipated Benefits
The unified online agricultural market selling online, enabling farmers to have Despite a lot of persuasion by the central
initiative was launched in Karnataka on much higher prices and removing many governments for several years, most of
22 February 2014. A total of 105 markets middlemen. the states either did not adopt the model
spread across 27 districts have been APMC Act or adopted it in a much diluted
brought under the Unified Market Plat- Adopting Karnataka Model form. Further, the model APMC did not
form (UMP) as of March 2016. Under this The success of UMP in Karnataka got have provision to create a national market
initiative, every farmer who brings pro- countrywide attention and some states like or even state level common market. The
duce to the APMC market is given an Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra NAM initiative with electronic trading
identification number for the lot brought and Gujarat have already started adopt- platform, linking major national mar-
into the mandi. The farmer has a choice ing the Karnataka model. Impressed by kets, will take India’s agricultural mar-
to use the common platform or the plat- the success of UMP in Karnataka, the un- keting system to a higher level besides
form of commission agent for auction of ion government took initiative to encour- addressing some of the issues that were
the produce. These lots are then assayed age other states to adopt e-trading plat- to be addressed by the model APMC Act.
and information about quantity and form for agricultural commodities. It will operate in the same way as ReMS
quality is put on the portal of ReMS. The Cabinet Committee on Economic is operating in Karnataka.
Buyers or traders who want to buy Affairs approved the central sector scheme It seems this initiative will prove to be
produce from the farmers are required to for promotion on the national agriculture a game changer for India’s farmers and
get the unified market licence, register market through Agritech Infrastructure agriculture sector, if it is implemented in
themselves with ReMS by paying nominal Fund with a budget allocation of `200 true spirit. It can offer large direct and
fee, and are required to keep some secu- crore on 1 July 2015. The scheme entails indirect benefits to the sector and the
rity in the bank. Each trader is given a setting up of a common e-platform in economy. The direct benefits include:
username and password. Any prospec- 585 selected wholesale regulated mar- (i) improvement in competitiveness and
tive buyer can bid for the produce online kets across the country. The central gov- efficiency in agricultural markets, (ii) eli-
from anywhere using her/his username ernment will provide the software free mination of traders’ cartels and price
and password. A trader can revise the bid of cost to the states along with `30 lakh manipulations by local trading groups, and
upward any number of times before clo- per mandi for setting up the hardware (iii) lower price spread between producers
sure of the bidding time. After closure of and related equipment/infrastructure. and consumers as well as surplus and
auction period, the bids are flashed on It envisages to expand Karnataka’s UMP deficit states. Producers will get better
television screens put up in the mandis model at the national level in a bid to price realisation, while consumers can
and on the portal of ReMS. Thereafter, the cover the entire country. expect benefit from the lower price spread.
producer/seller is required to give his To give real push to this move, Prime Better price realisation for farmers
acceptance for the bid. A seller has the Minister Narendra Modi has launched will serve as an important incentive for
Economic & Political Weekly EPW july 9, 2016 vol lI no 28 17

raising productivity and production, agents to handle the produce for buyers providers and black marketers/hoarders;
and in turn lead to higher growth of from outside the mandi. and (iv) rationalisation of market fee,
output. In many states, farm harvest commission charges, cess and taxes and
prices prevail below the minimum sup- Concluding Remarks development charges. State after state
port price (MSP) in the harvest period Though e-NAM will improve competi- has been raising taxes and development
and shoot up subsequently. e-NAM will tiveness in market through larger par- charges to mobilise more revenue from
help check such market imperfections. ticipation of buyers and more transpar- mandis, particularly in the cases
Some states like Punjab and Haryana ent system of bidding, it should not be where central agencies are procuring
desperately need diversification in crop considered a panacea for all deficiencies the produce.
pattern away from paddy–wheat rota- in agricultural markets. e-NAM necessi- The full benefit from linking agricul-
tion. However, this has not been hap- tates some reforms proposed in model tural markets in the country and putting
pening due to unattractive market for APMC Act whereas it will not address them on electronic platform will come
alternative crops. e-NAM is expected to some vital issues having bearing on con- when a single trading licence is valid
promote market- driven diversification duct and performance of market. across the country and when a farmer
and reduce dependence of farmers in The four important areas for reforms, gets the option to sell her/his produce in
these states on MSP and public procure- which are not part of e-NAM, are as any market throughout the country.
ment. Any state that chooses to remain follows: (i) direct sale by farmers to
outside e-NAM under pressure from buyers, processors, or, contract market- References
vested interests of market middlemen ing without bringing produce to mandi; Acharya, S S (2004): State of the Indian Farmer: A
or due to consideration of loss to reve- (ii) establishment of private markets Millennium Study, Agricultural Marketing, De-
partment of Agricultural and Cooperation,
nue from mandi taxes, will be depriving with treatment at par with APMC. Even Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India,
its farming community of benefit of under e-NAM, market committee will and Academic Foundation.
Chand, Ramesh (2012): “Development Policies and
competitive market. continue to hold its monopoly power in Agricultural Markets,” Economic & Political
The success of e-NAM in improving terms of offering a platform for sale/ Weekly, Vol 47, No 52, pp 53–63.
GOI (2002): Report of Inter-Ministerial Task Force
competitiveness and integrating pan- purchase; (iii) removal of legal barriers on Agricultural Marketing Reforms, Depart-
India markets will require assaying faci- to entry of organised and modern capi- ment of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry
of Agriculture, Government of India.
lities created in various markets to ascer- tal and investments into agricultural — (2003): “Model Act, the State Agricultural Pro-
tain quality traits as quality variations are marketing. This will require tweaking duce Marketing (Development and Regulation
Act, 2003),” Department of Agriculture and
quite large in agricultural commodities. Essential Commodities Act to draw Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govern-
Also, each mandi will require forwarding distinction between genuine service ment of India, New Delhi, 9 September.

18 july 9, 2016 vol lI no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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