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Practice Questions of Probability.

1. In a single throw of 2 dice, what is the probability of obtaining a total of 10?

2. Find the probability of drawing an ace of spade from a pack of cards on a single
3. Find the probability that a card selected at random from a deck is an ace or a
queen? (Ans=16/52)
4. Find out the probability of getting a total of either 7 or 11 in a single throw with
two dice. (Ans=2/9 )
5. If a card is drawn from a pack of cards at random. What is the probability that
the card drawn is –
a) Either a queen of clubs or kings of diamonds. (1/26)
b) Either a card of spade or a king. (8/52)
c) Either a king or an ace. (4/13)
d) Either a card of black or a king. (7/13)
e) Either a red card or king of diamonds (27/25)
6. A bag contains 25 balls numbered from 1 to 25. One ball is to drawn at random.
Find the probability that the number of the drawn ball will be a multiple of 5 or
3? (ans=12/25)
7. A problem in mathematics is given to 5 students A, B, C, D and E. their chances
of solving the it are ½, 1/3,1/3, ¼ and 1/5 respectively. Find the probability that
the problem will be solved. (Ans= 13/25)
8. A bag contains 10 white and 6 black balls. 4 balls are successively drawn out and
not replaced. What is the probability that they are alternatively of different
color? (ans = ( ) )
9. The probability of hitting the target by three marks man is ½, 1/3 and ¼
respectively. Find the probability that one and only one of them will hit the
target, when they fire simultaneously. (Ans= 11/24)
10. Bhomik can hit a target 4 times in 7 shots, Priya 3 times in 7 shorts and Gagan 3
times in 4 shots. What is the probability that
a) The target being hit by all. (9/49)
b) Nobody can hit the target. (3/49)
c) At least one will hit the target. (46/49)
11. A doctor is to visit a patient. From the past experience, it is known that the
probabilities that he will come by train, bus, scooter or by other means of
transport are respectively 3/10, 1/5, 1/10 and 2/5. The probabilities that he will
be late are ¼, 1/3 and 1/12, if he comes by train, bus and scooter respectively
but if he comes by other means of transport, then he will not be late. When he
arrives, he is late. What is the probability that he comes by train? (ans =1/2)

12.On an average, 20% of persons going to the handicraft emporium are foreigners'
and the remaining 80% are local persons. '75 % of such foreigners and 50% of
such local persons are found to make purchases. If a bundle of purchase items is
sent to the cash counter, what is the probability that the purchaser is a
13. A dice is tossed 3 times. What is the probability of
a) No fives turn up? (125/216)
b) 1 five turns up? (75/216)
c) 3 fives turn up? (1/216)

14. A manufacturer of metal pistons finds that on the average, 12 % of his pistons
are rejected because they are either oversize or undersize. What is the
probability that a batch of 10 pistons will contain-
a) No more than 2 rejects. (0.89131)
b) At least 2 rejects. (0.34173)

15. Find the variance of the binomial distribution having 2 trials and a probability
of success as 0.5.
16. Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of the binomial distribution
having 16 trials & a probability of success is 0.8.

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