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Nov-ILA4 Total No. of Questions : 10] SEAT No.: P4514 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [5645]=1301 B.AC LL.B. Second Year- of Five Year Law Course * (Semester - III) LEGAL LANGUAGE AND LEGAL REASONING (2917 Pattern) (Theory) (Revised) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Any five questions from Part - A. 2) Part - Bis compulsory. 3) — Figtres to the indicate full marks. : T= 1) Discuss the problem of legal jargorrin legal Language. [10] 2) Discuss "Advocacy is not a scletee bat an Art” [10] 3) Define legal Language? Discuss the domain of legal Language. [10] 4) Explain the significance of efféctive argument for lawyers. [10] Q5) Whats the use of logical reasoning in legal profession? [10] 6) Discuss client interviewing as a useful technique for lawyers. [10} Q7) Bring out the sources of rationalistic knowledge. [10] PART -B Q8) Short notes (any two) : [10] a) Use of logic in the legal field b) Irony c) Validity PTO. 99) Draft a general power of attorney. (10) OR Draft a notice given by a tenant to his/her landlord for repairing the tenanted flat, [10] Q10)Identify the fallaciesyin the following examples and explain their reasons. (only two) : [10] 4) People do notvuse heimets and the number of deaths on roads has increased CFhE nonise of helmets has raised the number of deaths on toads. Q™ 2 b) He is.acbig politician of our area. So he is dishonest. ©) Eating non-veg food excessively is harmfil to health. Therefore you should net eat it, oho che che [5645]-1301 2 Nov- 2014 Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. :) P4515 [Total No. of Pages : 1 [5645]-1302 B.A. LL.B. (Semester - II) Second Year of Five Year Law Course Public Policy and Public Administration “(2017 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Follow all tie instructions given below for each question, 2) Alf-questions ie. 1, 2 and 3 are compulsory. 1) Answer aay THREE of the following questions in detail [3 « 15 = 45] a) Define Public Policy and discuss how it differ-from customs, decisions and plans. b) Explain the role of RTI & Legislature as-mechanisms of Accountability and Control over administration. ©) Critically discuss Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy, d) Define Public Administratioitand discuss its link with other social sciences. ©) Illustrate the role of State in Judicial Administration. 92) Answer any TWO of the following questions : [2 « 10 = 20] a) Discuss the 'State verstis Market Debate’ with appropriate illustrations. b) Discuss the need of Ethical and Moral values in Judicial Administration. ¢) Discuss the phase-wise evolution of Public Administration as a discipline d) Luther Gulick's view on POSDCORB. Q3) Write short notes on any THREE : Bx 5=15] a) Social Audit b) Objectives of Public Policy ©) Difference between Public Policy and Rules 4) Contribution of Woodrow Wilson to Administration ©) E-Governance he oe he Nov- 2014 Total No. of Questions : 10] SEAT No. : P4516 [Total No. of Pages :2 (5645|21303 B.A. LL.B. (Semester - I11) Second Xear ofFive Years Law Course sv BP ecm BA - 0303: aS Development and Indian Economy a > @017 Pattern) . Sy Time : 3 reg ae (Max. Marks : 80 Instructions{o the caiedidates : ) Firorg the right indicate full marks. 2) Given! data or report wherever necessary. S° ~ a PART aN SS Answer the Following Questions (Any ed): < F (45) Se QI) What are the causes of i n india? Discuss the measures taken by government to control igen es — Q2) Explain the objectives of BSUS. Explain advantages and disadvantage of PSUs. a NS wy S Q3) What are the causes of black money in India? Discs “ng Bovermen measures to control black money Ss’. < & 94) Explain the factors responsible for poor es! $Fagricultural labours and government measures to improve thelr ee S Q5) Explain the balanced growth theory and its iitatons, PTO. PART -B Answer the Following Questions (Any ty) : [20] o ~ 06) How PQLIis determi Di Discuss its limitations. mg & Q7) Enumerate the it impBiaglndicators of economic development. gz a 28) Discuss Drager Of domestic capital and foreign capital, pe Q9) What are {#®pros and cons of contractual farming in, India? 4 Ss »y a . a [15] o Q10) Answer the following questions agte > a) SEZ b) oman oni ) MNC ny = d) Vicious eycle of poverty” ‘ €) Sources of Agricultuyl Credit = x s wes 983898 OV gy ane Se Or oy > S Au we oS & a y > [5645]-1303 2 Nov-201q Total No. of Questions : 3] SEAT No. : P4517 [Total No. of Pages : 1 [5645]=1304 B.A, LL.B(Semester - II) Second.Year of Five Year Low Course \/ SOCIOLOGY \BA = -0304: Society in India S < 2017 Pattern) a SS Time : 3 Ho: my [Max. Marks : 80 ~ struct o e candidates : Figures the right indicate full marks. — data or report wherever necessary.-~ a Ql) Essay is Questions any two : 3: [40] a) ‘India as a plural society’. Disc ay a b) Explain the Religious Diversity taJiidia> c) Explain the characteristics eqn Se. d) ‘Sanskritization and mod ati Ws a major charges in India’. Discuss. ~N 02) Long Answer type QuegtiOhS angp¥wo : [30 a) Discuss “Marriage” Sa seoial Institution. b)_ Classification of caste“and class system. Roy ¢) Discuss the charactefistics of Dalits as “Hari Jans” and the constfytional provisions for their upliftment. ag 4) Explain the characteristics and the functions — Magid society, Oy 03) Short answer type questions any two : wy 10) a) Westernization b) Kinship ©) Tribe 4) Gender

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