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es of Social Change : Planned or Directed and planned or Non-Directed Social Change Social change may be classified as planned (or directed) and unplanned (or non-direct) social change. Unplanned or Non-Directed Social Change Sometimes, social change is caused by social forces beyond our effective control. For example, when the necessary supporting knowledge is developed, an invention will be made by someone, even if this invention is most troublesome to human existence. The hydrogen bomb is an example. Man cannot foresee future social changes. Even though man can manipulate certain things in nature, he cannot control the entire nature. Floods, famine, earthquakes are unexpected and they are not of human control, Through such natural calamities change takes place automatically without any conscious trial or direction of the man. Such type of change is called unplanned or non-directed social change. Planned or Directed Social Change : be brought about with the social planning, Social planning is "a conscious interaction process Combining tae discussion, agreement, and action in Fig 210 SOCIOLOGY FOR LAW STUDENTS order to achieve those conditions, relationships, and values that are regarded as’ desirable". People thought that change can be brought about in the society by specific plans or human trial or effort. Hitler brought deliberate change in Germany with planned effort. The old US.S.R has brought about a tremendous social change on the basis of planned effort. Planning is a rational activity. Social planning involves a certain consensus in the whole society or at any rate, ina large majority people must consider that the situation in which they live is most unsatisfactory, that is possible to change the situation. A critic may comment that planning efforts do not really change anything, but merely carry on the changes in a short period. The social changes are probably uncontrollable but social planning may be able to reduce the delay and costs of integrating them into the culture. Social Evolution The term ‘evolution’ comes from the Latin term ‘evolvere’ which means ‘to develop’ or ‘to unfold’. Evolution describes a series of related changes in a system. of some kind. It is a process in which hidden or latent characters of a thing reveal themselves. It implies continuous change in a specific direction. According to Herbert Spencer, social evolution would mean progress from an indefinite, incoherent, homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity. The following factors are evident in the process of social evolution :— (1) In social evolution, indefinite associations, community, institution, etc. assume definite forms. (2) The process of adjustment or synthesis is included in social evolution. (3) Social evolution is accompanied by increasing heterogeneity in society, meaning that newer associations, community institutions, etc. are eveT coming into being. Characteristics of Social Evolution Herbert cer hi p aarmet : pen as prescribed the following principles (1) Social evolution is one cultural or human aspect of the law of cosmic evolution. (2) Social evolution takes place in the same way in which cosmic evolution takes place. (3) Social evolution is gradual. ‘CONCEPT OF SOCIAL CHANGE, EVOLUTION AND PROGRESS OF SOCIAL CHANGE 2 1 (4) Social evolution is progressive. Other characteristics of social evolution are :. (6) Social evolution tak ee oe oe es place through a process of (6) Synthesis is necessary for social evolution. (7) By the process of differentiation and integration the efficiency of the society is bei increased. - ing constantly Reality of Social Evolution Some critics say that social evolution is imaginary. Maclver and Page strongly attacked this criticism. According to Maclver and Page, social evolution is the process whereby all that is implicit is made manifest successively or slowly. Direct increase is not called evolution. In evolution, the structure of an object changes along with an increase in its size. It is that incessant and unwavering process of quantitative and qualitative changes by which the internal character of an object appear and become distinct and clear. Thus, the fundamental characteristics of evolution is differentiation. According to Maclver and Page, the reality of social evolution can be favoured from the following arguments :— (1) The variety and difference to be seen between primitive and civilized societies is also to be seen between the different kinds of animals in the animal society. Hence, from the variety in human society it cannot be concluded that there is no reality in the principle of evolution. (2) The existence of the process of the differentiation in social institutions is a proof of there being evolution in society as there was no differentiation in the beginning in society. Later as the culture and civilization progressed. the differentiation was introduced as it has been increasing now, This itself is an evidence of the extent and element of reality in the principle of social evolution. (3) The reality of social evolution is better evinced in the revealing of composition of modern society. In primitive societies there were no classes as we find in the modern times. In the modern societies, we find differentiation in the religious. economic, cultural and in all other spheres, This difference between primitive and modern societies is due to 212 SOCIOLOGY FOR LAW STUDENTS the reality of social evolution. Relationship between Social Change and Social Evolution ‘ Though the concepts of change and evolution are related, they distinguish one from the other. Social change is a broad and generic term implying change in a social system through time (structural functional differentiation over time). Social change has no implication as regards the quality of difference or the direction of change. On the other hand, social evolution implies continuous change in a specific direction involving some type of qualitative change with respect to the structure and function of the system concerned. Social evolution adds additional classification of continuity, quality and direction to the structural functional differentiation. When changes take place in a connected order out of earlier phases of change, the process is called evolution. Evolution is an order of change in which the potentialities lying within a system are made actual. While social change states the change in a social system, the social evolution gives the measure of such social change. However, social change and social evolution are not evaluative concepts. Social Progress Literally ‘progress’ means ‘moving forward’. Progress means moving forward in the direction and achievement of some goal. _ Ogburn says, "Progress is a movement towards an objective thought to be desirable by the general group, for the visible future." As per Maclver and Page, "By progress we imply not merely direction, but direction towards some final goal, some destination determined ideally not simply by the objective consideration at work.” According to Lumely, "Progress is change, but it is a change in a desired or approved direction, not any direction.” : Grinesberg defines progress as “a development or evolution in direction which satisfies rational: criteria of value.” Characteristics of Progress (1) Progress is change—a change in the same direction. se ws hi can be called progress only when it fulfils CONCEPT OF SOCIAL CHANGE, EVOLUTION AND PROGRESS OF SOCIAL CHANGE 213 (3) Progress is communal. (4) Progress is volitional. It requires desires, volition. (5) Progress varies and it does not rema geen at all lar remain constant in (6) There is no limit to human progress. (7) Today symbol of progress may tomorrow be regarded as sign of non-progress. (8) In progress also we find not only gain but also loss but there is more gain than loss. In case the loss is greater than the gain, the social change cannot be called progress. Values and Progress Progress is the realisation of our social ideals. It will accord with the social values of the time and place to which it belongs. Values carry a special significance in society. Value is based on those actions or thoughts that fulfil the desired or desirable needs of the community life. Value is related to those facts which have become habits and have been absorbed into the culture. Values are social and the more the social values are achieved, the more society will progress in the desired direction. Hence, the progress is based on the social values. The social values change but at a very slow rate and many values suffer very significant variation even over long period. Up to this limit, progress remains constant. General conditions of progress.—The following are the conditions conducive to social progress : (1) A healthy mind and body are essential for progress in any direction. (2) The acquisition of objects necessary for life is an essential condition of progress. (3) Universal education is very much required for progress. (4) The provision of social security in the form of insurance is essential for progress. (5) Freedom of expression, thought and equal opportunities to all are very much essential for progress. Criteria of progress.—The following are the criteria of Progress ;—" (1) Average length of life is an index whether the : ae is es (2) Wealth or economic progress is a criterion of progress: a4 SOCIOLOGY FOR LAW STUDENTS nat an increase in population is Jd t (3) Some people held trvnat society does not have the a sign of progress ii optimum population. (4) Moral conduct of the social progress. Overall development of a soc’ rogress. ‘ a Ingredients of progre: —According to Majumdar, progress must at least contain the following six ingredients. (1) Enhancement of the dignity of man; (2) Respect for each human personality: (3) Ever increasing freedom for spiritual trust or standards and for investigation of truth; (4) Freedom for creativity and aesthetic enjoyment of the works of nature as well as of man; (6) A social order that promotes the first four values; (6) And promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with justice and equity to all. Relationship between Social Change and Social Progress Social change merely denotes the process of becoming different. Progress is not simply a change. Progress is a change in particular direction. The implication of progress is that what emerges through change is for the better. Change refers to ‘what is’ while progress refers to ‘what ought to be’. Social change indicates structural functional differentiation. In addition to the structural functional differentiation, Beate peicates ay quality and direction to desired . is progress to on¢ i Oe Bic er le society can be regress to Diderensrs between Social Progress and Social (1) The nature of progress depends on two factors Bae al the nature of end and (ii) the distance at which e are from it. Thus, when we say that we are progressing, we mean that society is flourishing both materially and morally Social evolution is merely a change and the change be for the better or the worse, A iecson (2) When we speak of direction, but direction. towards some final, geal, owe destination determined ideally, progress means change for the better, and hence implies a value judgment, It is not possible people is the criterion of ety is the best criterion for CONCEPT OF SOCIAL CHANGE, EVOLUTION AND PROGRESS OF SOCIAL CHANGE 215 o speak of progress without en: we speak of evolution meta i oe oe certain institutions. The emergence of the instit ener not be welcomed b : stitutions may or may rel y the public. The reference is to an objective condition which is not evaluated as good or bad. (3) Social progress is the growth of social life, whereas social evolution is a sort of growth, ; (4) Social progress is welcomed by all as it satisfies our sense of values, while social evolutionary changes are welcomed by some and are opposed by others as different people look differently. (5) The social progress is concerned with direction of desired goals, while the social evolution is concerned with direction only without any specification in addition to structural functional differentiation, continuity and quality. (6) The implication of social progress is that what emerges through change is for the better, while the social evolution is not evaluative concept as it denotes the process of becoming different. (7) The concept of social progress is related to planned change, while social evolution is related to the inevitability of causation and that has no fixed goal or destination. et ae

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