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The concept of leaders as effective managers

The probability of leaders being efficient in management or being managers is immensely higher
than that of managers executing the role of leadership. This is mainly because a manager mainly
deals with the tasks at hand and executes only what is going round the circles currently unlike a
leader who is more visionary since he looks at the currents situations and also looks beyond the
current situation into the future (John 2009). He is mandated with the task of setting the direction
that the group he/she is leading will tread in the future.
The visionary foresight character that defines the leader separates him/her from the leader giving
him/her an upper hand over the rival. Managers look at the situations at hand and set measures to
effectively deliver their mandates in these situations a contrast to the leaders’ norm of going
beyond what is current and setting a direction that will perfectly steer his/her group into the
With these un doubtful impressive characters the leader only needs to limit his/her role as a leader
and deliver his roles perfectly as he/she steers his/her group into the future to become an effective
manager (Joseph 1993). Since the managers perform the tasks of making sure that things are done
in line with the leaders expectations is a fact that proves that leaders can become efficient
managers since they come up with a culture of doing this whereby they will only need to set the
right trend of how they want things done to become efficient managers.

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