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Just Do It !!!

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HIIT Calisthenics Functional

Side Kick Through
Beast Hold

Squat Jump
Plank Shoulder Tap
Tuck Jumps

Beast Walk
ZMR Squats

Jumping Side Kick Through
ZMR Lunges

Crab Crunch
Leap Frog
Slow Climbers

3 : B : 50:10
Split Lunges
Pushup Frog Jumps
Lunge Hops

Finishers ::

Mountain Climbers ( HIIT 5 / 10 R )
Superman Hold
Hollow Hold


Beast Hold
Hip Bridge

3 : B : 1 Min Circuit: 20 Sec Rest

Sprawl ( Half Burpees /!)

Crab Reach
Beast Reach

Functional Training : A : 50 Seconds

1. Side Kick through

2. Kettlebell Swings
3. T - Bar Around The World
4. Walking Lunges
5. Tire Flips
6. Pushups
7. Squats
8. Rowing

Circuit Training : Magic : 300

1. Hindu Push-ups
2. Body weight squats
3. Explosive Push-ups
4. Tire Flips
5. T Bar Around the World
6. Alternative Lunge Jumps
7. Staggered Push-ups
8. Close Wide Jump Squats
9. Close Wide Push-ups
10. Close / Wide Squats
11. Close / Wide Push-ups ( 15-15 )
12. Prison Squats
13. Push-ups
14. Db Overhead to the Ground
15. Forearm Curls
16. Bonus Rowing Machine : 50 ASAP

Tire Flips 25 Reps : Bonus

Abs Circuit : 3 Sets of 20 Reps

Lying Leg Raises
Flutter Kicks

Circuit Training : 50 Seconds

1. Side Kick through

2. Kettlebell Swings
3. T - Bar Around The World
4. Walking Lunges
5. Tire Flips
6. Pushups
7. Squats
8. Rowing

Circuit Training : Magic : 300

1. Pull-ups
2. Push-ups
3. Inverted Row
4. Hindu Push-ups
5. Body weight squats
6. Explosive Push-ups
7. Tire Flips
8. Staggered Push-ups
9. Alternative Lunge Jumps
10. Close Wide Push-ups
11. Close Wide Jump Squats
12. Close / Wide Push-ups ( 15-15 )
13. Close / Wide Squats
14. Push-ups
15. Prison Squats
16. Bonus Rowing Machine : 50 ASAP

Circuit Training : Magic : 300

1. Kettlebell Swing
2. Push-ups
3. Squats
4. Inverted Row
5. Hindu Push-ups
6. Walking Lunges
7. Tire Flips
8. Explosive Push-ups
9. Alternative Lunge Jumps
10. Kettlebell Swing
11. Close Wide Push-ups
12. Close Wide Jump Squats
13. Tire Flips
14. Close / Wide Push-ups ( 15-15 )
15. Close / Wide Squats
16. Kettlebell Swing
17. Push-ups
18. Prison Squats
19. T Bar Around The World
20. Kettlebell overhead press to ground
1. Flat Db Press
2. Explosive Push-ups
3. Lat Pulldowns
4. Tire Flips
5. Triceps Cable Pushdown
6. Staggered Push-ups
7. Hammer Curl
8. Close / Wide Squats
9. Db Shoulder Press
10. Tire Flips
11. Leg Extensions
12. Walking Lunges

1. Decline Db Press
2. Reverse Grip Pulldowns
3. Overhead Db Extension
4. Alternate Db Curl
5. Db Shoulder Press
6. Lying Hamstring Curl

Circuit Training : 30 Reps

1. Burpees
2. Jumping Squats
3. Explosive Push-ups
4. Tire Flips
5. T Bar Around the World
6. Alternate Split Lunges Jumps
7. Staggered Push-ups
8. Pull-ups
9. Close Wide Push-ups
10. Close Wide Squats
11. Reverse Hanging Bar Row
12. Close Push-ups / Wide Push-ups
13. Close Squats / Wide Squats
14. Rowing Machine : 50
15. Hindu Push-ups
16. Squats
17. Kettlebell Swing
18. Push-ups
19. Squats
20. Hyper Extension
21. Kettlebell Swing



Bodyweight x 2

10 Lunges
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
10 Sit-ups
20 Hop Over Bar

Empty Bar x 2

10 Deadlift
10 Cleans
10 Thrusters

Wod 1


30 Rowing Machine Count As Quickly as possible

5 Burpees
5 Power Cleans

10 Db Snatch
10 Db Lunges
10 Tire Flips / Kettlebell Swings

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