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Course Guide

About the Course

Welcome to the Philippine Pop Culture class!

This subject is new Teacher Education curricular program. As a Filipino citizens, it is a

must that you know the different and popular cultures in the Philippines. But of course, you my
dear students should also build and enhance in yourselves in familiarise and appreciate the
current trends about the Philippine culture and changes brought as popularity across the

This course aims to expose students to different facets of Philippine Pop Culture
through the discovery and exploration. This means you will know and appreciate the very
detailed about Pop culture of the Philippines and how far already the Philippines today.
Students are expected to analyse the information and understand the various facets of facts
about Philippine Pop Culture. The goal is enable the students to understand and appreciate
our rich culture today as we compete the trends of the outside world and adopt the trends of
the present culture.

Our official schedule is

 8:30 – 10:00 TTh BSCE 3 Class ID 1066034

 8:30 – 10:00 TTh BSEE 3 Class ID 0761701

Study Tips

How will you maximize your learning in this subject? Here are some tips

1. You are the master of your fate. Meaning, your success will totally depend on how you
will strive to pass the subject.

2. Do not procrastinate. Manage your time well in reading the module and answering the
concept checks. Remember, this is not the only module you will be reading as there
are more modules in your other subjects.

3. Be mindful of your study schedule. After getting the study schedule for all your
subjects, make a general study schedule for all your subjects.

4. Take note of deadlines of submission. But it would be better if you could submit ahead
of time.

5. While reading the modules, you may encounter some words which are quite unfamiliar
to you, hence, a dictionary can be of help in this situation.

6. While the modules contain concepts taken from various sources, you are still
encouraged to look for other references along the topics in the module to validate the
ideas coming from the authors referred to in this module.

7. Keep your modules in good condition, the way we also keep our books and other
reading materials in a safe place.
8. In answering the activities, particularly the Concept Check after every lesson, please
bear in mind that you don’t have to copy what is in the module. Your answer should
manifest more of your understanding as well as, the higher order thinking skills of
analysis and synthesis.

9. Be sure to take note of the University Link where you would submit your requirements
or Google Classroom. After submitting, make a private message telling me of the
details: what you submitted and the date and time of submission.

10. While waiting for your activities to be checked and returned, please work on the next
module and make a draft for the meantime.

11. If there are clarifications regarding the modules and the content, for as long as they
related to the subject, do not hesitate to contact me through our messenger group chat
or my mobile number 09776923707. However, be sure to introduce yourself on your
first message.

12. You are the learner. While you can ask for help from other people, like your siblings or
parents, the bulk of the work rests on you, my dear student. Let us ensure that the
values of honestly, patience, and perseverance would be exhibited in you, dear future

Module Organization

The whole module material for this course is composed of six (6) modules. Each
module is made up of the following parts:

1. Module Number and Title

2. Overview. The overview describes the course in general and how the module could
be helpful in you as learner.

3. Learning Outcomes. The learning outcomes are the target competencies which you
are expected to gain after learning the module.

4. Lessons. The module is divided into lesson chunks or mini-lesson

5. Assessment Task/ Learning Task. After every mini-lesson is a Concept Check which
text box. This is an open-ended question which measures your understanding of the
concepts in the lesson chunk.

6. Feedback. The feedback is your teacher’s way of checking your journey in learning
the module and your readiness in moving to the next module.

7. Summary. This is the synthesis of the concepts presented in the module.

8. Suggested Readings/Videos. These are some links which were not included in the
main references for the module but are materials to read to watch on the internet to
give you more understanding about the topics.
Study Schedule

Week and Dates Topic Activity

Week 1-2 1. Read this Course Guide thoroughly
April 19-30, 2021  Course Overview 2. Be sure you are a member of the
Messenger Group Chat for this
 Introduction subject. Please format your nickname
using this template:
Module 1 First Name, Surname and Brgy./
 Popular Culture: 3. As a manifestation of your first
An overview attempt to be recognized in the class,
please introduce yourself by telling
the group some few things about
4. After posting your response for #3,
please post your photo for
familiarization purposes.
5. Your Course Syllabus is posted in
your Moodle Account, Google
classroom, and messenger. If there
will be a way as there is always a way
if you will really intend to, please
access your Moodle Account or
Google Classroom. A copy of the
modules can also be found in the
Moodle Account for downloading.
6. Read and understand Module 1.
7. Answer the Concept Check after
every lesson in your Journal
8. Your module activities should be
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before April 30,
Week 3-4 Module 2 1. Read and understand Module 2.
May 3-14, 2021 2. Answer the assessment task and
 Culture and Society Learning task every after the lesson.
3. Your module activities should be
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before May 14,
Week 5 – 7 Module 3 1. Read and understand Module 3.
May 17-28, 2021  Popular Culture 2. Answer the assessment task and
in the Philippines Learning task every after the lesson.
3. Your module activities should be
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before May 28,
Week 8 Mid-term Examination 1. Please be updated on the Messenger
May 26-28, 2021 Group Chat for the detailed
instructions for the Mid-term
Week 9-11 Module 4 1. Read and understand Module 4.
May 31, 2021 2. Answer the assessment task and
June 1-11, 2021 Learning task every after the lesson.
 Philippine Modernity 3. Your module activities should be
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before June 11,
Week 12-14 Module 5 1. Read and understand Module 5.
June 14-25, 2021 2. Answer the assessment task and
 Identities and Learning task every after the lesson.
3. Your module activities should be
Popular Culture
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before June 25,

Week 15- 17 Module 6 1. Read and understand Module 6.

June 28-30, 2021  Synthesis of Topics 2. Answer the assessment task and
July 2, 2021 Learning task every after the lesson.
3. Your module activities should be
submitted to the University Links or
Google Classroom before August 6, 2021
Week 18 Final Examination 1. Prepare this week for the submission
July 25-27, 2021 of your Final output.
2. Please be updated on the Messenger
Group Chat for the detailed
instructions for the Final Examination.

Assessment Tasks

How will you be graded in this subject? To pass the subject, you should submit all
required activities and pass the exams.

1. Module Activities. You must come up with an activity sheets where you will write your
answers on the Concept Check in every module. For your done activities, provide a
long bond paper.

2. Midterm/Final Examination. You must pass the Midterm/Final examination which will
be accomplished through the Moodle Account or Google Forms. Details of the
examination will be posted in our Messenger Group Chat.

3. Final Output. The Final Output is in form video presentation of Philippine Pop Culture.
This will be posted on FB group page.

In computing for your final grade for Philippine Pop Culture, the following percentages
will be allotted for the above-mentioned assessment task:

Learning Activities 40%

Mid-term/Final Examination 20%
Final Output 40%
Total 100%

Again, welcome to Philippine Pop Culture and have fun in learning the subject!

Inst. Joy S. Castillo

Course Instructor
MODULE 1 Popular Culture: An overview
OVERVIEW It is somewhat amusing that children in their formative years use technology as
though it is a basic necessity for their development. With this statement alone, it is
undeniable that commercial advancements in technology and the facility of the world-
wide web creates a sort of transcendence in a faster and inclusive way that is not
possible in the physical world. Popular culture in the Philippines is a concern of recent
awareness, recent exploration, and even more recent definition. Since the world turn
now in a modernity and influence of so many information that keeps that every nations
turn into an innovation and a better future. This changes may have a greater impact on
the lives of every people across the globe.
In this module, you will learn the very foundation of Philippine culture and how
the culture and values of the Filipinos changes through time. Also you will inform the
current trends and popular culture today in the Philippines that influence of foreign
country and adopt by the Philippines and you’re going to analyze this current or popular
culture in the Philippines.
LEARNING At the end of the lesson you are expected to:
OBJECTIVES  Discuss what Philippine Pop Culture.
 Assess idea regarding what Pop Culture in the Philippines.
 Demonstrate a cultural evolution of Philippine Culture

Before you go through the lesson let’s examine your knowledge about Philippine Pop
Culture. In the table below explain the picture why or why not the following practice of
the Philippine Pop Culture.
Philippine Culture Why Why not

What do you
already know?
Philippine Pop Culture
Popular culture in the Philippines is a concern of recent awareness, recent
exploration, and even more recent definition. Consider the country whose popular
culture is in question: a Third World, developing nation; with many indigenous ethnic
groups still definitely unurbanized; with a long history of colonization that left behind
at least two immediately discernible layers of cultural influence, the Spanish and the
American, and a less discernible (being more deeply assimilated) one, the Chinese; in
a present socio-economic state that is still predominantly agricultural, semi feudal
(Many feudal structures, especially in agricultural practices and related lifestyles
continue, barely changed), and neocolonial (dependent on foreign economies,
especially through the pervasive presence of multinational corporations). It is clear that
definition of what is popular in the Philippine context can be no easy task.
Consider further: although the root word involved is populous, the people, the meaning
Let’s get to know "popular culture" has taken on in this day is not just "of the people" but more specifically
of the mass, a mass generally understood to be urban and industrialized. Applied to
more the Philippines and its peoples of different levels of urbanization, with only a small
percentage being urban and industrial in the Western mode, the term has to take on
shades, sub meanings, and distinctions, all of which demand preliminary explanations.
Popular culture, according to National Artist for literature Bienvenido Lumbera
in his book Revaluation: Essays on Philippine Literature, Theatre and Popular Culture
(1984), is highly different from the folk culture and nationalist culture of the Filipinos. In
a nutshell, folk culture is the way of living in a place in a specific time and portrays the
practices of a certain people, and on how they cope to survive with nature. Nationalist
culture is the culture created through colonial resistance with the collective of a people
on a given place and time. These two are different from popular culture which can be
traced even in the period of Hispanization of the Philippines.
According to Lumbera, popular culture in the Philippines was created and used
by the Spaniards to the native Filipinos or Indios via plays and literature to get the heart
of the natives and win it. The colonial origins of popular culture found in the Philippines
can be traced by looking at salient developments in Philippine literature. The first
permanent Spanish settlement began replacing the native culture with a Christian and
European tradition. The children of the native elite under the tutelage of missionaries
became a core group of intelligentsia called 'ladinos', as they became instrumental "in
bringing into the vernacular, literary forms that were to be vehicles for the "pacification"
of the natives". Forms of popular theatre and literature such as "the pasyon, sinakulo,
and korido ensured the acceptance and spread of Christianity, and the komedya and
awit did the same for the monarchy." Popular culture as introduced by the Spanish was
"popular" to the extent that it was a "watering-down of Spanish-European culture for
the purpose of winning the general populace over to the 'ideology' of the colonial
regime." Popular culture at the time was created by colonial authorities, with the aid of
the local intelligentsia, to promote the interests of the Church and the State. However,
once the native intelligentsia saw the effects of popular culture and knew how to work
its way as propaganda, they soon used the Spanish weapon against them. In the 19th
century, through the Propaganda movement, the native intelligentsia used the same
forms of popular culture to "undermine the power of the abusive friars and rally the
populace to put an end to colonial rule" one example is the work of Marcelo H. del Pilar
when he soon used prayers such as the 'Aba, Ginoong Maria' and 'Ama Namin' in a
sort of parody to strike against the abusive Spanish Friars.
The advent of American colonialism brought, the properly so-called, popular
culture to the Philippines. The liberal policy regarding the printing press, soon through
radio, television and film, increased the circulation of popular culture forms. Not only
through these forms but also in new media then, such as films. Hollywood films had a
near-monopoly in the Philippine market especially in the absence of European movies
due to World War I.
In addition, today Philippine culture has change because of integration of other
culture by the other nation. Pilipino attract this culture by other country and make the
Filipino became as their culture. This phenomena the social media has a great impact
in influencing the culture of the Philippines. The impact of Philippine culture has various
forms just like, social media, film, newspaper, magazine, music, literature etc..
This are few example who influence the Philippine culture and has great impact
to the lives of individual Filipino which changes the view and style of life of the Filipino
What you have read will give you a glimpse of Philippine pop culture and what are the
impact to the lives of the Philippine people and to the society. Let us draw and discover
what are pop culture that brought changes of the Filipinos lives. Make an interview of
a member of your family from your grandmother or grandfather down to your youngest
Let’s do and
member of the family. Ask about what are those popular in their times. What are
discover Popular things they did during their times. Make a summary of their responses and
identify those culture or practices which differ from today. At the end make analysis
your conducted interview. Use the table below to write the date you collected.
Family Cultural Practices








Accomplished the Worksheet No.1 Philippine Pop Culture. The activity will
evaluate if you will understood the lesson.
How much you
The following criteria may be considered in checking the output:
have learned?
1. Content of the answers
2. Completeness of the answer
3. Timeliness of the submission
4. Technicalities (spelling, punctuation mark etc...)
Popular culture as a form of discourse serves as a potent force for persuasion
and value-building and for the perception of consciousness. In the Philippines today,
as we have seen, it is largely available to the urban population in Metro Manila, the
primate "city, and in the urban centers of education, planning and work, In the rural
areas, ethnic culture dominates among the tribal groups; folk culture among the rest.
Summary The latter, however, because of rural electrification and the transistor radio, are starting
to be touched as well by popular culture. In the small, Third World, developing nation
that is the Philippines, in which the majority are the poor, the mass, the populus,
popular culture is indeed power, and therefore demands systematic and purposeful
 Roxas,S. 1998. Modernization in the Philippines. https://base.d-p-
Readings 
 Lesthaeghe, Ron. 2010. “The Unfolding Story of the Second Demographic
Transition.” Population and Development Review 36(2): 211–251
References 

Philippine Pop Culture

1. Main Idea Web

Use graph below to write your sub-idea with the connection with Philippine Pop
Culture. After you write everything with the connection with the topic. Explain why those
sub topics have a connection with your main idea.

Your explanation;

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