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“The Effect of Community Quarantine During COVID-19 Pandemic to

Selected Families in Barangay Lim-ao, Kananga, Leyte Year. 2022-


A Research Paper Presented to a Senior High School Department in Partial

Fulfillment of the subject Practical Research 2

School Year 2022-2023


Beltran, Ojie G.

Cabalejo, Roberto L.

Gallo, John Bryle O.

Labartine, Regine G.

Octavio, Bryan

Pacampara, Roisaint Day C.

Rosauro, Romer R.

Toray, John Paul L.

Toray, Kent T.


“This chapter presents the introduction of the research study and its problem.
It includes the dependent and independent variable that are used in the study
as well as the significant and limitation”.

Background of the study

The outbreak of this novel coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, China

on December 31, 2019, it infected and filled thousands of people worldwide
in a matter of weeks. The health crisis spurred new research to be
conducted on the epidemiology, transmission and clinical characteristics of
the virus. Government and health authorities use quarantines to stop the
spread of contagious disease. Quarantines are also for people or groups who
do not have symptoms but were exposed to the disease. The quarantine
keeps them away from others so they do not unknowingly infect anyone.

The community quarantine during Covid-19 pandemic has uniquely

affected children and families by disrupting routines, changing relationships
and roles and altering usual child care, school and recreational activities
understanding the way families experience this change from parent’s guide
research on the effect of Covid-19 among children. Together with the
unhealthy diet, the reduction of physical activity will contribute to gain
weight during quarantine.

Regular physical activity is mandatory to maintain health. The OMS

suggest performing physical activity such as walking, cycling, sports, dance,
and yoga, in a manner that will present non-communicable disease. When
you don’t engage in physical activities, your body becomes weak and
experiences greater stress, which can lead to nightmares or trouble falling
asleep as well as headaches, bodily aches, and skin rashes. Many young
people love engaging in class, sports, school plays, a range of other
activities. The students were also impacted by the community quarantine.
They can’t report to the school because of the quarantine, they’re just
studying online.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efforts to contain it
through public health measures, social distancing, lockdown and
quarantine measures, the data and the assessment landscape is facing long
term impact.

The challenges to data collection that we are already facing will not only
impact the humanitarian community, but all stakeholders replying on up-
to-date data for response and planning, including national organizations, as
well as other service providers such as actors of the health and welfare
systems. The humanitarian community uniquely placed, however, to bring
in their experience in operating in the situation with limited or no access at

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically transformed the economic

landscape in the Philippines with its and unprecedented impacts on
establishments and employment. This service is likely to be affected by
lockdown suspending operations for the time being. In January 2021,
approximately 5 million workers were already affected by the pandemic, and
about 420,000 lost their jobs due to retrenchment or permanent
establishment closure. The impacts of the pan demic since 2020 exacerbate
the vulnerability of workers in different sectors and place many businesses
at risk.

Our study’s goal is to find out how community quarantine affects

FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS, and STUDENT. Before the C0VID-19 pandemic,
families juggled busy schedules and stuck to set routines. Adults went to
work and carpooled their kids to extracurricular activities. Many college
students enjoyed their independence on campuses far away from mom and
dad’s rules. But once quarantine began, school-aged children were taken
out of the structure and stability of a traditional classroom. Parents took on
the role of teacher while simultaneously working. College students found
themselves deprived on their new found freedom.
To collect our research data, we employed the approach such as
interviewing a sample of households impacted by the local COVID-19
Community Quarantine during the pandemic. A questionnaire will also be
prepared before the conduct of the interview to assist the researcher in
collecting data.

Statement of Problem

This study sought to ascertain the probable impact of community

quarantine during COVID-19 pandemic on selected families’ means of
subsistence, educational pursuit, way of life, and accessibility to medical

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent does family’s access to medical care and

assistance was impacted while the town is quarantined?

2. To what extent does community quarantine impact the family’s

source of living/employment?

3. To what extent does student’s access to quality education was

impacted due to community quarantine?

4. During the COVID-19 pandemic, what kind of lifestyle is more

negatively impacted by community quarantine?

5. To what extent does travel plans of families was impacted by the

community quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Statement of Hypothesis

The community quarantine during COVID-19 pandemic has no

significant effect to selected family’s access to medical care, source of living,
children’s education, lifestyle, and movement during the COVID-19
Significance of the Study

This study helps to assess how selected families may be affected by

community quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic

 Students
- All students are affected by school closures, but the most
vulnerable ones are particularly affected because they are more
likely to encounter additional difficulties. Children and youth from
low-income and single-parent families, immigrants, refugees, ethnic
minorities, and Indigenous peoples, As well as those with diverse
gender identities and sexual orientations, as well as those with
special education needs, suffer from being denied access to
opportunities for physical learning and social and emotional
support. If nations don’t do enough to encourage educational
fairness and inclusion, these pupils are likely to suffer the most in
terms of educational outcomes and the support offered by schools.

 Teachers
- During school lockdowns, the teacher made adjustment in teaching
and learning designs guided by the institution. Emerging themes
were identified from the qualitative responses to include the
trajectory for flexible learning delivery, the role of technology and
the prioritization of safety and security.

 Families
- Families have been uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
While children appear to experience milder symptoms from COVID-
Infection than older individual sudden changes in routines,
resources, and relationships a result of restriction on physical
interaction ha ve resulted in major impacts on families with
young children.
Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on how the community quarantine during the

COVID-19 pandemic affects the chosen families, students, and employees.
We conducted this study because we want to know how community
quarantine affects families, individuals, and students, as well as how they
survived the COVID-19 pandemic. We investigated the main effect of
community quarantine to the selected families in terms of family’s access to
medical care and assistance, student’s education, employment and sources
of living, and lifestyle. The data was taken from selected families who are
residing in barangay Lim-ao, Kananga, Leyte who also have experienced the
community quarantine during the pandemic which lasted for 2 years since
March of 2020 until the first quarter of 2022. The data collection was done
year 2022 through an interview with the help of self-made questionnaire in
which the researcher aims to identify issues, pose queries, to collect their
thoughts on their personal encounters with the pandemic. The study
focuses on how the community quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic
affects the chosen families, students, and employees

Why - We conducted this study because we want to know how community

quarantine affects families, individuals, and students, as well as how they
can survive the COVID-19 epidemic.

What – We investigated the main effect of quarantine during COVID-19 to

the selected families.

Where – We gathered the data in Barangay from the respondents of Lim-ao

Kananga leyte.

When - We collected data between 2022 and 2023.

Who - We conducted this study to ascertain how the residents of barangay

lim-ao kananga leyte were affected by the local quarantine during COVID-
How - We brought together a group of nine parents as a multidisciplinary
team of child health researchers to identify issues, pose queries, and
express viewpoints to guide covid-19 research for kids and families. Parents
offered a variety of perceptive viewpoints, suggestions for research
questions, and thoughts on their personal encounters with the pandemic.

Definition of Terms

Medical Care. The ordinary and usual professional services rendered by a

physician or other specified provider during a professional visit for treatment
of an illness or injury.

Source of Living. It is called alive or they have a life.

Education. Is a process of being a student’s or an individual’s life stages to

learn more.

Lifestyle. Is the way on how we live’s for as a group or a person.

Travel Plan. When you are planning to go somewhere or in any places.

Travel can be done by foot, motorcycle, ship or other means with or without
a bag or luggage.

Employment. An act of employing someone or something. The state of being

employed; service to begin or terminate employment. An occupation by
which a person earns a living; working; business. The total number of
people gainfully employed or working.

Community Quarantine. Refers to the restrictions of movement within, into

or out of the of the quarantine of individuals, large group of people, or
communities, designed to reduce the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19
among persons in and to persons outside the affected area.
Conceptual Framework

Medical Care




Travel Plans

The researcher’s study aims to know the effect of Community

Quarantine during Covid-19 pandemic to the selected familie’s in Barangay
Lim-ao Kananga, Leyte Year 2022-2023 the researcher’s have five variables
in our topic the first one is Medical care we are examining how great impact
in the community quarantine to the familie’s medical care and the second
variable is employment. The researcher’s examining what kind of
employment was empacted by the community quarantine and then the
third, fourth, and fifth variables which are the education, lifestyle, and travel
plan. They also looking at the student’s to see how Covid-19 impacted their
studies and what kind of lifestyle affects their familie’s during community
quarantine. And also the investigate how the community quarantine impact
the travel plans to their family during the pandemic. The researchers
conduct a study to find out how community quarantine affects familie’s,
student, and individual. They also want to know how they can handle their
works and to know how they can buy foods for their family, how they can
get income during community quarantine. In collecting our research data,
we employed the approach such as interviewing a sample of household
impacted by the community quarantine during covid-19 pandemic.

Aside from that researchers will also identify the relationship between
the community quarantine and the five variables (medical care, employment,
education, lifestyle, and travel plans) the data will presented using tabular
form. This would be helpful in determining the impact of community
quarantine during covid-19 pandemic to the selected households/families in
Barangay Lim-ao Kananga, Leyte.

Additionally, the researcher will include in the survey form the

feedback of families or individual and recognize the impact to their everyday



This chapter shows a retrospective presentation of previously written

material: research literature and concepts that has relevance to the research
under consideration.

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted governments around the world to implement
community quarantines as a measure to slow the spread of the virus. Research has
been conducted to assess the impact of these quarantines on various aspects of
society. Some of the key findings include:

Mental health: A study conducted in China found that quarantine measures were
associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Another study in
the United States found that isolation and confinement during quarantine were
associated with negative impacts on mental health, including increased feelings of
loneliness and decreased life satisfaction.
Economic impact: A study in the United States found that the COVID-19 pandemic
and related quarantine measures led to a sharp decline in economic activity, with
many businesses closing permanently. The study also found that communities of
color were disproportionately affected by job losses and economic hardship.

Education: A study in the United States found that the shift to online learning during
the pandemic was associated with lower levels of student engagement and academic
achievement, particularly for students from low-income families. The study also
found that the digital divide, with some students having limited access to
technology, exacerbated educational disparities.

Healthcare: A study conducted in several countries found that the COVID-19

pandemic and quarantine measures had a significant impact on the delivery of
healthcare services, leading to a decrease in the number of people seeking medical
care for non-COVID-related conditions. This can result in negative consequences for
their health and a strain on healthcare systems.

Domestic violence: A study conducted in several countries found that the COVID-19
pandemic and quarantine measures were associated with an increase in domestic
violence. The study found that confinement and stress due to the pandemic may
have contributed to the rise in violence.

In conclusion, research has shown that community quarantines during the COVID-19
pandemic have had a profound impact on various aspects of society, including
mental health, the economy, education, healthcare, and domestic violence. It is
important to continue monitoring the effects of quarantine measures and to
implement support measures to minimize their impact on individuals and



“This chapter covers the research design and methodology, including

sampling, population, stablishing rigour during and after data collecting,
ethical considerations and data analysis”.

Type of Research Design

Respondents and Sampling

Research Instruments

1. A self-administered online survey questionnaire:

 Demographic questions, such as age, gender, occupation, and education level.
 Questions about the participants' experiences during the community
quarantine, including the challenges they faced, the changes in their daily
routines, and the impact on their mental health.
 Questions about their economic situation, including changes in income and
 Questions about their social behavior, including changes in their social
interactions and the use of technology to maintain social connections.
 A set of standardized scales to measure anxiety, depression, and stress.
2. A structured interview:
 The interview would follow a similar structure to the online survey
questionnaire, but would be conducted in person or over the phone by
trained interviewers.
 The interview would allow for more in-depth exploration of the participants'
experiences and perspectives.

It is important to ensure that the research instrument is culturally appropriate, easy

to understand, and relevant to the research question. The survey questionnaire or
interview guide should be pilot tested and revised as necessary to improve its
reliability and validity.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. Identify the research question: The first step is to clearly define what you want
to study, for example, the effect of community quarantine on mental health,
economic well-being, or social behavior.
2. Select the study population: Choose the population you want to study, for
example, the residents of a specific city or country, or people of a specific age
3. Design the data collection methods: Choose the most appropriate method for
collecting data, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or secondary data
4. Develop the survey or interview questionnaire: The questionnaire should be
designed to gather information related to the research question, and should
be tested for clarity and reliability.
5. Collect data: The data collection process should be carried out following
ethical guidelines and ensuring confidentiality of the participants.
6. Clean and analyze the data: The collected data should be cleaned to remove
errors and inconsistencies, and then analyzed using appropriate statistical
7. Interpret the results: The results should be interpreted and conclusions should
be drawn based on the evidence collected.
8. Report the findings: The findings should be reported in a clear and concise
manner, including a discussion of the implications for policy and practice.

It is important to note that data collection during a pandemic can be

challenging, and additional steps may be needed to ensure the safety and
health of participants and data collectors.

Statistical Treatment



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents results from the data gathered and interpreted after
performing the experimentation process. Discussions and through analysis of
the results are also reflected.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendation of the study.

Summary of Findings



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