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Module 5 Rising Toward the Reality of My Dreams

II. Motivation

Soft Skills Hard Skills

 Listening  Multi-Tasking
 Honesty  Artistic
 Flexible  Driving
 Open Minded  Good in cooking
 Encouraging  Computing
 Enjoying challenge  Checking
 Dependable  Analyzing

V. Application

Self-Assessment Skills Inventory (SASI)

Name: Marian Efralyn N. Villanobo

Chosen Profession/Career: Civil Engineering

Skills Interests Qualifications

Hard Skills Soft Skills
Computing Skills Decision making skills Solving math problems Board exam passer
Critical Thinking Flexible Reading Graduate in Civil
Skills Engineering

Marian Efralyn N. Villanobo

Zone 3, Boclod, San Jose, Camarines Sur


Senior High School Graduate – Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand.
School: San Jose National High School, School Year 2023-2024

Training and Leadership Skills

 Can work under pressure and task challenges
 Able to work and adjust in working with others
 Receptive of other’s suggestions and opinions
 Willing to work overtime if needed

Organizing Affiliation
Supreme Student Government Official

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