Audit Performance

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The web should be fast.

Executive Summary

Performance Report for:
Report generated: Sun, Feb 19, 2023 10:37 AM -0800
Test Server Location: Vancouver, Canada
Using: Chrome (Desktop) 103.0.5060.134, Lighthouse 9.6.4

Performance Structure L. Contentful Paint T. Blocking Time C. Layout Shift

100% 86% 673ms 0ms 0

Top Issues

Med Eliminate render-blocking resources FCP LCP Potential savings of 353ms

Med-Low Enable text compression FCP LCP Potential savings of 227KB

Low Use HTTP/2 for all resources Potential savings of 560ms

Low Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) 5 resources found

Low Reduce unused CSS FCP LCP Potential savings of 117KB

Page Details
How does this affect me?
889ms Today's web user expects a fast and seamless website experience. Delivering
Fully Loaded Time that fast experience can result in increased visits, conversions and overall

Total Page Size - 303KB As if you didn't need more incentive, Google has announced that they are
using page speed in their ranking algorithm.

About GTmetrix
175KB 122KB

GTmetrix is developed by the good folks at

Total Page Requests - 8 Carbon60, a Canadian hosting company with
over 27 years experience in web technology.
37.5% 25.0% 25.0% 12.5%

HTML JS CSS IMG Video Font Other

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Waterfall Chart
The waterfall chart displays the loading behaviour of your site in your selected browser. It can be used to discover simple issues such as 404's or more complex
issues such as external resources blocking page rendering.

Bare - Start Bootstrap Template

/ 302 80B 157ms
login?returnurl=/ 200 476B 159ms
bootstrap.min.css 200 121KB 385ms
style.css 200 1.11KB 159ms
jquery.js 200 93.9KB 318ms
bootstrap.min.js 200 36.3KB 240ms
freewall.js 200 45.1KB 317ms
favicon.ico 404 1.32KB 197ms
8 Requests 299KB (301KB Uncompressed) Fully Loaded 889ms (Onload 688ms)

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0.1s 0.2s 0.3s 0.4s 0.4s 0.5s 0.6s 0.7s 0.8s 0.9s

TTFB: 240ms First Contentful Paint: 674ms

Redirect: 158ms
Connect: 2ms Largest Contentful Paint: 674ms
Backend: 80ms
Time to Interactive: 687ms

Onload Time: 688ms

Fully Loaded Time: 889ms

Performance Metrics
Good - Nothing to Good - Nothing to
First Contentful Paint do here Time to Interactive do here

How quickly content like text or images are painted onto How long it takes for your page to become fully
your page. A good user experience is 0.9s or less. 673ms interactive. A good user experience is 2.5s or less. 687ms

Good - Nothing to Good - Nothing to

Speed Index do here Total Blocking Time do here

How quickly the contents of your page are visibly How much time is blocked by scripts during your page
populated. A good user experience is 1.3s or less. 704ms loading process. A good user experience is 150ms or

Good - Nothing to Good - Nothing to

Largest Contentful Paint do here Cumulative Layout Shift do here

How long it takes for the largest element of content (e.g. How much your page's layout shifts as it loads. A good
a hero image) to be painted on your page. A good user
experience is 1.2s or less.
673ms user experience is a score of 0.1 or less. 0

Browser Timings

Redirect 158ms Connect 2ms Backend 80ms

TTFB 240ms First Paint 673ms DOM Int. 681ms

DOM Loaded 687ms Onload 688ms Fully Loaded 889ms

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Structure Audits


Med Eliminate render-blocking resources FCP LCP Potential savings of 353ms

Med-Low Enable text compression FCP LCP Potential savings of 227KB

Low Use HTTP/2 for all resources Potential savings of 560ms

Low Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) 5 resources found

Low Reduce unused CSS FCP LCP Potential savings of 117KB

Low Reduce unused JavaScript LCP Potential savings of 127KB

Low Minify JavaScript FCP LCP Potential savings of 24.1KB

Low Avoid enormous network payloads LCP Total size was 303KB

Low Avoid multiple page redirects FCP LCP Potential savings of 158ms

Low Reduce initial server response time FCP LCP Root document took 79ms

Low Avoid chaining critical requests FCP LCP 5 chains found

N/A Avoid an excessive DOM size TBT 15 elements

N/A Largest Contentful Paint element LCP 1 element found

N/A Minimize main-thread work TBT Main-thread busy for 86ms

N/A Avoid large layout shifts CLS

N/A User Timing marks and measures

N/A Reduce the impact of third-party code TBT

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